Linux-Hardware Digest #229, Volume #11           Sat, 11 Sep 99 09:14:12 EDT

  Re: Please help!!!! (Peter T. Breuer)
  Linux and Zip 250MB or Imation SuperDisks? ("Glasgow")
  Re: Anyone used a Yamaha CRW6416 under Redhat 6.x? (Nicholas Leippe)
  Hard drive partitions ("Keith")
  PCMCIA Sound Card (Pat Finnegan)
  PCMCIA DVD portable drive? (Patrick Stickler)
  zip drive busy (Don)
  Re: DMA support ("David St.Clair")
  Re: AMD K6-3 + FX PA-2013 SIG 11 problems (Brady Montz)
  Re: Recommendation for Color Printer? (David Mitchell)
  Logitech cordless mouse (Gaetano Lampugnani)
  Re: Q? - best combo of linux distrib and apps for 3rd world (DeAnn Iwan)
  Re: Emachines?? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Problem Mounting ATAPI CD-ROM (Mike Frisch)
  Re: Agfa Scanner and AVA1505 Controller (f1ayr)
  Re: Imation Superdisk (Brian)
  Re: Creative Labs Riva TNT2 (Anthony White)
  Re: Req.: Experience with SyJet Drive (SyQuest) (Grant Guenther)
  Re: Logitech cordless mouse (Hans =?iso-8859-1?Q?J=F8rgensen?=)
  Re: making linux go away (Anthony White)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter T. Breuer)
Subject: Re: Please help!!!!
Date: 11 Sep 1999 04:45:19 GMT

Michael Tu ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Hi, this is Michael.  I installed OpenLinux 2.2 on a Gateway 2000.  The
: system runs OK but I have been trying to setup the modem for last one week
: without any luck.  I am using a BTC HSP 56000bps  PCI modem.  I set up the

Bzzzt. Not a modem. It's a winmodem. *HSP*.

: so frustrated here.


: Best regards,

: Michael Tu



From: "Glasgow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux and Zip 250MB or Imation SuperDisks?
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 06:27:08 GMT


Will Linux successfully recognise and use either of the following?

1) IOMega ZIP 250MB
2) Imation SuperDisk LS-120

I ask because I am going to buy a backup drive at the weekend and need to be
able to buy the right one.  I realize that Linux is able to use the Zip100
version of the drive, but I wondered about the 250 version.  If not that,
then I hoped it would be able to use the Imation SuperDisk which gives me
20MB more than the Zip100.

My distribution of Linux is SuSE 6.2, latest one.



From: Nicholas Leippe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.publish.cdrom.hardware
Subject: Re: Anyone used a Yamaha CRW6416 under Redhat 6.x?
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 05:13:51 +0000

Ron wrote:
> Well,
> I've had it working, but from the moment i got termination right, I get
> errors from cdrecord (which is the best, I'm told) like "drive not
> supported"
> which is not true, since it is on the supported drive list. Sent an email to
> cdrecord's developer hoping he can help me out.
> Soon as I've figured it all out, I'll do a posting...
> In the mean-time, if anybody else got tips, I'm eager...
> Ron
> Michael Coburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm considering purchasing a Yamaha CRW6416 for use in a Linux box. Has
> > anybody had any experience with this drive under Linux? Does it work at
> > all? Any known issues?
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > mc.
> >
> > PS. Please email as well as post answers.
> >
> > --
> >   Michael Coburn                                 Applications Specialist
> >
> >                    Agent Oriented Software Pty. Ltd.
> >        Advancing the State-of-the-Art in Intelligent Agent Systems
> >   +613 9349 5055 (ph)/+613 9349 5088
> > (fax)

I've got one, but with RH5.2 - I use XCDroast (I think it just wraps
mkisofs and cdrecord) but it has worked great so far.  I haven't tried
any CD-RW media yet though - but I don't think that would make any
difference.  Burns a full cd in <12 minutes :)




Reply-To: "Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Hard drive partitions
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 16:25:23 +1000

I'm preparing to buy a second hard drive to put Linux on.

Currently I have a 3 gig hard drive with Win95, set up as the master on the
primary IDE controller and my CD Rom drive as the slave.

I was going to install the second HD to the empty secondary IDE controller.
Is this an ok setup?

My second question is about partitioning. I've read in at some places that
you only need two partitions for Linux (the swap and the main partition), in
other places I've read that you need 4 or 5? Why the difference, is it just
a performance thing?

Finally, regarding lilo or any other boot manager I choose to install (such
as boot magic) where should it go in my setup? I've got a feeling it should
go on my windows hard drive because that's where the Bios will look to boot
from, but I don't really know?



