Linux-Hardware Digest #429, Volume #12            Wed, 8 Mar 00 10:13:05 EST

  Do I need a username and password?  7110 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Memory Detection (Dances With Crows)
  Re: VIA vs Intel chipsets - which is better? (Masoud Pajoh)
  Re: SCSI tape drive (Ed L. Cashin)
  Re: Please help!Video or Monitor incompatibilty problem (Dances With Crows)
  Re: 4 Celeron motherboard? (Atle)
  Re: Memory Detection (Jason Breitweiser)
  Promise FastTrak Support? (Dennis Schluttenhofer)
  Re: Impasse with 2 SCSI controllers, kernel mods required? (John Belew)
  Re: Hot Swapping a floppy drive? (Curtis)
  Re: Please help!Video or Monitor incompatibilty problem (mircea)
  Would Linux work with this PC configuration? (Roland Watson)
  Re: VIA vs Intel chipsets - which is better? (chrisv)
  Filesystem larger than 33 GB (Adam Dickmeiss)
  Memory Detection (Robert Wilson)
  Re: Partitioning A 13g HD (Jason Breitweiser)
  Re: VIA vs Intel chipsets - which is better? ("Dean_Kent")
  Re: Do I need a username and password?  7110 (Max)
  Re: MB SIS 530 5595 help ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Digital Cameras and Linux (Douglas E. Mitton)
  Re: VIA vs Intel chipsets - which is better? ("John Howland")


Subject: Do I need a username and password?  7110
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2000 12:50:47 -0000

Brokers, Inc.  Specializes in Sourcing Operating Systems and Application Software from 
liquidators or Overstocked suppliers.  We then offer these incredible findings to the 
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 The combined features of Windows® 2000 Professional create the mainstream operating 
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New Microsoft Office 2000 Professional
Web Software Brokers, Inc. ...New Version, this is the real thing.  You can get it 
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Wayne Carson

Brokers, Inc. ~ Providing Affordable Software & PCs! 
(800) 970-7866 



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: Memory Detection
Date: 08 Mar 2000 08:24:04 EST

On Tue, 07 Mar 2000 09:42:54 +0000, Robert Wilson 
<<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:
>I just installed RH 6.1 on my machine at home.
>AMD K6II 333    Aopen AX59 Pro mother board and 255 Mb of mem.
You mean 256, right?  RAM usually comes in powers of 2...

>The kernel is only detecting and using 12 Mb of real mem.

BIOS problem, perhaps?  I vaguely recall something about some Aopen boards
having weird problems that were fixed with a BIOS upgrade.

There's no way the kernel is using your graphics card's memory for main
memory--X would die instantly, and console text would be insanely corrupt
if it worked at all.  I'd think the BIOS is just doing something weird,
and you might be able to get around it by passing "mem=256M" to the kernel
at boot time.

Matt G / Dances With Crows        \          In the MS-DOStrix,
There is no Darkness in Eternity   \----\    there is no fork().
But only Light too dim for us to see     \    
    ===== Usenet: ceci n'est pas une guerre des flammes =====


Subject: Re: VIA vs Intel chipsets - which is better?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Masoud Pajoh)
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 07:21 

In article <Scnx4.851$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"Ron Reaugh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Dean_Kent wrote in message <#41yLVMi$GA.96@cpmsnbbsa02>...
>>When you consider that almost 50% of all Pentium II/III motherboards
>>today to OEMs are VIA Apollo Pro based, it should tell you something...
>Cite a source for that figure.  It's wrong.
>VIA still has busmastering EIDE driver problems.
I think you are wrong.  I have an Epox MVP3GM, a VIA MVP3 based board,
w/2MB L2 cache.  I run
OS/2 WARP 4 + FP11, Winblows NT + SP 5, and for a bout a month now Linux
I have no problem with OS/2 and busmastering EIDE.
Winblows NT, is slower than OS/2, because probably the busmastering
drivers are as well done as OS/2.
As for Linux, I do not know yet.  I am still wet behind the ear on


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed L. Cashin)
Subject: Re: SCSI tape drive
Date: 08 Mar 2000 08:32:48 -0500

Gunnar Lindholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello.
> I will soon install a HP Sure Store T70 in a Linux box, so I have two
> questions:
> 1) Can someone tell me something (in general) about how to manage a SCSI
> tape drive. Can I rewind, multiple sessions on one tape,  etc,...

