Linux-Hardware Digest #78, Volume #11            Mon, 23 Aug 99 06:13:28 EDT

  Re: Netgear FA310TX (Bill Pitz)
  Asus P2B-F/ P3B-F, Pentium III or Celeron? ("Tan Chee Weei")
  Re: SIS 620 Finally Works In High Resolution, just had to go to their website for 
the linux drivers, duh :) ("Irwan Soetandar")
  Re: Tekram u2w under caldera's 2.2 (PG)
  Re: accessing linux partitions from windoze (Hans Jørgensen)
  Iomega ZiP error (Kaige Hannon)
  Re: Looking for information on QuickCam VC (Eric Ho)
  Re: How to connect to Internet using modem in Linux? (Valette 
  Re: Diskette Longevity (Roland Exler)
  Re: Linux file-size limit? (Chris Mahmood)
  Re: Linux NT Conflict (Chris Mahmood)
  Re: Urgent help needed (Chris Mahmood)
  Simple Prob I'm sure (warning, newbie) ("Jake Newton")
  Re: Abit BP6, dual Celeron, overclocking, Video Card and more...... 
  717 Error? ("Mark Morris")
  Re: Linux file-size limit? (Peter Samuelson)
  multi-Serial board
  modem question RedHat 6.0 ("Aux")
  Re: Audio DATs and linux (Bryan)
  Re: Does Linux support ...? ("Lambert Stephane")
  USB and Cams ("Jeroen Bosma")
  Re: K7 Athlon! (Frank v Waveren)
  Matrox G400 Linux Drivers? ("Timo A. Toivonen")
  Seagate TapeStore 8GB ---  SCSI or ATAPI???? (Jenni G)
  Re: Can I compile the kernel using a cc other than gcc? (Peter Samuelson)
  RedHat6.0 & ISDN woes. ("Andre")


From: Bill Pitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netgear FA310TX
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.networking,
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 04:07:28 GMT

In comp.os.linux.networking Aldog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robert McGwier wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >Is there a driver for FA310TX (10/100 PCI card) in existence or
> development?

> Robert,
> The Netgear FA310TX uses the DEC 21143 chip...which uses the 'Tulip' series
> of ethernet drivers.  Just about every Linux distribution has the 'Tulip'
> driver...but it is constantly being you may want to find the
> latest.

FYI, the FA310TX now uses a clone chip by Netgear...

> Netgear includes an enhanced Tulip linux driver on the floppy disk that
> comes with the card. ( it's a source file that must be compiled..)   If you
> don't have the Netgear diskette, then take a look at Don Becker's site:
> ..he originally wrote and maintains the tulip drivers...just get the latest
> version...0.90Q or higher.

The versions on Becker's site is much newer and is more "enhanced" than the
one on the Netgear disk, so that'd be your best bet..



From: "Tan Chee Weei" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Asus P2B-F/ P3B-F, Pentium III or Celeron?
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 11:50:16 +0800

I'm thinking of building a new box for my Slackware based server.
I intend to stick with my stable 2.0.37 kernel and eventually switch to a
2.2 based one.

I've been looking at the Asus P2B-F which has been superseded by the P3B-F
(Jumperless). Any recommendations for or against either?

For the CPU, I'm looking at a PIII 450, a PII 400 and Celeron.
Is there any advantage in going for the PII/PII processors rather than just
a fast Celeron?  Are the PIII's directly supported yet or is it better to
stick with a PII?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions/comments/feedback.



From: "Irwan Soetandar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.x,,linux.redhat.ppp
Subject: Re: SIS 620 Finally Works In High Resolution, just had to go to their website 
for the linux drivers, duh :)
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 21:33:28 -0700

Hi Allix,

How do you read download file of SiS that is saved in DOS format ?
I did download the software and dont know how to open it and transfer to
linux format ?


Allix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:1m2w3.340$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Well I'm still kicking myself , for not going to their website in the
> place, for all you SIS people out there , head straight to
> I can finally get 16 , 24 and 32 bit modes in linux, and boy does it ever
> look good
> --
> I get 20 bucks a month just for surfing the web , don't
> believe me ? Check out these for yourself :


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera
Subject: Re: Tekram u2w under caldera's 2.2
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 04:34:28 GMT


The drivers up there is their Taiwan FTP site is more up to date and

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "areia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I'm new with linux and I'd like to know if Tekram DC390 U2W is
supported or
> >if I have to do something; another thing is my scsi cd reader and
> >can't find them. Can you give me some tips.
> >Thks.
> Although the Linux driver isn't listed on Tekram's web page, they have
> one on their FTP site.  See
> Ed

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hans Jørgensen)
Subject: Re: accessing linux partitions from windoze
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 07:09:01 +0300

Dave Aspinall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Can anyone tell me how to access a linux partition from win98?

