Linux-Hardware Digest #504, Volume #12           Sat, 18 Mar 00 15:13:09 EST

  USB Backport patch required (Keith Taylor)
  JEFF's IBM Thinkpad-1480 (iSeries) (Jeff)
  Re: COM1 or COM2 for the ext. modem; whats optimal? (Mike Ching)
  SVGATextMode with Riva TNT(2)? (Dirk von Suchodoletz)
  Initio 9100 SCSI not recognized by Linux 2.2.x drivers (NGranroth)
  Re: 1540 or just 1542 ("Gene Heskett")
  Re: cdrw works but cdda nothing,what next ("Gene Heskett")
  Re: Painful SiS6326 and XFree86 4.0? (Shan Gill)
  Re: Configuring a CD Changer? ("Michael Faurot")
  Re: Advansys ABP3925 SCSI card OK with Linux ? (Graham Henderson)
  Re: Installing Linux on a Hard drive with 2096 cylinders (Snoeij JM)
  YAMAHA 2216 IDE CDwriter COREL Linux ("Mike Bodle")
  Dynalink V1456VQH and SuSE 6.3 ("Geir Hermansen")
  Re: SBLive: necessary kernel compile? (Al)
  Re: $5 hardware-controller modem at CompUSA (Ticked Off at Having My Time Wasted)
  Re: $5 hardware-controller modem at CompUSA ("SimMike")
  Re: IDE via PCI not working (Henrik Carlqvist)
  Re: Linux Serial Port Login ? (Stefan Seyfried)
  Problems with dynalink V1456H-R2 (intern) + wvdial ("Juergen Weiss")
  HP 8xxx Series Pavillion (Joseph Mastroianni)


From: Keith Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: USB Backport patch required
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 15:48:03 +0000

Hi, Can anyone e-mail me the current USB backport patch for
kernel 2.2 as the site at looks to have lost all
its development tree and I am nable to find it anywhere else.
Hope its OK to make this request in this newsgroup as I am guessing
USB support is hardware.
Thanks in advance.
Keith Taylor


Subject: JEFF's IBM Thinkpad-1480 (iSeries)
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 11:25:45 -0500

Has anyone been able to successfully run X on this model.
I got it close , but my Horizontal Synch was shifting (<<|>>)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Ching)
Subject: Re: COM1 or COM2 for the ext. modem; whats optimal?
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 16:43:32 GMT

On Sat, 18 Mar 2000 00:45:54 GMT, Kenneth Crudup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article <01bf8c1f$7bea7120$b48060cf@node_g>,
>"Wayne Monteath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> says:
>>COM2 uses IRQ3
>>COM1 uses IRQ4
>>IRQ3 gets serviced (has a higher priority) before IRQ4.
>>So put your external modem on COM2 for optimal performance.
>Yeah, so instead of say, 41666.0000000000000000001 bps thruput, you'll
>get 41666.0000000000000000002 bps thruput!
>In actuality, it makes *ZERO* difference.
>       -Kenny, who has both his serial ports on IRQ4 on his ABit MB

Why introduce this nonsense into the discussion? The reason it makes no
difference is that the device on the higher priority interrupt would have to
block the lower priority interrupt long enough for the FIFO in the 16550 to
overflow. There's no effect on throughput unless that happens.


From: Dirk von Suchodoletz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SVGATextMode with Riva TNT(2)?
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 17:48:33 +0100

        I have an old IBM 6091 19 fixed frequenzy monitor. Before I had a
matrox millenium and no problems with SVGATextMode:

Chipset "matrox"
#clockchip "ti3026"     # for the Millennium
Clocks 25.0
Clocks 69.000
ClockProg "/root/ClockProg.TNT"

option "16color"
option "iso_font9"
HorizSync 61-81.32, 31.5
VertRefresh 58 - 85
DefaultMode "H80x30"
DacSpeed 220

"H80x30"           69   640  672  734  844    480 490 498  504 -Hsync
-Vsync font 9x16 DoubleScan
"H80x60"           69   640  680  734  844    960 978 994 1008 -Hsync
-Vsync font
But now I dont know how to program the graphics adaptor (riva tnt or
tnt2) to get the same effect as with the millenium.
Any hints?