Check out the man page for "mt", the magnetic tape command.  You can
do multiple sessions by using the non-rewinding tape device,
/dev/nst0, as opposed to /dev/st0.

> 2) Does any body know anything about this  HP Sure Store T70. It is scsi,
> that is all I know right now.

If it's a SCSI tape, it ought to act like others -- I don't know,
though.  I've also noticed some pretty significant variations in the
abilities different kernel versions' SCSI tape driver.

> Please respond with email aswell to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh, alright.  Here's a script that creates multiple archives on a SCSI
tape using tar and the non-rewinding device.  It prints out an index
that you can use to retrieve files exceptionally quickly by using the
mt seek command:

#! /bin/sh
#, uses tar for backing up to SCSI tape
# Copyright (C) 1999 Ed Cashin
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

# non-rewinding driver for tape

# list of directories to back up (no spaces in filenames)
dirlist='/boot /etc /lib /root /www /home /adm /bin /var /sbin /usr /dev'

# file containing patterns to exclude, one per line; e.g., *~

host=`hostname | sed 's/\..*//'`

mt -f $tape rewind || {
    echo Error: could not rewind tape $tape 1>&2
    exit $?

printf "%-30s   $host\n" "$date"
# label the blockcounts column
printf "%25s\t%s\n" "" "blockcounts"

for target in $dirlist; do
    begin=`mt -f $tape tell`
    wd=`dirname $target`
    dir=`basename $target`
    cd $wd || {
              echo Error: changing to directory $wd 1>&2
    # sed extracts the block number
    printf "%25s\t%s - " $target \
              `mt -f $tape tell | sed 's/.* \([0-9][0-9]*\)\.$/\1/'`
    tar cfX$compress $tape $excludelist $dir || {
              echo "Error: tarring directory $dir (continuing)" 1>&2
    printf "%s\n" `mt -f $tape tell | sed 's/.* \([0-9][0-9]*\)\.$/\1/'`

mt -f $tape rewind || {
    echo Warning: could not rewind tape $tape 1>&2

printf "\ndirections:\n    %s \\\ \n    %s\n" \
    "mt -f $tape seek {blockcount} && "         \
    "tar xvf $tape var/log/messages"

mt -f $tape offline

--Ed Cashin                     PGP public key:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Please help!Video or Monitor incompatibilty problem
Date: 08 Mar 2000 08:37:41 EST

On Wed, 08 Mar 2000 12:21:28 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:
>I am brand new to Linux, running Redhat LInux 5.2, and although I have
>The problem happens when I try to run a program called "x windows" my
>monitor will not display the gui correctly, it is real fuzzy, with

What is the exact make and model of your graphics card?  What are the
Hsync and Vsync ranges of your monitor?  (Those are in your monitor manual
if you don't know them, and if you still can't find them, use
Xconfigurator's cnoservative default settings.) Become root and run
"Xconfigurator"; this will give you a chance to enter the model of the
graphics card and the sync ranges of your monitor.

>My question is this: do I have run a full installation again in order
>to correct the setting, or is there a shortcut of some kind I can use?

This is Linux; the solution is almost never "reinstall everything."
That's for people who don't use a Real OS.

>By the way, I have no probem with it when it is in linux in the dos

"DOS mode"?  Ecch.  The *text console* mode of Linux has nothing to do
with DOS; all the power and most of the functionality of Linux are
available through the command line.

Matt G / Dances With Crows        \          In the MS-DOStrix,
There is no Darkness in Eternity   \----\    there is no fork().
But only Light too dim for us to see     \    
    ===== Usenet: ceci n'est pas une guerre des flammes =====


Subject: Re: 4 Celeron motherboard?
Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2000 16:40:39 +0100

