Linux-Hardware Digest #155, Volume #11            Wed, 1 Sep 99 11:13:37 EDT

  Re: WinModems ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Matrox Marvel G200 (Andreas Schmitz)
  Re: WinModems (Spike!)
  Re: IDE SCSI host adapter emulation.. need help (Giuseppe Raspanti)
  Re: HELP PLEASE! - sound card woes (Ralf Siemieniec)
  Any DVD players for Linux (Andrew Carroll)
  Re: Parport problem (Steffen Sobiech)
  Specs on HP A4331A Monitor? ("Scott Thomason")
  Re: Buying new Linux Box; any hardware recommendations? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Getting the Ethernet ID from directly from the network card. (hac)
  Re: ess1868-1869audio drive (Mohd H Misnan)
  Re: X proggies don't connect to server...! (Jay)
  Re: Building a system, is this hardware compatible? (Johan Kullstam)
  hate to ask, but ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: SCSI errors implying drive is spinning down (dnd)
  Re: > 16 SCSI Devices with Linux (Craig Henry)
  Solaris ("Super Solaris")


Subject: Re: WinModems
Date: 1 Sep 1999 14:12:01 +0100

Jack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I agree with you. there are so many winmodem, so why is there no driver for 
> linux? 
If you just change your sentence to: there are so many _different_ winmodems,
and consider the fact that makers of such crap are reluctant to publish any
technical data on their products, you'll have the beginning of an answer.
No data: no easy way to write a driver;
Different winmodems: the hard way (reverse engeneering) would only work on
 some of them, making it less than appealing.

Besides, they suck CPU cycles better spent on playing Quake ;-)

Alain Borel


From: Andreas Schmitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Matrox Marvel G200
Date: 1 Sep 1999 11:54:40 GMT

Ton Nijkes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes, I have one and it works fine.
> You need XFree86 version or higher, though.

Thank you, I just used Debian 2.1 with Xfree 3.3.2, I'll update now...

> People are working on that, check out:

That's even cooler... Thanks again!

Greetings, Andreas

If you are afraid of loneliness, don't marry.
                -- Anton Chekhov


From: Spike! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: WinModems
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 02:10:20 +0100

And verily, didst Jack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> eloquently scribe:
> Hi,
> I agree with you. there are so many winmodem, so why is there no driver for 
> linux? 

Because the manufacturers are staying tight lipped on how the things are
accessed and used.

No hardware info = no drivers.

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From: Giuseppe Raspanti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IDE SCSI host adapter emulation.. need help
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 07:42:21 +0200

On Sun, 22 Aug 1999, Daniel R. Tarsky wrote:
>Hi. I am trying to get xcdroast-0.96e running in Mandrake 6.0.
>Actually, it already runs, but I have a Philips CDRW400 series drive and
>it is ATAPI IDE. The docs say to compile tthe kernel with generic SCSI
>driver and to turn off generic IDE support. This doesn't seem to do
>anything. My system still seems to boot in normal IDE mode and when the
>SCSI module starts up it detects no host adapter. What am I missing
>here? I'm sure someone else must have agonized over this one before..
>Please reply with email as I don't read the few hundred posts a day that
>come up here :)

Have you added a line at boot time?
try with:

or you can put the line in your /etc/lilo.conf.
This is a part of my lilo.conf:



From: Ralf Siemieniec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP PLEASE! - sound card woes
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 14:48:37 +0200

Sean Turner wrote:

> I've been trying in vain for weeks to get my sound card to work.  I've
> got a Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI 64D.  I figured out that it's the 1371
> chipset by checking the pci settings (I can't remember where how to do
> this).   Initially, I had the 2.2.5-11 kernel and tried to get it to
> work.  No go.  Then I tried the alsa drivers.  Again no go (I'm sure I'm
> not setting it up right, but the documentation was really hard to
> follow).  So after a few weeks of mucking about I've moved onto to the
> 2.2.11 kernel because somebody told me it supported my card.  Well I
> compiled it with sound support in the kernel, the card as a module.  I
> followed the SOUND howto and saw that a "ls -l /dev/sndstat" actually
> returned something.  But, when I did "cat /dev/sndtat" it's empty.  I
> used "modprobe es1371" to load the module but still nothing.
> So I'm going to start from scratch and recompile the 2.2.11 kernel.  I
> know I need to pick sound support, and my sound card.  My sound card
> needs to be comipled as a module.  I also included isapnp just in case
> and some other pci related things.  Do I need to tick the OSS free
> modules too?
> I am a little frustrated some could sombody please help me!
> spt
> a.k.a. the guy with the mute computer

Hi, Sean,

Your card should work with Kernel 2.2.5 or later. Since the AudioPCI64 or
128 does not support the sndstat-device,
there is no wonder that there is silence only.
I'm using a SB 128 PCI with similar start problems. I use Suse-Linux,, so
maybe some of the following notes may be a bit different with other
distributions. I'm using sound as modules first:

