Linux-Hardware Digest #49, Volume #11            Thu, 19 Aug 99 14:13:43 EDT

  Re: Ghostscript unrecoverable error...? (Magnus Ehinger)
  Please Help!!! ALI Chipset Problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: compression on DAT tapes (-ljl-)
  Re: CMOS settings (Thomas Zajic)
  How to identify winmodem (John)
  CMOS settings (Teber Ozceyhan)
  Looking for a new video card (Lee K. Gleason)
  Re: S3 trio 3d AGP (ENTERforNone)
  UK based cable modems... (Jim Chaney)
  Re: Need help! want to intsall Linux but Compusa says No! (Chris)
  Re: Probs with LS-120 (Steffen Sobiech)
  Re: Actiontec External Call Waiting Modem ("Pat Crean")
  > 16 SCSI Devices with Linux (Jeff Maki)
  Dual Celeron (CTI)
  Re: 3D CreativeLabs Voodoo^2 (pces)
  Re: How to identify winmodem ("Charles Sullivan")
  Re: How to identify winmodem (Timothy Dixon)
  Re: USR 56K ISA Modem ("Sean Costella")
  How to setup audio card? (Jack Liu)
  Where can I find Xfree86 3.3.4 to download? help, please ("Spline")
  Photo quality printers? (Vegard Engen)
  Re: 3Com 3c905c Ethernet Card (LhD Administrator)
  Re: Where can I find Xfree86 3.3.4 to download? help, please (Leejay Wu)
  HELP: IRQ resetting problem..?? (Avijit Purkayastha)
  Re: S3 Virge DX Chipset (Teonanacatl)


From: Magnus Ehinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Ghostscript unrecoverable error...?
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 15:35:48 +0200

James Stafford wrote:

> Magnus Ehinger wrote:
> >
> > I'm having trouble printing from Linux.


> > I get the following error (printed by the printer):
> >
> > Unrecoverable error: rangecheck in .putdeviceprops
> >
> > (1488)op_array(486)0x817b0cc:E

> Just a long shot but, are the fonts that the .ps file is trying to
> useinstalled in the ghostscript fonts folder? If they are are they added to
> the Fontmap file?

Thanks for your suggestion! I don't know, however, if the fonts are installed
properly. How do I check this (I'm still quite new with Linux)?

> I was having trouble printing with gs and this turned out to be the
> problem. Might not be your problem though.

Perhaps the problem is worse than font-related; I'm incapable of printing any
.ps files (also those that contain only graphics).


Magnus Ehinger                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 PhD student of molecular biophy-       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 sics at the institute of chemistry
 at Lund University, Sweden             +46-46-222 45 13
 "The human mind treats a new idea like the body treats a strange pro-
tein -- it rejects it." /P.B. Medawar, biologist
 Turn your pentium into a gameboy! Type "Win" at C:\>


Subject: Please Help!!! ALI Chipset Problem
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 13:51:29 GMT

Hi there,

I unserstand that DMA doesnt work with ALI chipsets.
As a "proud" owner of ALI chipset my DMA for hda and hdc doesnt work. As
i was searching thru this newsgroup i
came to know that there is a patch at

But as a newbie to linux and i dont know which are the suitable patch
files i need to download from that page.

My configuration -

AMD K6-2 400MHz,
10Gig HD,
I am running redhat6.0 (kernel 2.2.5-15)
I am planning to upgrade to 2.2.10 (the latest stable one).
So if i manage to upgrade my kernel without much problems, which are the
patch files i should get from

Another one of my stoopid questions. If i appply the patch successfully
and the dmas start working, later if i upgrade
my kernel again (whenever the next stable one is released) can i appply
the same set of patch files to that kernel too,
 or i should download the suitable patches for that kernel again???

Please help me solve my problem...Thanx

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: -ljl- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: compression on DAT tapes
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 13:51:59 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Gustavo Adolfo Kellermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     I have a SDT-S9000 Sony's DAT unit, and I'm running Red Hat 5.2,
> kernel 2.2.10. I just want to made compressed backups. I've tried
> mt -f  /dev/st0 defcompression 1
> and
> mt -f /dev/st0 compression 1
> but it didn't work.