"Lee Sau Dan ~{@nJX6X~}" wrote:
> Standard  for  CPU-to-CPU  communications  are  there.   MPS  (Intel's
> specification   to  support   SMP) 
> So, do we need to invent yet-another-standard for what you want?
SNMP = Sorry, No More Processors :-)
> A  smooth migration  path plus  some "new"  killer  capabilities would
> accelerate  the switch.   The former  should be  available.   I myself
> still haven't tried HURD,  however, because I'm already satisfied with
> Linux.
No reason not to - Linux is excellent.
> Why do  you need that  many CPU's?   My PC at  home is a  Dual Celeron
> system  running Linux kernel  2.2.13.  It's  performance is  very very
> good, much more than I normally need.
Not need - want! Just for the sake of experimenting with it. I will,
however, get a system comparable to the one you got, if not the very
same one, Abit ...
> SMP systems already delivers this option.
Yeah. But I still hope that the others will become more readily
available. I just heard that I can buy an 8-processor system, but I'd
rather buy myself a new house :-(



From: Jason Breitweiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Memory Detection
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 13:45:01 GMT

I had this problem also with my new Compaq K6-2 400.  I had to change a
bios setting.  It said alternate memory reporting, or something like
that.  It worked fine then and all 64mg are recognized.


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Robert Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I just installed RH 6.1 on my machine at home.
> AMD K6II 333    Aopen AX59 Pro mother board and 255 Mb of mem.
> The kernel is only detecting and using 12 Mb of real mem.
> I have a Hercules Terminator Beast (S3 Savage) AGP card that has 12 Mb
> in it.
> I can get the system going on 12 meg but it spends most of its time
> swapping.
> The Bios on the mother board test the memory fine at boot up and dross
> and windoze98 is also OK.
> Has anybody seen this before ?
> Surely the kernel is not looking at the agp card?
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> Thanks
> Rob Wilson

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Dennis Schluttenhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Promise FastTrak Support?
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 09:05:57 -0500

Any development out there?
Drivers yet?


Subject: Re: Impasse with 2 SCSI controllers, kernel mods required?
From: John Belew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 08 Mar 2000 06:16:39 -0800

I have a similar problem (Adaptec 7880 and 2940UW adapters) with a
RedHat 6.1 installation.

RedHat describes the problem at:

with the words

    Systems with multiple SCSI cards will find that the SCSI modules
    have been loaded in the opposite order than specified. This can
    cause drives letters to change due to Linux's SCSI way of dealing
    with drives.

but I followed their suggested fix, without solving the problem.

< John Belew >


Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 08:24:04 -0600
From: Curtis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hot Swapping a floppy drive?

Thanks for the reply!

After the system boots, there is no need for a floppy drive to be on that
If I could just remove it while the system is running and only put it back to
boot the system when I need to restart it, I'd have another floppy drive around
to use.


Rolf Magnus wrote:

> Curtis wrote...
> >I was wondering if RH (or any typical release of Linux like Turbo Linux,
> >SuSE, Mandrake, etc...) would throw a fit if I were to just unplug the
> >floppy's power and data cable?
> I don't know how linux reacts, but the hardware itself (The controller, the
> drive or even more of the PC) could be damaged by doing this because the
> floopy interface is not made hot swapable. After all, why do you want to
> remove the drive while the system is running?
> Rolf Magnus


From: mircea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Please help!Video or Monitor incompatibilty problem
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 09:12:31 -0500

> I am brand new to Linux, running Redhat LInux 5.2, and although I have
> a bit of experience with Windows, I am at a loss with Linux.
> The problem happens when I try to run a program called "x windows" my
> monitor will not display the gui correctly, it is real fuzzy, with
> lines on the screen.(..)

You should run one of the configuration programs for X, i.e. XF86Setup
or xf86config.



From: Roland Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Would Linux work with this PC configuration?
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 14:13:39 +0000


Can anyone tell me if the following spec is compatible with RedHat


Roland Watson.

   Mouse:                MS\256 IntelliMouse & Mouse pad
   Keyboard:             Windows 105-key Keyboard
   External Ports:       1 Parallel, 2 Serial Ports, 2 USB ports
   Scanner:              AGFA Snapscan 1212P Scanner
   Monitor:              17" EV700 colour Monitor (15.9" viewable area)
   Multimedia:           Creative 1373 Digital Sound Card & Creative
GCS200 Speakers
   Graphics Accelerator: VOODOO 3 3000 16MB Graphics Card
   Bios Chip:            Phoenix BIOS
   Fax/Modem:            V.90 56K Data/Fax/Voice Modem with free Internet Access
   CD-ROM:               Toshiba DVD VI 12x DVD 48x CD
   Memory:               128MB 100MHz SDRAM (expandable to 768MB)
   Chipset:              Intel 440BX chipset
   Expansion Slots:      4 PCI, 1 shared ISA/PCI slot + 1 AGP slot
   Processor:            Intel 550MHz Pentium III Processor
   Printer:              Epson Stylus Colour 460 Printer
   Cache:                512K L2 Cache
   Hard Drive:           Western Digital 20GB 7200rpm IDE Hard Drive