 I had to edit the /etc/conf.modules file. the lines
      alias char-major-14 off
      alias sound off
      alias midi off
should change to:
      alias char-major-14 es1371
      # alias sound off
      # alias midi off
Start a mixer. Now using 'lsmod' should tell something about es1371 and
soundcore modules. If nothing works, retry after depmod -a.
In my syztem, I was able to play sound by using rplay nnn.wav - take care
about your mixer !!!
If you are using KDE, you have to start the sound by editing
      kaudioserver &
      kwmsound &
Anything works fine, it is not necessary to use OSS oor ALSA (nevertheless,
ALSA works fine too, but ALSA mutes the channels at each Reboot of the
system). But, the mixer standard is very silent ...   :-)

Please tell me, if you have success


*                                             *
*   Ralf 'Broesel' Siemieniec                 *
*   Dept.of  Solid State Electronics          *
*   Technical University of Ilmenau           *
*   PO BOX 100565                             *
*   D-98684 Ilmenau                           *
*   Germany                                   *
*                                             *
*   Phone : +49 3677 693225                   *
*   Fax   : +49 3677 693132                   *
*   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   *
*                                             *


From: Andrew Carroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Any DVD players for Linux
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 14:48:14 +0000

Does anyone know of any software DVD players available for Linux, or at
least any that are in development ?

Many thanks



From: Steffen Sobiech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Parport problem
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 15:44:03 +0200

> A) Are you sure you need /dev/parport* ?
> B) /dev/parport0 is not neccessarily equal to /dev/lp0; try /dev/parport1.

Better: In vmware you should use the lp-devices. I do it and it works.


From: "Scott Thomason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Specs on HP A4331A Monitor?
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 08:38:54 -0500

Help!  I need specs on the HP A4331A Monitor.  I tried the HP web site, but
found nothing.  I especially need the horizontal and vertical sync
frequencies, but could use any other info you have.

Thanks for your help,


Subject: Re: Buying new Linux Box; any hardware recommendations?
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 13:02:42 GMT

Where are these at?

> If you're doing DIY just pick well supported kit from the FAQs.

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Subject: Re: Getting the Ethernet ID from directly from the network card.
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 13:59:03 GMT

Stefan Waizmann wrote:
> Peter Samuelson wrote:
> >
> > [Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> > > I'm developping a driver that it must getting the Ethernet ID
> > > directly on the network card.
> >
> > This is confusing.  Are you developing a network driver?  If so, we
> > can't help you without knowing what the hardware is like.
> Hi, I would also like to have a short program to get the (unique)
> MAC-address of the ethernet card just for information. Or is there any
> possibilty to have a look to this with existing means?
> Stefan


Howard Christeller  Irvine, CA   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mohd H Misnan)
Subject: Re: ess1868-1869audio drive
Date: 1 Sep 1999 01:04:56 GMT

On Tue, 31 Aug 1999 14:31:03 GMT, Curtis wrote:
>hi i have a ess 1869 sound cared and am having dificulties geting it to 
>work. it is rather strang because under windows it is an 1869 and under dos 
>it is a 1868 sound card if you think you can helt it would be much 

Use soundcfg to set it up. If it doesn't work, add the following to your

alias sound sb
pre-install sound insmod sound dmabuf=1
alias midi opl3
options opl3 io=0x388
options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 mpu_io=0x330 

Change the IRQ/DMA/IO following your Win config.

|Mohd Hamid Misnan       | [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|iMac/233RevB/MacOS 8.6  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     |
|AMDK6-2/300/Linux2.2.12 |   |
-Nothing risqué, nothing gained.


Subject: Re: X proggies don't connect to server...!
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 14:14:32 GMT

I got the same error message with caldera 2.2 when trying to run 'x'
proggies from an xterm as a different user.  I now type 'xhost +' at the
prompt in the xterm first and it disables the problem.  I'm not sure what
kind of security risk it represents though.  that was the only suggestion
anyone gave me that I could use.
hope it helps.       .......Jay Zach

"J. Blair" wrote:

> hello, and thanks for reading the post...ok, i'm running linux-mandrake
> 6.0,
> and i _can_ connect to my ppp server.  however, when i do so, none of
> the x
> programs load!  pretty frustrating.  they load as soon as i kill my
> connection.  i'm using kppp to connect.  i have been able to connect to
> a
> ppp server with success, but i'm a school now and that was at home.  any
> program i open prior to connecting stays working.  thus, i hoped a
> terminal,
> logged on, and tried to load any x program through the command line.
> however, this is the error message i get:
> Xlib:  connection to ":0:0" refused by server
> Xlib:  Client is not authorized to connect to Server
> Error:  can't open display: :0
> any suggestions?  the connection works well in winblows, but i'd really
> like
> to work in linux.  thanks, it's much appreciated.
> cheers,jimmy
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

The Passed Pawn is a criminal, who should be kept

 under lock and key. Mild measures, such as police

surveillance, are not sufficient. - Nimzovich


From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Building a system, is this hardware compatible?
Date: 01 Sep 1999 09:22:10 -0400

pmiller@*DIESPAMMERS* (Paul Miller) writes:

> I am building a computer system soon, and was wondering about sound
> and graphics cards.  I know Linux supports pretty much every IDE
> hard drive and CD-ROM known to man, so these are the only components
> I'm terribly worried about.