Try explore2fs ->

Hans Jørgensen alias Boris på & #Danmark på Undernet
Homepage ->
.Windows NT crashed. I am the Blue Screen of Death. No one hears your


From: Kaige Hannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Iomega ZiP error
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 04:16:23 +0000

I am trying to setup my Iomega Parallel Port ZiP drive on my Linux

I am using Mandrake's release of Linux.

I tried to use the Zip mini-HOWTO, but part of its instructions for
installing the zippp is to insmod ppa. When I attempted to insmod ppa
the following lines resulted:

/lib/modules/2.2.9-19mdk/scsi/ppa.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.2.9-19mdk/scsi/ppa.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.2.9-19mdk/scsi/ppa.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.2.9-19mdk/scsi/ppa.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.2.9-19mdk/scsi/ppa.o: unresolved symbol

I cannot get the ZiP working. I am relatively new to Linux so I need a
relatively precise solution. If nobody really feels like being that
specific, could anybody point me in the right direction?



Subject: Re: Looking for information on QuickCam VC
Date: 23 Aug 1999 05:33:42 GMT

I am thinking of buying a cam for my Linux (2.0.35). Any recommendation ?
I don't have USB yet, but I can get a PCI card (2 USB ports) for
about US$20.

Best Regards,
Eric Ho

trent ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Chris Clarke wrote:
: > 
: > I own a QuickCam VC. I run linux. Not a good situation. :)
: > 
: > I am looking to get any information that anyone might have regarding the
: > quickcam vc so that I might be able to develop something newor modify the
: > current quickcam support available so that I might be able to use this darn
: > thing in linux.
: > 
: > I realize I am not the first person to ask this question, but I would like some
: > assistance just the same.
: > 
: > Thanks folks.

: I just received a reply from the nitwits at Logitech.  They completely
: avoided the question and suggested that I look for third-party drivers. 
: When I replied that those drivers are rather difficult to develop
: without the (promised) spec's, the said that they didn't plan to support
: Linux, and to look for third-party drivers- what a collection of
: morons.  When I replied that this would prevent me from purchasing
: further QuickCam VC's I received no reply. 

: Open letter to Fscking Idiots at Logitech- it is your imperative to
: support Linux.  Are you so blind that you can't see that the greater
: Linux community will do most of the work with just a /little/ help from
: you?  This also fails to address the issue that the software that you
: (Logitech) provide with the Quickcam VC is TOTAL CRAP.

: Peeved that I bought even ONE VC,

: trent


From: Valette =?x-user-defined?Q?Jean=2DS=E9bastien?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: How to connect to Internet using modem in Linux?
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 07:05:13 +0200

Thomas Kochak wrote:
> Look at the HOWTO. I don't remember the exact one but its at
> Jack Liu wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I use Redhat 6.0,I have setup the ppp0 in the networking configure. Can you
> > help me to tell me how to use modem to connect Internet using ppp.
> > Thank you very much!
> >
> > Jack

At command pront type linuxconf and follow the menus :)


Jean-Sébastien Valette


Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 10:11:51 +0200
From: Roland Exler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Diskette Longevity


> Hello.  I've been using the same floppy disk for the past two
> months, popping it in and out of my drives several times a day
> and transporting nearly everyday.
> Yesterday, I couldn't mount the disk because of some bad sector.
> (don't remember the error.)  So my guess is the diskette just wore out.
> Fortunately, I still have my stuff on my hard drive.
> Now my question is:
> 1. how long do floppy 1.2MB diskettes last?
> 2. Are zip drives more robust?
> 3. If a disk has a few bad sectors, is there anyway to recover what
>    might be left on the good sectors? (Perhaps none of my data fell
>    on the bad sectors) That is, is there some sort of Norton's
>    Utilities for Linux?
> Thanks.
> -Godfrey Degamo
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

I also transport a lot of data between home and the university using
standard floppy disks (1.44MB). The problem I found is, that track
alignment may be different on some drives. As long, as you read the disk
on the same drive, it always reads the disk ok. If you write on another
drive, some of the old maagnetication may reside on one side of the track.
If the first drive wants to read this disk, it gets a mixture of both
data. In this case, even formatting the disk won't help.