From: NGranroth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Initio 9100 SCSI not recognized by Linux 2.2.x drivers
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 11:14:23 -0600

Does anyone have a clue why neither the initio.o module or generic
scsi.s kernel that comes with Slackware 4.0 detect the Initio INI9100
SCSI adapter?

The adapter works fine under Windows/95.

If found an obsolete, Slackware96 (Linux 2.0.?) boot disk, on the
Inition Web site. It finds the adapter; but does not function reliably.

Thanks for any helpful suggestions.

Neal Granroth


Date: 18 Mar 2000 12:2:59 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 1540 or just 1542

Unrot13 this;

Gene Heskett sends Greetings to randal ;

> I have an 1542 which is supported but I haven't seen anything that
> says 154x or 1540 to lead me to believe that I could use these.  Is
> it supported. Thanks

The same driver (aha1542.c) runs them all AFAIK.  OTOH, I just pulled
one of them out because I couldn't get the scsi bus lockups under
control.  One thing that might help is to edit the default addresses in
that file down to the 0x230-0x234 area, I could not get it to work at
its default of 0x330-0x334 on my TYAN S1590S mobo, it simply wasn't
visible, not even in post unless its crtl-a internals were also selected
to the lower address.

Good luck.

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040, Linux @ 400mhz 
    Ch. Eng. @ WDTV-5          |This Space for rent
         RC5-Moo! 350kkeys/sec, Seti@home 16 hrs a block
                        email gene underscore heskett at iolinc dot net
This messages reply content, but not any previously quoted material, is
© 2000 by Gene Heskett, all rights reserved.


Date: 18 Mar 2000 12:10:26 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: cdrw works but cdda nothing,what next

Unrot13 this;

Gene Heskett sends Greetings to chingayou ;

> i got the cdrw working, but now my cdda don't play at all.
> is there something I didn't do?
> Yamaha cdrw 4416e on RH6.1 266PII, help!
> Please advise?

> Thanks in Advance!

Redoing the kernel for the required scsi emulation in order to get the
cdr/w working also requires a new linkage from /dev/cdrom to
/dev/scd0 IF its the first cdrom found on the ide interface, scd1 etc if
its the second one found etc.  Or at least thats how I understand it.

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040, Linux @ 400mhz 
    Ch. Eng. @ WDTV-5          |This Space for rent
         RC5-Moo! 350kkeys/sec, Seti@home 16 hrs a block
                        email gene underscore heskett at iolinc dot net
This messages reply content, but not any previously quoted material, is
© 2000 by Gene Heskett, all rights reserved.


From: Shan Gill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Painful SiS6326 and XFree86 4.0?
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 18:54:25 GMT

Are you saying you had your SiS6326 video working with 24 bpp?  Which=20
version of Xfree86 were you using to accomplish that?

Very curious.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 3/17/00, 11:29:56 PM, Davis Eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote=20
regarding Painful SiS6326 and XFree86 4.0?:

> Hi, there,

> Just want to tell you my recent experience with this hopeless card. I
> have tried XFree86 3.3.3, XFree86 3.3.6 and this XFree86 4.0.

> BTW, my hardwares worked just well in XFree86 3.3.6 except the slow
> refresh rate in 24 bpp.

> If there are anyone else who has done some work with XFree86 4.0 on
> SiS6326, could you share your experience?

> Davis,


From: "Michael Faurot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Configuring a CD Changer?
Date: 18 Mar 2000 17:04:42 GMT

TJ Snider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: I've got an old SCSI CDROM Changer MBR-7, and I would really like to find a
: way to get it working under Linux...

: I've connected it up but I get what appear to be timeouts and SCSI bus
: resets.

: I've browsed through the HOWTO's and haven't found anything yet... Anyone
: have any suggestions as to where to look next, what to try?

Judging from this model number, this sounds like the same one I'm
[from /proc/scsi/scsi]
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 05 Lun: 00
  Vendor: NRC      Model: MBR-7            Rev: 111t
  Type:   CD-ROM                           ANSI SCSI revision: 02  
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 05 Lun: 06
  Vendor: NRC      Model: MBR-7            Rev: 111t
  Type:   CD-ROM                           ANSI SCSI revision: 02  

I didn't have to do anything overly special to make it work on a RedHat
v6.1 system with Adaptec 2940U host adapter, other than insuring that
LUN support was built into the kernel.

Assuming the drive itself isn't fubar, you've probably got a typical
SCSI cabling or termination problem.