From: chrisv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: VIA vs Intel chipsets - which is better?
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 08:33:42 -0600

On Wed, 08 Mar 2000 12:27:09 GMT, "Sebastian Kaliszewski"

>Dean_Kent wrote in message <#41yLVMi$GA.96@cpmsnbbsa02>...
>>The Coppermine processors have a 256K full speed L2 cache that is 'wider'
>>than the Klamath processors 512K 1/2 speed cache.  It has a higher initial
>>latency, but better overall throughput.  Net result is that the Cu
>>processors are faster.   FSB is the same (memory to CPU), it is the cache
>>speed that is different (BSB).
>Err, small correction. Coppermine has half speed cache as well (look at the
>burst scheme: X-0-2-0), but with 256bit bus and has much lower (not higher)
>latency (about factor of 4, Cumine L2 latency is ~8 cycles, while Katmai L2
>latency is over 20 cycles).

That makes more sense...   I was wondering how the heck on-chip memory
could have higher latency than off-chip....


From: Adam Dickmeiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Filesystem larger than 33 GB
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 15:24:53 +0100


just got Maxtor 40 GB IDE discs. The Large disc howto says that as of August 1999,

there's a 33.8 GB limit for Linux. Is this still the limit for newer Linux





From: Robert Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Memory Detection
Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2000 14:21:56 +0000


I just installed RH 6.1 on my machine at home.
AMD K6II 333    Aopen AX59 Pro mother board and 255 Mb of mem.

The kernel is only detecting and using 12 Mb of real mem.

I have a Hercules Terminator Beast (S3 Savage) AGP card that has 12 Mb
in it.

I can get the system going on 12 meg but it spends most of its time

The Bios on the mother board test the memory fine at boot up and dross
and windoze98 is also OK.

Has anybody seen this before ?
Surely the kernel is not looking at the agp card?

Any help would be much appreciated.


Rob Wilson


From: Jason Breitweiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Partitioning A 13g HD
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 14:32:34 GMT

I have a 10gig drive and have it split 5 and 5 gig.  I have the first 4
for windows, 1 for a windows backup, 50 megs for the /boot, about
4.7gig for the linux system, and a 128mb swap patrition.

The windose and the boot partitions are the first 2 primary partitions
and then the second windows drive, the linux system and swap partitions
are in an extended partition.  I fdisked in dos first, making the dos
partions.  Then fdisked in linux for the rest.  It is best to use the
fdisk native to the os for their own partions.  I ran into trouble when
I used the linux fdisk to make the dos partition.

/dev/hda1   windows        4 gig
/dev/hda2   boot           50 meg
/dev/hda3   extended partition
/dev/hda5   windos         1 gig
/dev/hda6   linux partion  4 gig
/dev/hda7   linux swap     50 meg

I would try puting the /boot partition in hda1 and then windows
followed by linux.  Just my 2 cents.


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Nick Ma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. fdisk and format the hard drive.
> 2. make the whole hard drive a partition for windows
> 3. install windows
> 4. use partition magic to make the windows partition 8 gigs
> 5. install linux, and use Druid to make a 5 gig partition for linux
> Alternatively, if you do not have partition magic, create only a 8gig
> for windows using fdisk, and then install linux
> Melissa Nelson wrote:
> > well im gonna put 8 gigs for win/ and 5 for linux
> >
> > do i put the extedned drive for win in before linux in fdisk or
during linux
> > with Druid or after both???

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Dean_Kent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: VIA vs Intel chipsets - which is better?
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2000 06:36:50 -0800

Ron Reaugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:Scnx4.851$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Dean_Kent wrote in message <#41yLVMi$GA.96@cpmsnbbsa02>...
> -snip
> >When you consider that almost 50% of all Pentium II/III motherboards
> shipped
> >today to OEMs are VIA Apollo Pro based, it should tell you something...
> Cite a source for that figure.  It's wrong.