I use Kai Makisra's "mt-st" (not GNu's "mt") which has more features.
BTW: They are both called "mt".  To see if you are using Kai's do:
  mt -v
it should report "mt-st v. 0.5b".

Using "mt-st" you can do:
  mt datcompression
which report the state of compression, or
  mt datcompression 1
to turn compression ON.

If your mt is the GNU one, you can compile and install Kai's.  It
compiles out of the box.

Louis-ljl-{ Louis J. LaBash, Jr. }

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Zajic)
Subject: Re: CMOS settings
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 14:33:44 GMT

On Thu, 19 Aug 1999 16:53:50 +0300, Teber Ozceyhan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Can i read The CMOS settings from a C program (How)?
> if yes How can i update this settings without entering by "hit DEL"
> using a C Program

Have a look at cmostool, it does exactly that:
- Thomas Zajic  <thomasDOTzajicATtelewebDOTat>  Linux-2.0.37/slrn- -
-  "It is not easy to cut through a human head with a hacksaw."  (M. C.)  -


Subject: How to identify winmodem
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 14:30:49 GMT

I've purchased a secondhand pc without much documentation. I run Win98 and 
just installed Red Hat Linux 6.0. I understand that "winmodems" will not 
work with Linux and would like to know if there is a way to identify 
whether or not my modem is a "winmodem". Any help would be appreciated.

==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: Teber Ozceyhan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CMOS settings
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 16:53:50 +0300

Can i read The CMOS settings from a C program (How)?
if yes How can i update this settings without entering by "hit DEL"
using a C Program


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lee K. Gleason)
Subject: Looking for a new video card
Date: 18 Aug 99 12:23:42 CST

  I have an old COMPAQ 575 desktop, with a 100 mhz Pentium processor,
that I'm installing Linux on.

  It has an old Jaton video card in it, and X is not really working
out all that well on it. Rather than struggle with trying to coax
an old card into working, I'd rather update to something newew and

  What's the best available PCI video card, that is well supported
by Linux?

Lee K. Gleason N5ZMR
Control-G Consultants


Subject: Re: S3 trio 3d AGP
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,aus.computers.linux
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 01:39:20 +1100

Rob Youl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there an X server for this card apart from XF86_VGA16???

Try the S3 server.  I think the SVGA server also has S3 drivers.

enterfornone - insert clever comment here


From: Jim Chaney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: UK based cable modems...
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 16:59:50 +0100

all the Q&A i have seen so far talks of cable modems in the US.  Does
anyone have any information (website URL's, whatever) as to the
provision of cable modem's in the UK?


Jim Chaney

jchaney AT nortelnetworks DOT com The views of this post are not
      necessarily those of Nortel Networks


Subject: Re: Need help! want to intsall Linux but Compusa says No!
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 16:55:26 GMT

>> I went to CompUSA to buy a copy of Linux for $29.95, but the sales
>> Staff told me I would have problems with the OS and my hardware. They
>> said that Linux had no support for CD?s (The program was on a CD) or CD
>> Writers and that I would have a problem setting up my sound card and
>> Modem and most of the hardware.

Linux doesn't currently support USB or WinModems.  Other than that, most
hardware is fully functional.

>> Will I be able to use my CD writer? MOST IMPORTANT!
>> I thought this was a good OS with support for most hardware. I read the
>> package, but it did not say anything about compatible hardware so I put
>> it down and did not buy.

Check out some of the web sites for the Linux distributions.  They will
tell you that the minimum hardware is a 386 with 8Mb RAM and a 20Mb hard
disk.  RedHat uses the XWindows GUI for everything, so it needs 16Mb RAM
and a faster PC with more disk space would make sense.

>> Also I heard that the OS is free on the Internet. How do you download
>> and install it? I have a T1 line here and should be able to get it
>> fairly fast. Which directories do I copy from the FTP sites? I also
>> heard Corel was giving away WordPerfect for Linux.

There are at least 17 different distributions of Linux.  Each has it's
own, um, distribution methods.  Some offer the complete installation CD in
a 600+Mb ISO file you can burn yourself.  Almost all of them provide
floppy images via FTP to allow you to install a system.  Some can load an
internet-aware minimum system in just three floppies, and can complete the
installation over the internet by downloading only the packages you
specify (which certainly beats the pants off of writing 30 floppies).