From: Pat Finnegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PCMCIA Sound Card
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 10:27:16 -0500

Can anyone suggest a PCMCIA sound card that I could use with my Gateway
Solo 2500LS laptop (running COL 2.2)?  I would like to use the built in
one, but it is not supported by OSS or ALSA (It's a NeoMagic NM-1).  I'd
prefer it to work with both OSS/Free and ALSA, but if thats not
possible, just OSS should be OK.

Thanks much!


Subject: Re: LINUX and SCSI Adaptec AIC 7890-- SOLVED
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 06:21:56 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Mathias Margulies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Esben Haabendal Soerensen wrote:
> >
> > I have had no problems installing RedHat 6.0 on a computer with AIC
> > 7890 based SCSI controller, what goes wrong ?
> >
>    What goes wrong is that I get the following message :
> SCSI detected : 0
> VFS cannot open root device 08:21
> Kernel Panic : VFS : Unable to mount root on 08:21
>    and that this message makes the installation procedure exit on error.

I had the same problem, and went hunting on  There I found lots
of people with the same problem, lots of people giving strange answers
because they didn't understand the problem (which occurs at the *very*
beginning of installation, while the installer kernel is booting), and
Neil, who suggested that there was a memory limit on the RedHat
installer.  Lo and behold, dropping my system back from 1 Gig to 256 Meg
fixed the problem.  Betcha it fixes it for you too.  I hope I can add it
back after the installation is done....

  -Greg Ferrar ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Patrick Stickler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PCMCIA DVD portable drive?
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 09:48:23 +0300


Anyone know of a portable DVD-ROM drive that will work with
a laptop (Toshiba Portege 3110CT) via a PCMCIA or USB driver?





Subject: zip drive busy
Date: 10 Sep 1999 23:41:36 PDT

Im trying to mount my zip drive, I was able to do it once but since then
I haven't been able to.  I am using a parralell 100mb zip drive
connected to my printer running RH 6.0.  I've tried just unplugging the
printer but still no luck, I've done the prelimary stuff in the how to
doc's, but it still keeps coming with this message. The message say's

"the kernel does not recognize dev/sda4 as a block device, maybe insmod

I've tried insmod ppa.  I'm sure I sound real stupid, but can anybody
think of what I may be doing wrong.  Thanks for any help!


From: "David St.Clair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DMA support
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 09:23:09 -0400

> Hi, i'm having the same problem, and honestly i think it has to do with the
> Ali V Chipset, which uses the 1541-1543 integrated chip for both
> busmastering and agp port support. i don't think it has to do with bios
> settings, as the bios report screen identifies my drive correctly to be
> udma2. But i do think however, that under the current stable versions of the
> kernel (2.2.1 and up) it is still a problem to get udma66 going. i have
> heard of a solution to work around this under dos setting the busmaster to
> udma 33 but couldnt get any proper information on how to do this. any help
> on this would be appreciated, and as this is a chipset used quite a lot i
> think a lot of people would be grateful for it.
> thanks a bunch in adv.
> martin

I have a Quantum Fireball Plus KA 13.6, which is UMDA/66.  I got it working by
switching my ribbon cable from a 66 pin cable (the one it comes with) to a 33
pin cable (a regular hard drive ribbon cable).  I also used a utility from that set my UDMA/66 to UDMA/33.  This works great!
Linux is very happy now.

I don't know if this will work with your Ali V Chipset, but you might try
switching the ribbon cable.  That should be enough to get it to work.  I 've
tried the latest patches for the UDMA/66 in the 2.3.16 kernel and the 2.2.12
kernel, but they hang at certain stages. (2.2.12 did find it though, so its not
far off)

David St.Clair


From: Brady Montz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AMD K6-3 + FX PA-2013 SIG 11 problems
Date: 10 Sep 1999 23:50:52 -0700

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Frisch) writes:

> On 10 Sep 1999 20:14:19 GMT, Rod Roark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >This is usually the CPU.  Don't home-build a system with an AMD CPU.
> >About 10-20% of the AMD systems I build fail the overnight multiple 
> >kernel compilations test.  This seems to be across the whole range of 
> >K6-2 and K6-3 CPUs.
> It's definitely not the CPU!  Did you ever think it was inferior cooling,
> a bad motherboard, or RAM?  I've build a dozen AMD K6-2 machines and every
> one of them has been rock solid stable under Linux (and any other OS, for
> that matter).