 Michael | mfaurot  | God was satisfied with his own work, and that is fatal.
 Faurot  | |           -- Samuel Butler


Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 18:09:37 GMT
From: Graham Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Advansys ABP3925 SCSI card OK with Linux ?

The message <MPG.133b4fa8eee21ae0989689@kangserver>
  from  Sean Akers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> contains these words: 
Yes, I got fed up trying to get an aha1520b to work and bought the 
ABP3925. I have a module added which is advansys.o. I can get the 
module to load using either insmod or modprobe and then my scsi disc 
is recognized and all works fine. I just have to crack" the load at 
boot time" problem. I also have the same card on my main Windows 
machine and it works great driving a SCSI disk and a CD-RW. I hope this helps
Graham Henderson

> Has anyone any experience of the Advansys ABP3925 SCSI card with Linux ? 
> Due to problems with my Adaptec 1542b and my tape drive (the subject of 
> another thread), I am looking for alternative. This card is fairly cheap 
> and is good enough on paper for my uses in working a DAT drive and a CD-
> RW. 

> Which driver is required to use this card ? 

> Any help or suggestions much appreciated. I'm very keen to get my tape 
> drive working properly.

> Cheers, 

> Sean.


Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Installing Linux on a Hard drive with 2096 cylinders
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 18:10:10 GMT

Steve Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: On Fri, 17 Mar 2000 22:11:12 +0800, Alan Woodman wrote:

:>I have a problem...  I want to install Redhat Linux onto a 17Gb hard drive
:>with 2096 cylinders and it won't let me...  What do you suggest i do to try
:>and over come this problem???

: Create a boot partition within the first 1024 cylinders, then allocate
: the rest of the disk as needed.

Well, this will not always work. I have a 13 GB disk, and a NT partition an the far
end, when i'm trying to mount that, linux wont let me...


From: "Mike Bodle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: YAMAHA 2216 IDE CDwriter COREL Linux
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 18:17:09 -0000

Its not listed - but what the heck?

I havnt had much luck trying to get it recognised under ide-scsi mode - but
I am using Corel Linux and the howto's differ from their distribution

I only guess that as ide-cd driver is part of the kernel, it must ignore the
ide-scsi module and Ive had no luck with lilo.conf or adding
append=ide-scsi. Any help greatly appreciated.

Mike Bodle


From: "Geir Hermansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Dynalink V1456VQH and SuSE 6.3
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 19:18:56 -0800

How can I use Dynalink V1456VQH PCI modem in SuSE 6.3. IRQ =10 and I/O
=0xb000 and 0xb001

I need help

Geir Hermasen
Tlf: 95825858


Subject: Re: SBLive: necessary kernel compile?
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 18:50:30 GMT

I have Mandrake 7.0, and as you stated, it does detect the card.
However, I have yet to get the card to play any type of sound, even a
simple cat sound.wav > dsp<whatever>. 

So, I'm cruising the forums trying to find an answer...

As for the original question, if you did the make, depmod -a, modprobe
commands, then you should not need to recompile your kernel under Red
Hat -- it comes out-of-the-box with modular sound support, and the
aforementioned  take care of the details for you. It sounds like you
used the same instructions I've found. I haven't had any luck getting
any sound yet, and hope you do better than I have to date :)


wayne rattz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>HELLO:If you want an easy way out get mandrake7.0.It has support already 
>setup for the card and autodetects it at install.GOOD LUCK WAYNE!
>ragamble wrote:
>> I've downloaded and read the instructions for the emu10k1 driver for the
>> SBLive soundcard, and I'm not exactly sure if it is necessary to compile
>> the kernel with the options given. Linux distro's (RedHat) install with
>> loadable module support, and I guess I don't know if any soundcard 
>> are auto configured during install.  I am trying to avoid compiling the
>> kernel at all costs, because I have a Promise UDMA 66, and I heard it 
>was a
>> big pain in the butt to get it compiled properly with this hardware.
>> I also have read some postings about the latest drivers not compiling
>> properly, and am wondering which date has the best driver.  Has anyone 
>> success with the latest, or do I need to go back a few weeks.  Thank you
>> for your time.
>> Bob
>> --
>> Posted via CNET
>Posted via CNET


'In a distant galaxy, you will find the commercial domain of primenet. Tell them 
Viajante sent you.'