Visit for a list of available
distributions and some help in selecting which package is right for you.

If you have never used Linux or Unix before, you may end up wanting to go
to your local book store and getting one of the Linux books that has a
Linux CD inside.  That way you will have printed documentation that
matches your distribution exactly.


From: Steffen Sobiech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Probs with LS-120
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 18:49:06 +0200

Grant Guenther wrote:
> On 18 Aug 1999 15:43:24 GMT,
>         Christopher W. Aiken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I have the same problem with my parallel port LS-120.
> >The whole system comes to a hault until access to the
> >LS-120 is complete.  It also takes forever to copy files
> >to the LS-120. One 56MB file took 28 minutes to copy !!
> >I have tried both SuSE 6.1 and Mandrake 6.0 and both do
> >the same exact thing.
> >
> >If nayone out there knows of a solution, i would
> >also be gratefull.
> Sounds like you have your parallel port in an incompatible mode.  Make
> sure it is set to EPP mode, and that the driver recognises it as such.
The driver shows up that it uses EPP-32 Mode (Mode 5 I think)


From: "Pat Crean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,redhat.general
Subject: Re: Actiontec External Call Waiting Modem
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 11:37:58 -0400

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Dan Miller wrote:

Am I just being paranoid, or does anybody else think Dan Miller, Benh88 and
the spammer from actiontec that spammed my e-mail all sound like one and the
same person?


From: Jeff Maki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: > 16 SCSI Devices with Linux
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 16:52:52 GMT

I have a giant disk array, with 18 SCSI devices. The server has 3 in it
also. Problem is, Linux will only allow me to access the first 16. Does
anybody know how to get more SCSI devices? They are detected, I just
can't access them in /dev.



Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 11:47:25 -0400
Subject: Dual Celeron

Hi all,

I want to build a dual celeron system. I am going to buy that ABIT BP6
board, the thing that scares me is the processors. I know i need to get
them at the same rev level and MHz. I read that certain vendors pair
processors for this, can someone point me to their sites. What celeron's
are good for overclocking too? I have read to get the 300a 370 without
the cache ( i think).

DO the chips need any modifications with that board (ABIT BP6)?

Thanks alot



From: pces <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3D CreativeLabs Voodoo^2
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 23:47:39 +0800

Bobby D. Bryant wrote:

> It probably will.  I ran the Monster 3D II on my old system, but it wasn't
> SuSE. Look around at They'll probably have the
> info you need, and if not I think they link to some specialized fora where
> you can ask.
> Personally, I'd stay away from the Voodoo II and get a TNT or TNT2 or a
> G200 or G400 if I could afford it. The acceleration for these is not up to

Actually, I've been thinking of the Riva TNT/TNT2 as well other than Voodoo
cards, but as the availability(supply) is quite limited(ok, I'm probably not
looking in
the right places), but I think I'll look around.  Plus the fact that I'm
limited to a PCI
one, it narrows it down a bit, since I only just opened this system and found
it had PCI/ISA slots.  No AGP ones, which kinda figures considering this
system is nearly
two years old..

> rendering faster than the Voodoo II ever will. (Ignore this suggestion if
> you just want it for playing full-screen 3D games.)

Well, lemme put it this way, I want one card that supplements/replaces the
S3Virge card (preferably supplements) and I want to play games on Windows,
do some ray tracing/rendering and do some graphical stuff in Linux (gimp

Thanks for the suggestion..


From: "Charles Sullivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to identify winmodem
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 11:19:22 -0400

Best thing to do is crack the box and get the manufacturer and
model number of the modem off the card, then try to get info
from the manufacturer's website.

A couple of clues:
If the modem card has jumpers for COM port and IRQ it is most
likely NOT a winmodem.
If it's a PCI card, it most likely IS a winmodem.

(There are a few rare exceptions to the above.)

John wrote in message ...
>I've purchased a secondhand pc without much documentation. I run Win98 and
>just installed Red Hat Linux 6.0. I understand that "winmodems" will not
>work with Linux and would like to know if there is a way to identify
>whether or not my modem is a "winmodem". Any help would be appreciated.
>------------------  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ------------------


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Timothy Dixon)
Subject: Re: How to identify winmodem
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 16:56:50 GMT

On Thu, 19 Aug 1999 14:30:49 GMT, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I've purchased a secondhand pc without much documentation. I run Win98 and 

>just installed Red Hat Linux 6.0. I understand that "winmodems" will not 

>work with Linux and would like to know if there is a way to identify 

>whether or not my modem is a "winmodem". Any help would be appreciated.