I've observed the behaviour you described with a couple of disks some
years ago. Then I used two sets of disks, one for transfer from work to
home, one for the other direction. Each disk is written and formatted only
in one drive, read in a couple of others. Since this date, I've got no
disk errors.  My disks are in use for approximately 5 jears now! Some of
my students tried the same with similar results. This strategy has another
advantage too: You've always one revision of your files more on your



From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linuix.setup
Subject: Re: Linux file-size limit?
Date: 22 Aug 1999 22:20:42 -0700

Michael Grabowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Linux has a file-size limit of 2 GBytes. There were some rumours that
> SGI would release her FS as open source, so that it can be adopted by
> Linux, but by now there is no way to extend thos limitation.
Don't you even bother to read the other replies?  No, Linux *does not* 
have a 2GB file size limit.


From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux NT Conflict
Date: 22 Aug 1999 22:18:27 -0700

Thanks a lot asshole...some of us are pulling our news over a modem.


From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Urgent help needed
Date: 22 Aug 1999 22:22:46 -0700

"Internet Solutions" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Can anyone give me step by step
> instructions on how to decompile my kernel for it and how to recompile it
> again. I am using Redhat v6.
Decompile your kernel, eh?  Please read the Kernel-HOWTO. 


From: "Jake Newton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Simple Prob I'm sure (warning, newbie)
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 01:06:54 -0500

I dloaded the SB live drivers from
mounted the drive, blah blah blah
when I try to gunzip it, It tells me it's not a valid gzip file?
What's with that?
I'm sure it's a simple answer..
oh, one more thing --> what are the chmod commands to allow users other than
root to access the modem?  I forgot what they were...

Thanks guys,

Please email me your responses,

Jake Newton

(Been on Redhat 6.0 for about 2 weeks now, and I can't believe I lived
without it... go Mr. Torvalds and all you other geniuses)


Subject: Re: Abit BP6, dual Celeron, overclocking, Video Card and more......
Date: 23 Aug 1999 06:38:11 GMT

george <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:> The Ultra ATA/66 is supported with the 2.2 kernel?
: I believe that is all done in hardware, and doesnt depend on the software
: or OS used.

That is incorrect; kernel drivers are needed for the HPT-366 controller
found on BP6.  Please refer to:

For more information regarding HPT-366 under Linux.

-- Chuan-kai Lin


From: "Mark Morris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 717 Error?
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 02:28:31 -0500

I got this message when I tried to install Calder'a distribution. The
install didn't work, but I got this error message. Any ideas?




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Samuelson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: Linux file-size limit?
Date: 23 Aug 1999 03:31:49 -0500
Reply-To: Peter Samuelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[Christopher Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> But this is comp.os.linux.*, and Linux doesn't use an identical LIBC
> to Solaris or UnixWare.

As I understand it, ext2 supports 64-bit files already, glibc supports
64-bit files already, the missing link is the Linux VFS.

Peter Samuelson


Subject: multi-Serial board
Date: 23 Aug 1999 08:48:44 GMT

My PC installed two system , the one is msdos 6.22 and another is Linux , I use
lilo to multi-boot msdos and linux.
I bought a AST four port card , the board has two setting the one is normal
mode and another is enhance mode.
Normal mode com(1,2,3,4), irq(4,3,4,3) ,IO address(3f8,2f8,3e8,2e8) eath com
port works with msdos.
If I use enhance mode (Of course I rearranged switch and jumper on board)
It works on linux with setserial program and get cua(8,9,10,11), it uses 4 port
On enhance mode the setting is com(1,2,3,4), share the same irq4,
address(2A0,2A8,2B0,2B8), Interrupt Vector (2BF).
When I use enhance mode, how do I do to make com ports work on Linux and msdos
and don't change board's setting, In other word, does msdos get interrupts from
com port when I using enhance mode?

thanks in advance.


Subject: modem question RedHat 6.0
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 02:21:37 -0600

I have just installed RedHat 6.0 on an old P200 computer of mine. There are
some questions that I have. When attempting to add a PPP connection it does
nothing after I click on the add button to create a new PPP connection.
According to the manual a dialog should come up to where I can add all the
correct phone numbers and IP addresses, but that does not come up, the
computer just closes the program.

    I would like to know if a USR Sportster 33.6, jumpered non-PnP is
compatible with Linux, as I think this may be some of the problem. I have
the modem manually setup on the card to be on COM3 and I have also in the
Control Panel setup the modem to be on COM3.The other may be the limited
amount of HD space that I have, 1.2G.

So what is my problem, why can't I set up a PPP connection when according to
all I know I am doing just what the manual says?