I guess now's as good a time as any to give my status report. I replaced the
cpu with a K6-2/450, and everything is happy. I'm 99% certain the CPU
overheating, since it was never noticably higher than body temp, and it only
failed with the external cache enabled. While it's true that disabling the
cache would decrease the CPU load (and thus waste heat), with the cache
disabled it ran loads for 48 hours straight without any SIG11's, which I
wouldn't expect with a ineffective fan.

Also, I had already replaced the MB. Didn't replace the RAM. That was next on
the list after trying a new CPU.

Ideally, I would have put another K6-3 in to determine if it was the CPU type
or just that specific CPU which wasn't working. But I wanted to get my
computer working ASAP and the shop wasn't too interested in performing
controlled experiments. 

As it is, everything worked out OK. I wasn't charged anything extra.

 Brady Montz


From: David Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Recommendation for Color Printer?
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 20:09:33 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Flash
>Hi everyone,
>I am finally ditching the Epson 9-pin Dot Matrix, and am looking for a
>modern, color printer for a replacement.
>Printers are the periphials that I am least knowledgable about.
>I have seen several sub-$200 color inkjet printers at the local Office
>Depot, but I have no idea which one will run on my workstation, which is:
>Pentium 200 - Linux 2.0.36 - based on Redhat 5.2
>Can anyone recommend a good-quality, color printer, which works very
>well with RH 5.2, preferably around $250 or under.  It will just be for
>personal use, maybe 100 or 200 pages monthly.
>Thanks for any help.

Can't recommend one; but sure can dis-commend the Epson Stylus Color

Worst printer I've ever had.

David Mitchell             =====  A life spent making mistakes is not only
================================  more honourable but more useful than a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] =====  life spent doing nothing. - GBS


From: Gaetano Lampugnani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Logitech cordless mouse
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 09:58:27 +0000


does anyone know how to get the wheel working of the logitech cordless

I have Suse 6.2 and set up mouse as PS2 in psaux.

Thanks and Rgds



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (DeAnn Iwan)
Subject: Re: Q? - best combo of linux distrib and apps for 3rd world
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 09:06:09 GMT

On Wed, 08 Sep 1999 22:00:17 GMT, Allan L. Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I am looking for the best combination of distribution, configuration and 
>office productivity apps with the following goal.
>- Reasonable performance on 486-33, 16 MB Ram, <400 MB HD.
>- All software free.
>- apps appropriate for NON-Technical end users need to do wordprocessing, 
>spreadsheet, email, web browsing, and callandering.
>- apps not dead (ie: old versions with no future or new development)
>I am doing this as a pet project to see if it is feasible to use linux 
>and linux available apps to distribute to non-profit workers in 3rd world 
>countries where $$$ and hdwr are scarce. 
>I am currently testing on 486-100 AMD, 20 MB Ram, 500 MB HD.
           Since I have several 486s configured, I thought I'd reply.
Most distributions will configure and run on a 486 with 16 MB RAM and
<400 MB HD.  The slower 486s, especially those without any kind of
video card upgrade, will seem slow running X to anyone used to PIIIs
and higher end machines.   You need about 200 MB RAM to configure most
with X, and another 100 or so for an office suite (I think StarOffice
is 70 MB, but that might be compressed).  I'd suggest you go to one of
the cheap cd sellers, like cheapbytes or linux systems labs and buy
one of their GPL packs of half a dozen distros.  Try them on your
machine, and configure with Star Office.  (Sun is selling the bare CD
for $10 now, and many full distros already have it aboard as an rpm.)
        I'd recommend an rpm distro, since that is the dominant form.
So it will be easiest for people to import files to.
        If you are working with a nonprofit organization, you may be
able to work out some kind of a support deal with one of the major
distributions.  Obviously, they will not want to give millions of
users free support.  They have to eat, too.  But once you settle on
what you want to distribute, it's worth checking with them to see if
some special arrangement can be worked out for some kind of support to
some of your sites.  


Subject: Re: Emachines??
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 05:40:20 GMT

I use sndconfig from mandrake 5.3 and it recognized the card was
pnp.  but i still can't get it to work. oh well, i will
try to install mandrake 6.1 when it comes out.

[in fact, after i ran sndconfig, sndconfig was crashed.]


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

  Becky & Gus Palandri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm thinking of taking a emachine I have around and running Linux on
> > it. Anyone out there tried it yet? I know I may have do disable the
> > video and add a card, but how about a network card?
> > Bob McCabe
> I installed RH 6.0 on my wifes Emachine. I had to replace the onboard
> video card which didn't
> work with the Mach64 server (had tire trackes running up and down the
> left hand side of the screen)
> The "Crystal" sound chip worked fine and was identified with
> sndconfig. Of course the modem was a winmodem and I replaced it with a
> BestData 56SF Controller Based ISA Modem. It working fine.