Sigh.  Even if I *used* Windows, I'd think WinModems are a horrible
thing.  I don't want to use my CPU to do the work of my modem.  Grr.

Anyway, if you know the manufacturer of the modem, you can do some
sluething online, but you probably already figured that out.  Some
modems are good about this (they have "WinModem" printed on them, or
in the docs).  These are easy.  If they aren't clear, it becomes
largely a guessing game.  Some of these clues might apply to
determining which box in Best Buy is WinModem.

A couple clues that might help;
1.  If it's PCI, there's a good chance is WinModem; if it's not, it
likely isn't.  PCI cards have quick enough access to the system to
send the raw data to the modem software, that actually decodes and
decompresses it (this is the part that doesn't work in Linux).  ISA
cards generally do not.

2.  If you can change the port settings (com1, etc) via jumpers, even
if the card is "Plug and Play," it likely is not a WinModem.  If it's
set to Plug and Play, you may have trouble getting it to work in Linux
anyway; in that case, manually set com settings.

3.  If there's software with it that says something like, "Requires
Pentium 133, 16MB RAM, Windows 95" it is likely (though not
necesarily) a WinModem.  WinModems have that kind of system
requirement to run the modem software, but some manufacturers get
sloppy about what's needed to run the modem as opposed to what's
needed to run the software they bundle with the modem.  If it says you
can use DOS, you're defnitely good to go (the WinModem software won't
run in DOS any more than Linux).

4.  Similar to #3, if you can uninstall the modem software and
communicate with it from HyperTerminal, you're good to go:  With the
modem driver completely uninstalled, a WinModem will be as dead in
Windows as it is in Linux, and HyperTerminal won't let you talk with
it.  Similarly, if you can echo 'ath1' to the port in Linux and hear a
dial tone (or use a Linux terminal emulator to talk to the modem),
you're good to go.

5.  If it supports "virtual com ports" up to numbers like 9 and 12, it
is likely a WinModem (though, again, not necessarily);  WinModems
don't have to use a hardware com port, so it's easier to use
non-standard ports (1-4 are "standard").

6.  Not much use for you, but helpful in the store, should you decide
this is a WinModem and need to buy a new one: if it's really cheap,
it's a WinModem (or junk, or a junky WinModem -- something to avoid in
any case).  WinModems have less hardware (specifically, no
microcontrooler or on-board CPU) so they are cheaper to manufacture.
If it's $20, it's a WinModem.  If it's $80, it likely is not.
Exceptions for specials, etc. naturally apply.

7. If it calls itself "controller based" it's not a WinModem (that's
the distinguishing factor -- Creative makes a big deal of this on one
of their modems, recognizing it as a selling factor).

8.  Similar to 6 and 7, if you look at the card and it's tiny with
only a couple (3 or 4) IC's, it's probably a WinModem.  If it's packed
with lots of stuff and is fairly large (nearly full size), it's
probably not a WinModem.

9.  If it's external (again, not much use for you), it's not a

10. If it's "slow" it's probably not a WinModem.  Software is what
makes 56K modems different than 33.6 modems, so it's silly to produce
a 33.6 WinModem.

11.  If all else fails, but you can identify the modem, post info here
and see if anybody recognizes it.


From: "Sean Costella" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: USR 56K ISA Modem
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 12:33:30 -0400


I just finished setting up my USR 56K FaxModem (which isn't a winmodem) and
PPPD software.  One thing I had to do to get it to work was change my BIOS
from using PnP OS to using the PnP BIOS.  This could cause a change in your
hardware's configuration though in Windows 98 since the BIOS is setting the
I/O, IRQ, etc. instead of windows.  In my case, everything stayed the same
except my modem did change IRQ.  I did try the little PnP support there is
available for Linux, but it wouldn't get my modem working.