> Does Linux work with the Diamond MX300?  Does it support the card's
> 3d sound accelleration?  Same with the Turtle Beach Montego sound
> card?  How is the AGP graphics support?  I know xfree86 works with
> voodoo-based cards, and I've thought about getting an AGP vooodoo 3
> card, if Linux will support it.  How is Linux gaming support for
> these cards?  Note I'm not really interested in a sound card that
> will only work under WINE.

WINE doesn't do hardware drivers.  linux (and xfree86) does the
hardware driving.

> Thanks for any input.

three hints:

1) visit a linux hardware vendor, e.g.,
   <URL:> and see what parts they are

2) visit a linux distribution, e.g., <URL:> and
   look at the supported hardware lists.

3) deja news is your friend!  visit
   <URL:> and change the `results
   type' field to `deja classic'.  (does anyone know how to bookmark
   this so it does it automatically?  the new deja format sucks.)

   pick some hardware and enter `linux' and <hardware brand and model>
   into the search form.  you'll find lots of newspostings.  check a
   few postings.  it's pretty easy to glean whether the hardware in
   question works with linux or not.

between these three webresources you should be able to select some

some hints

go modular - get distinct cards for all your needs.  don't go for the
all-in-one-motherboard solution.  standard built-ins like ide
controller, serial/parallel ports are fine.  mobo built-in scsi is
suspect.  avoid mobo built-in video and especially built-in sound like
the plague.

your best modem bet is an external unit.  research the internal ones
hard to avoid software modems which only work in windows.  don't
bother with internal unless your vendor has a good return policy in
case you get a winmodem.  don't get a pci modem (unless you *know* it
will work in linux.  these working units cost about $100.  the sub $50
pci modem will not work.)

linux scanners pretty much only work as scsi devices.  get a cheap
scsi card.  i'd avoid adaptecs as they are way overpriced.

hope this helps.

johan kullstam


Subject: hate to ask, but
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 14:05:28 GMT

I'm sure this has been asked a billion times, but I'm no expert in
hardware, so I could use your suggestions. I need to buy several video
cards, could anyone suggest a cheapo card with good XFree86 support, and
can support a reasonable resolution?

I plan on using them only for character displays, so I realize just
about any card would work for this, but it is possible that I might do
something else with them in the future (the future being
non-deterministic and all). Maybe I might try to use them with X at some

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Subject: Re: SCSI errors implying drive is spinning down
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 13:31:05 GMT

David C. wrote:
> dnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > Using a RH 6.0 (2.2.11) Netserver LC3 with with an adaptec aic7880,
> > and added a new D4289a 9.1G drive.
> > 
> > Since doing that, once every week or two he'll get scsi errors pointing
> > to this new drive during/after a system backup. fsck is perforemed, 
> > it is OK for a while. All relevant hardware has been replaced, drive, 
> > cables, etc.
> What are the cable lengths?  Are they within the interface limits?
> If the SCSI bus is running at 10M (or 20M Fast/Wide), then all cables on
> the bus should be under 6m (19.6').
> If the bus is 20M Ultra-SCSI, the limit is 3m (9.8').
> If the bus is 40M Ultra-Wide SCSI, the limit is 1.5m (4.9')
> If the bus is Ultra2, the limit is huge (12m, or 39.3'), but if there
> are any non-Ultra2 devices on the bus, it will fall back to Ultra or
> Ultra-Wide, and you'll be subject to those length limits.
> Measure your cables.  If you have any external devices on the same bus,
> be sure to include that cable length, plus whatever cabling is inside
> the external boxes.  If the total length exceeds the limit, try getting
> shorter cables, or move some devices to another bus, or configure the
> bus to run at a slower speed.
> -- David

Hi David,

Thanks for your reply, but....these are internal cables that come with the 
NetServer LC3 to connect it to it's internal scsi hot-swap chassis.


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From: Craig Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: > 16 SCSI Devices with Linux
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 13:31:08 GMT

Frank v Waveren wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>       Jeff Maki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I have a giant disk array, with 18 SCSI devices. The server has 3 in it
> > also. Problem is, Linux will only allow me to access the first 16. Does
> > anybody know how to get more SCSI devices? They are detected, I just
> > can't access them in /dev.
> > 
> > Thanks!!
> do the devices exist? (In /dev/ I mean). If not, make them with mknod.
> see man mknod.
> -- 
>mknod is definitely the start for creating more device definitions.
I am running 31 drives under slackware 4.0 by manual mount after boot.
I could not exceed 16 physical drives with stability under RH 6.0.
It would appear that the device major # of 65 was not being interpreted 
>                       Frank v Waveren
>                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                       ICQ# 10074100

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From: "Super Solaris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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