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Frisch)
Subject: Re: Problem Mounting ATAPI CD-ROM
Date: 9 Sep 1999 20:35:00 GMT

On Thu, 09 Sep 1999 19:53:37 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>'Mount failed-- Medium not found'. I checked that
>the device /dev/hdc -> /mnt/cdrom existed and is
>listed during the boot-up sequence.

I do not know what you mean by this statement, but if you have a symlink
from /dev/hdc (which is the master device on the secondary EIDE channel)
from /mnt/cdrom, that is probably the cause of your problem.  Instead of
clouding the issue, try something like this:

mount /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom -t iso9660

I prefer not to use the '/dev/cdrom' link myself.

The "Medium not found" would seem to indicate there's no CD in the drive.


  Mike Frisch                         Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Northstar Technologies        WWW:
  Newmarket, Ontario, CANADA


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (f1ayr)
Subject: Re: Agfa Scanner and AVA1505 Controller
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 08:24:40 GMT

On Fri, 10 Sep 1999 11:33:19 +0200, "Daniel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> My Suse 6.1 Linux doesn't recognize the AVA1505 SCSI-Card. Please help me
> you can!!
> Thanx
> Daniel
i've a ava 1502 i use a tips from rogers from linux gazette issue 31 
it's run
i modified and recompiled
if you want more help it's possible


Subject: Re: Imation Superdisk
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 11:31:14 GMT


It's internal.


Steffen Sobiech wrote:
> Brian wrote:
> > 
> > I have had to reinstall Linux and now I it won't recognize my Imation
> > Superdisk.  Even when I had the floppy modules loaded, I could type the
> > mount command but it still wouldn't recognize a 1.44M floppy or the
> > Superdisk.
> Is it internal or external?

==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: Anthony White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Creative Labs Riva TNT2
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 22:36:29 +1000

> Both of these cards are supported in Xfree86 3.3.4 or 3.3.5.  I haven't
> checked the web site lately, but I'm sure they are.
> Daniel T Pasher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : I've got one of those bloody Rage 128 cards, so I'm trading it in for
> : something else.  Does anyone know if the Creative Labs Riva TNT2 cards are
> : supported by the Riva 128 server (xfree86).  I'm using RH6.

I am using RIVA TNT from ASUS (Not much different from TNT2) on
XFree86 and all is fine.  No accelleration though...



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Guenther)
Subject: Re: Req.: Experience with SyJet Drive (SyQuest)
Date: 11 Sep 1999 11:48:36 GMT

On Fri, 10 Sep 1999 10:50:17 -0700, 
        David Rabanus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>The problem that I have is that I don't have a SCSI bus. I have to use
>their Parallel-2-SCSI cable. I heard that there are special drivers needed.


Grant R. Guenther                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hans =?iso-8859-1?Q?J=F8rgensen?=)
Subject: Re: Logitech cordless mouse
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 13:18:52 +0300

Gaetano Lampugnani wrote:
>does anyone know how to get the wheel working of the logitech cordless
>I have Suse 6.2 and set up mouse as PS2 in psaux.

Check out
(And don't use Im Whell .. it sux.

Hans Jørgensen - Boris - & #Danmark on the Undernet
Homepage ->
..Det er lækkert at brænde CD'er i linux;O)


From: Anthony White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: making linux go away
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 22:50:08 +1000

Mohd H Misnan wrote:
> On Sun, 29 Aug 1999 22:06:16 -0300, Dario Andrade wrote:
> >Taking advantage of this conversation, how do I SETUP lilo on my MBR??
> >
> >I mean, the easiest way, without having to read tons of man pages to do
> >something really stupid (in my opinion)...
> Have the following in your /etc/lilo.conf:

Here is my system:

1st SCSI drive 4.3Gb

OS/2 Boot manager
DOS 6.22 with dual boot to WinNT 4 with SP5
Win95 Ohhhhnoooo....
Os2 Data partition
Os2 Boot partition

2nd SCSI drive 4.3Gb
Linux 100Mb boot partition
NTFS (NT partition)
OS2 partition HPFS
Linux root partition 100Mb
Linux / partition

3rd SCSI drive 4.3Gb
2Gb BeOs 4.5 partition
2.3 Gb Linux partition

And no, I am not trying to show off, many people have 13Gb or larger

It is simply to show what can be done with IBM's Boot Manager
which is also included in Partition Magic 3.

Lilo is placed on the boot sector of the Linux boot partition
on SCSI drive 2.

All the above is driven by an Adaptec 2940U controler.

Works like a charm...




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