From: Bryan <Bryan@[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Audio DATs and linux
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 17:18:17 GMT

Carl Filpo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Can't confirm this but a sales rep once told me that you can read
: the computer DAT tapes in an audio DAT player but not the other
: way around - something to do with the audio tapes not being of
: a high enough quality for backup reliability, etc.

the DDS tapes are from the better part of the tape 'pancake' and have
better graded oxides and binders.  but for most of the cases, you
won't notice the diff between DAT and DDS tapes.

I use only DDS tapes in my audio dat machines since they aren't much
more expensive and they are graded to be better.

: Guy Coates <gcoates@**NO2SPAM**> wrote in message
: news:7ph1ou$ofl$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
: >
: >
: > --
: > Is it possible to read audio DAT tapes on 4mm tape drives with linux?

no, as a general rule.  only special DDS drives (connor with sgi firmware)
can do this.  and no linux drivers exist for this, anyway.

: > I have a set of (scientific) data which has been stored on 4mm
: > tape in DAT audio format.

data in 'audio format'?  what do you mean?

: At the moment I am using an old SGI to
: > read data off the tape so I can process it, but would like to move
: > my data processing to another (linux) machine if possible.
: >
: > Has anyone out there had any experience about which tape drives
: > (if any) I can use to get the job done?
: >
: > Thanks,
: > Guy Coates
: >
: > ----------------------------------------------------------
: >   If you have trouble sounding condescending,
: >   find a Unix user to show you how it's done. -Scott Adams
: > ----------------------------------------------------------

Bryan, http://www.Grateful.Net - Linux/Web-based Network Management
->->-> to email me, you must hunt the WUMPUS and kill it.


From: "Lambert Stephane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Does Linux support ...?
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 10:00:51 +0200

Kalkas wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...

I'm using RedHat 5.1 and my MAG InnoVision DX15F works very well. For the
other devices I don't know.



From: "Jeroen Bosma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: USB and Cams
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 11:00:09 +0200

Did anyone get an USB device running ? I want to have several webcams but
the cams with an bttv chip are getting difficult to get.. All Linux folks
bought them up....   :--))

So, did anyone get any USB webcam running under Linux ?

What are the problems with USB ? Why does Bill haven't got any problem's at
all with these toys ?

Jeroen Bosma
The Netherlands


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank v Waveren)
Subject: Re: K7 Athlon!
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 09:07:21 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Mircea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> "Phoenix Multi-Tech Inc." wrote:
>> Does anyone have any information on Linux running with the new K7
>> Athlon, 500mhz and up?
>> PLEASE email me back.
>> thanks :)
> There's mention of that in Alan Cox's diary :)

And more important, it's mentioned in telsa's "More accurate diary".

                        Frank v Waveren
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        ICQ# 10074100


From: "Timo A. Toivonen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Matrox G400 Linux Drivers?
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 10:49:24 +0300
Reply-To: "Timo A. Toivonen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Anyone knows how to make G400 work with RedHAt Linux 6.0?



Subject: Seagate TapeStore 8GB ---  SCSI or ATAPI????
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 18:09:16 GMT


If anyone has a quick suggestion on which is best I'd greatly
appreciate it.  My config has a space IDE cable (secondary) and plenty
of spare SCSI addresses.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Samuelson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Re: Can I compile the kernel using a cc other than gcc?
Date: 23 Aug 1999 03:14:16 -0500
Reply-To: Peter Samuelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[Kaz Kylheku <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> You have to use GCC because the kernel is written using the
> extensions of GNU C. Taking out those extensions would be a major
> undertaking.

Hmmmm, how many of those extensions are used in arch-independent code,
I wonder?  And I know some GNU extensions (__attribute__ comes to mind)
were designed to be easy to dispose of in the preprocessor if needed.
Some (like typeof) obviously are not.

Wasn't Metrowerks at least somewhat interested in implementing enough
GNU extensions so that the kernel could take advantage of their (said
to be superior) CodeWarrior PowerPC compiler?

Peter Samuelson


From: "Andre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.ppp
Subject: RedHat6.0 & ISDN woes.
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 10:55:05 +0100

Hi, could someone please help me getting my asuscom ISA pnp ISDN card to
work with redhat6.0?  im real new to this and really don't know where to
start.  from what ive read i need to enable the hisax module (?) but i can't
find out how to do such a thing.

i managed to get connected to the net via my old modem so im not a total
loser ;) , but the ISDN beats me.

Any help greatly appreciated,




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