Hope this helps,

James Ciesielski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello
> I have an internal USR 56K ISA modem in my machine.  My machine has both
> Win98 and RH Linux v6 (on a seperate physical drive).  The modem works
> fine under Win98 and I am trying to configure it for Linux with no
> luck.  My goal is to set-up a ppp conection to my local ISP.  Can anyone
> recommend some decent documentation or any hints as to how I can achieve
> this goal (without screwing up my set-up in Win98)?  Any help would be
> greatly appreciated.
> J. Ciesielski


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jack Liu)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: How to setup audio card?
Date: 19 Aug 1999 15:29:07 GMT

I use Creative Sound Blaster PCI 128 audio card, can you tell me how to set 
up the card in Redhat 6.0?
I can't use the sndconfig.
Thank you very much!



From: "Spline" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Where can I find Xfree86 3.3.4 to download? help, please
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 19:16:57 +0300


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vegard Engen)
Subject: Photo quality printers?
Date: 19 Aug 1999 16:11:02 GMT

I've recently considered buying a good color printer for when I want to
pictures from my digital camera. I've done some searching, and gotten the
Epson Stylos Photo 850 recommended, but I've already found it's not fully
supported under Linux. And I couldn't find any photo quality printers
supported either, though a number of reasonable quality color printers
were supported.

Now, I understand the Stylus Photo 850 worked somewhat with the Epson Stylus
Color-drivers, thus it cannot be THAT different. It just didn't get you the
extra features, as far as I understood. Can anyone confirm that the Epson
Stylus Photo 850 does not give WORSE performance than an Epson Stylus
Color-printer, at least?

Given that it obviously isn't THAT different, is anyone working on drivers for

If not: Assuming one was to get specifications from Epson, would it likely be
an easy job to CODE a driver? I'm not an experienced driver-coder, although
I've done my share of C-programming, so I might be able to do it myself.

Bottom line is: If I can expect a driver in a year or so, I can live with
having to boot up windows on a machine to get my pictures in photo quality. But
if I'm never going to get a driver working for Linux for it, I'm not going to
spend any money on it.

Last: Does anyone know what's the best color printer options for Linux today,
in the <$1k market?

- Vegard


From: LhD Administrator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3Com 3c905c Ethernet Card
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 16:30:51 GMT

twin310 wrote:
> Anyone know where to find the driver for the 3Com 3c905c Tornado
> Ethernet Card?
Yes, it is the same driver as for Vortex and Cyclone cards.  See Donald 
Becker's master page at 

The module name, confusingly enough, is "3c59x.o" -- and you may need to 
upgrade your version.

LhD Administrator
LhD: Linux Hardware Database

==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: Leejay Wu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Where can I find Xfree86 3.3.4 to download? help, please
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 13:11:08 -0400

> [no text]

Other than the obvious ( includes a list of 
mirrors...) ?
|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]        | the silly student          |
|--------------------------| he writes really bad haiku |
|   #include <stddiscl.h>  | readers all go mad         |



From: Avijit Purkayastha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: HELP: IRQ resetting problem..??
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 11:50:41 -0500

When my eth0 is being configured, the wrong IRQ address is looked at. I
physically set it in /etc/conf.modules
with the correct IRQ address, but the script is not reading that i.e.
`modprobe' still looks at the wrong original
values even though conf.modules has been changed. `modprobe -c' shows
the correct value. What is over-riding
the correct values, and what other conf files should be edited to
correct this problem? I am using kernel
2.2.9-19mdk (Mandrake linux). I am setting it in conf.modules as
"options eth0 irq=3"

Appreciate any suggestions towards this.
Thanks in advance
    -- Avi


From: Teonanacatl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: S3 Virge DX Chipset
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 11:46:28 -0600

I have used the the Accel or accelerated server with this chipset on Red
Hat 5.1 successfully for quite some time.  HOwever, as another poster
has mentioned, you may get improved performanc with some of the newer
servers.  Attached is a working config file.  It is set for maximum
1024x res.  You can kick it up to higher resolutions if neccessary by
inputing the correct info.  You can also kick up the refresh rates, if
your monitor supports it.  1024 is currently set to 75hz which is
generally quite safe for modern monitors.  May be a good idea to not try
using it directly, as the paths, mouse info, etc may be different. 
Also, ensure that whatever Xserver you decide to use is symlinked
correctly to the chosen server.  Then, make sure that the Xserver
referenced in the X config file is correct.