Date: 18 Mar 2000 19:02:32 -0000
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ticked Off at Having My Time Wasted)
Subject: Re: $5 hardware-controller modem at CompUSA
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.dcom.modems,alt.comp.dcom.modems


> Hi, folks,
> Just a heads-up:  CompUSA is selling an Actiontec 56K ISA internal modem
> for $5 ($25 with $20 rebate).  As far as I can tell, and according to
> the salesdude I asked, it is a hardware-controller ("real") modem
> instead of a controllerless (Win) modem.

It isn't.

It's a cheap-ass, no-name OEM Windows modem repackaged and dumped by
Actiontech, like Best Data does.  It's very clearly marked that it's a
Windows modem on the "System Requirements" on the box.

The only thing weird about it is that it fits in an ISA slot.

They can't give these things away.

Next time check this shit out before stampeding everyone all over hell
looking for a great deal that doesn't exist.

Thank you for your attention.


From: "SimMike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.dcom.modems,alt.comp.dcom.modems
Subject: Re: $5 hardware-controller modem at CompUSA
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 11:30:39 -0800

ISA softmodems is not the way to go. If you want one of these cheap modems,
PCI is better, mainly in terms of configuration hassles but also in terms of
CPU usage.

Ticked Off at Having My Time Wasted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote in message
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
> > Hi, folks,
> > Just a heads-up:  CompUSA is selling an Actiontec 56K ISA internal modem
> > for $5 ($25 with $20 rebate).  As far as I can tell, and according to
> > the salesdude I asked, it is a hardware-controller ("real") modem
> > instead of a controllerless (Win) modem.
> It isn't.
> It's a cheap-ass, no-name OEM Windows modem repackaged and dumped by
> Actiontech, like Best Data does.  It's very clearly marked that it's a
> Windows modem on the "System Requirements" on the box.
> The only thing weird about it is that it fits in an ISA slot.
> They can't give these things away.
> Next time check this shit out before stampeding everyone all over hell
> looking for a great deal that doesn't exist.
> Thank you for your attention.


From: Henrik Carlqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IDE via PCI not working
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 20:20:56 +0100

Allan Poindexter wrote:
> Linux sees the motherboard IDEs but does not seem to probe the PCI
> card.  Is there any sort of boot parameter voodoo I can use to
> encourage the drive to probe?

If you don't have the extra IDE ports on standard addresses or
interrupts you might want to try the parameters mentioned in chapter 5.1
in the BootPrompt HOWTO.

regards Henrik

spammer strikeback:


From: Stefan Seyfried <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Serial Port Login ?
Date: 18 Mar 2000 20:11:59 +0100

Luiz Antonio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I did it using mgetty this way
> 1 - added this line to /etc/inittab
> s2:345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -r /dev/ttyS2
> [SNIP]
> Rebooted the machine (don't know how to activate the
> changes w/o rebooting)

telinit q
man init

Windows 2000 - from the people who brought you EDLIN.


From: "Juergen Weiss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problems with dynalink V1456H-R2 (intern) + wvdial
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 20:55:00 +0100

Problems with dynalink V1456H-R2 (intern) + wvdial

Hi to everybody,
I installed the modem mentioned above on my linux machine. The good thing is
a can use it together with minicom. However if I try wvdail I am not able to
get the modem running. I get a message like “NO MODEM DETECTED”.
Following things I already did:
Change init string 1 to “ATZ”
And init string 2 to the same as the initialisation string in minicom
Changed the device to /dev/ttyS2 (similar to minicom config)
Changed speed to 115200 and 57600

Still nothing happens. Is there anybody out there who knows more about it or
encountered/solved this problem. Or is there another software package to
configure a link to my ISP?

Greetings and thanks in advance



From: Joseph Mastroianni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HP 8xxx Series Pavillion
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 12:02:40 -0800


I was wondering if anyone has successfully installed RedHat 6.1 on an HP
Pavillion 8xxx series machine.  I've been having just a wonderful time
trying to get X to start in anything other than 320x200 mode due to
non-recogniztion of the 810e chipset.  Apparently, the realtek 8139
driver doesn't recognize eth0 even though it seems like the correct

I've downloaded the latest XFree86 which claims support of the 810e set,
but am now going through beta-hell trying to install kernel 2.3.xx which
is required to make the 810e drivers work...

Alas, any help would be greatly appreciated,





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