You sound awfully certain about that...

Motherboard manufacturers....   I have spoken to all but two of the top 10
motherboard manufacturers - every one has said that 40% to 70% of all
Pentium III boards they've sold are VIA based.   Couple that with VIA's
claims of 3.5 million to 4 million chipsets shipped per month, with a global
PC market of about 120 million/year and *you* do the math...

> VIA still has busmastering EIDE driver problems.

I've tested them on several boards, and haven't seen a problem.

Please give the details of exactly what kind of problems you are talking



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.m68k,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Do I need a username and password?  7110
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 16:44:31 +0200

> Brokers, Inc.  Specializes in Sourcing Operating Systems and Application Software 
>from liquidators or Overstocked suppliers.  We then offer these incredible findings 
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> ncdgvstvlubotsgrscokpqibc

nice place to advertise M$ products, mister... hope you keep 
reading GPL's of their products well.


Subject: Re: MB SIS 530 5595 help
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 14:53:47 GMT

I use the same SiS530 video chip.  It WAS NOT recognized by Mandrake
6.0 but both 6.1 and 7 configured it perfectly ... with no
intervention from me.

Good luck!

On Tue, 7 Mar 2000 21:53:11 +0100, "Roy Engdahl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I have a new Packard Bell computer and have tryed to install Linux Red Hat
>6.0 on it but i dont can find my videocard in the list. I have tested costom
>and several different possibles without success. Is it possible that my
>mothercard (SIS 530 5595) not can work whith Linux.
>Regards Roy.

The FACTS are my Employers, OPINIONS are my own!

Sorry: SPAM reduction project in progress:
       Remove the "x." from my domain to reply!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Douglas E. Mitton)
Subject: Re: Digital Cameras and Linux
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 15:01:55 GMT

Do a search for gphoto!  It is what I use and I have a FujiFilm DX-10!

(I'm at work and I don't have the URL handy!)

On Tue, 07 Mar 2000 20:43:42 -0800, Tom Rosso

>I have a Fujifilm MX-1200 digital camera that connects to the
>back of my computer via a serial port.  The software for this
>camera has Windows 98/NT and Mac versions, but the authors didn't
>have the forsight to include Linux software.  Basically, from
>what I can tell, it connects using some kind of Twain driver so
>it can be accessed from Photoshop and Corel Draw and all of those
>other wonderful expensive and buggy graphics programs.  Does
>anybody have any experience hooking up this camera, or any
>Fujifilm MX-series camera, or any digital camera in general, to
>Linux.  I'm currently running Mandrake 7, which is compatable
>(sort of) with RedHat.  Any input would be appreciated.  Thanks!

The FACTS are my Employers, OPINIONS are my own!

Sorry: SPAM reduction project in progress:
       Remove the "x." from my domain to reply!


From: "John Howland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: VIA vs Intel chipsets - which is better?
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2000 07:04:23 -0800

  Dean - Ignore Ron, he has only opinions (which most are based on either post of 
others or reviews
by sites) & no data to back then up...


Specialty Tech - Mainboard's, CPU's, Memory & More...
Lake Forest, Calif. (949) 951-7067

Dean_Kent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:uYifNwQi$GA.57@cpmsnbbsa04...
> Ron Reaugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:Scnx4.851$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >
> > Dean_Kent wrote in message <#41yLVMi$GA.96@cpmsnbbsa02>...
> >
> > -snip
> >
> > >When you consider that almost 50% of all Pentium II/III motherboards
> > shipped
> > >today to OEMs are VIA Apollo Pro based, it should tell you something...
> >
> >
> > Cite a source for that figure.  It's wrong.
> You sound awfully certain about that...
> Motherboard manufacturers....   I have spoken to all but two of the top 10
> motherboard manufacturers - every one has said that 40% to 70% of all
> Pentium III boards they've sold are VIA based.   Couple that with VIA's
> claims of 3.5 million to 4 million chipsets shipped per month, with a global
> PC market of about 120 million/year and *you* do the math...
> >
> > VIA still has busmastering EIDE driver problems.
> I've tested them on several boards, and haven't seen a problem.
> Please give the details of exactly what kind of problems you are talking
> about
> Regards,
>     Dean
> >
> >
> >
> >



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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