Section "Files"

    RgbPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
    FontPath    "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
    FontPath    "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
    FontPath    "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/"
    FontPath    "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
    FontPath    "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"


Section "ServerFlags"

#    NoTrapSignals
#    DontZap
#    DontZoom


Section "Keyboard"

    Protocol    "Standard"
#    Protocol   "Xqueue"
    AutoRepeat  500 5
#    ServerNumLock
#    Xleds      1 2 3
    LeftAlt        Meta
   RightAlt        Meta
   ScrollLock      Compose
   RightCtl        Control
#    XkbDisable
#    XkbModel    "pc102"
#    XkbModel    "microsoft"
#    XkbLayout   "de"
# or:
#    XkbLayout   "de"
#    XkbVariant  "nodeadkeys"
#    XkbOptions  "ctrl:swapcaps"

# These are the default XKB settings for XFree86
#    XkbRules    "xfree86"
#    XkbModel    "pc101"
#    XkbLayout   "us"
#    XkbVariant  ""
#    XkbOptions  ""

   XkbKeycodes     "xfree86"
   XkbTypes        "default"
   XkbCompat       "default"
   XkbSymbols      "us(pc101)"
   XkbGeometry     "pc"
   XkbRules        "xfree86"
   XkbModel        "pc101"
   XkbLayout       "us"

Section "Pointer"
    Protocol    "Microsoft"
    Device      "/dev/mouse"
#    Protocol   "Xqueue"
#    BaudRate   9600
#    SampleRate 150

    Emulate3Timeout    50
#    ChordMiddle


Section "Monitor"

    Identifier  "My Monitor"
    VendorName  "Unknown"
    ModelName   "Unknown"
    HorizSync   30.0 - 90.0

#    HorizSync  30-64         # multisync
#    HorizSync  31.5, 35.2    # multiple fixed sync frequencies
#    HorizSync  15-25, 30-50  # multiple ranges of sync frequencies
    VertRefresh 50-90

# 640x480 @ 60 Hz, 31.5 kHz hsync
#Modeline "640x480"     25.175 640  664  760  800   480  491  493  525
# 800x600 @ 56 Hz, 35.15 kHz hsync
#ModeLine "800x600"     36     800  824  896 1024   600  601  603  625
# 1024x768 @ 87 Hz interlaced, 35.5 kHz hsync
#Modeline "1024x768"    44.9  1024 1048 1208 1264   768  776  784  817

# 640x480 @ 72 Hz, 36.5 kHz hsync
Modeline "640x480"     31.5   640  680  720  864   480  488  491  521
# 800x600 @ 60 Hz, 37.8 kHz hsync
#Modeline "800x600"     40     800  840  968 1056   600  601  605  628
+hsync +vsync

# 800x600 @ 72 Hz, 48.0 kHz hsync
Modeline "800x600"     50     800  856  976 1040   600  637  643  666
+hsync +vsync
# 1024x768 @ 60 Hz, 48.4 kHz hsync
#Modeline "1024x768"    65    1024 1032 1176 1344   768  771  777  806
-hsync -vsync

# 1024x768 @ 70 Hz, 56.5 kHz hsync
Modeline "1024x768"    75    1024 1048 1184 1328   768  771  777  806
-hsync -vsync

# 1024x768 @ 76 Hz, 62.5 kHz hsync
#Modeline "1024x768"    85    1024 1032 1152 1360   768  784  787  823


Section "Device"
    Identifier  "My Video Card"
    VendorName  "Unknown"
    BoardName   "Unknown"
    VideoRam    4096
    # Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate

# The accelerated servers (S3, Mach32, Mach8, 8514, P9000, AGX, W32,
# I128, and S3V)
Section "Screen"
    Driver      "accel"
    Device      "My Video Card"
    Monitor     "My Monitor"
    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       24
        Modes       "1024x768"   "800x600"  "640x480"
        ViewPort    0 0
#        Virtual     1024 768


Good Luck,

   __   _
  / /  (_)__  __ ____  __
 / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /  . . .  t h e   c h o i c e  o f   a
/____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\              G N U   g e n e r a t i o n . . .

Valentin Guillen
remove capitalized letters to email me
remueve mayusculas para enviarme email



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