Linux-Hardware Digest #972, Volume #12            Fri, 2 Jun 00 02:13:08 EDT

  Would like to build a Linux system ("Loren")
  Re: WinTV problems with changing channel & Aureal chipset (Ryan Prichard)
  Re: hard disk speed problem (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Would like to build a Linux system (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Would like to build a Linux system ("Loren")
  Printing trouble: Epson Photo (Geoff Stamper)
  Re: Abit Hot Rot or Promise UDMA66 with Linux? (_)
  Re: Parralel port modem-- how? (jack)
  BT 829? (jack)
  Question About Embedded Linux (Chic Wack)
  nVidia TNT2 M64, Voodoo 3 3500 or Creative Annihilator Pro? (Haral Tsitsivas)
  Re: nVidia TNT2 M64, Voodoo 3 3500 or Creative Annihilator Pro? (Haral Tsitsivas)
  Promise FastTrak66 Linux Drivers  (Dan Bhanderi)
  Re: VIA82CXXX (onboard sound for Athlon boards) (Harold Oga)
  Re: Dell PercRaid controller?? (Brian)
  Re: Still having probs with 2nd eth card (Brian)
  Re: DELL / PERC2 ("Jim Zubb")


Reply-To: "Loren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Loren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Would like to build a Linux system
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 22:17:53 -0400

Hello!  I'm very, VERY new to Linux and have only dabbled with it slightly,
but would like to get to know it better.

I'd like to build a new system to run it on, and would like to know if I can
find a hardware compatibility list somewhere?  I've built several Windows
PC's no problem, but want to make sure I don't get into any devices that
aren't supported.    Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


Listen to Loren's newest music FREE on your computer right now!


Subject: Re: WinTV problems with changing channel & Aureal chipset
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera,comp.os.linux.setup,
From: Ryan Prichard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 21:22:22 -0500

Jinho Choi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just Hauppauge WinTV and it works perfectly under WinNT, but I just
> can't get it working under Linux.  I use XawTV and KwinTV, but both
> fails to change channels.  Kwintv detects all channels including proper
> frequency without a hitch, but the thing is it's not able to change
> channels and stays on one channel that was last selected under WinNT...=
> I loaded bttv, msp3600, tuner, i2c, videodev modules properly and it
> still doesn't work....
> by the way, when I have msp3600 module loaded up, /dev/mixer doesn't
> work... But the sound works properly.. It's just that I can't control
> the volume..  When I unload the msp3600 module, /dev/mixer goes back to
> normal and functions....  My sound card is Monstersound MX300 and I use
> aureal driver...
> What could be the problem here???
> thanks in advance..

Excuse me if this response is a bit late, but...

I've also got a WinTV card, and had the same problem.  I fixed it by load=
the tuner module with a "type=3D2" option.

I tried adding a line in conf.modules to set this option, but couldn't ge=
t to
work.  I ended up adding two lines to a startup file (/etc/rc.d/rc.local)=
   insmod i2c
   insmod tuner type=3D2


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: hard disk speed problem
Date: 01 Jun 2000 22:53:17 EDT

On Fri, 2 Jun 2000 09:18:12 +0800 , #R P JAYASANKA L PIYARATNA# 
shouted forth into the ether:
>I have a seagate 13.5GB hard disk which support UDMA66 and I have
>compiled the kernel patch on RedHat 6.2 kernel version 2.2.15 and
>running without any major problems. 
>However, when i check the speed of the hard disk using 
>hdparm -t /dev/hde 
>i get an average value around 11MB/s... which is rather low according to
>the documentations...
>Anybody know why it is doing this?

Check the options for the kernel patch for your particular IDE
chipset.  Chances are it's not set up optimally... for my VIA MVP3
chipset, I got better results by booting the kernel with the option
"splitfifo=1" which gave all the UDMA FIFO to the first IDE channel where
my hard drives are.  You will probably have to look at the source for the
chipset driver for this info.

Doing this improved hdparm benchcrufts from 15M/s to about 17M/s, which is
OK, but I went from 10M/s to 15M/s by using kernel 2.3.99-pre3 instead of
2.2.14.  Also make sure hdparm is running with the right options.  
"hdparm -m16 -u1 -c1 /dev/hdX" is generally what you want; attempting to
enable or tweak the DMA settings via hdparm often results in lower
performance than just leaving them alone.

Also, keep in mind that the HDA on your drive is limited in the amount of
data it can transfer in a second.  7200 RPM IDE drives seem to top out at
around 20M/s.  By the time a drive can deliver 66M/s, Marketing will have
us all buying UDMA/256.

Matt G / Dances With Crows              \###| You have me mixed up with more
There is no Darkness in Eternity         \##| creative ways of being stupid?
But only Light too dim for us to see      \#| Beer is a vegetable.  WinNT
(Unless, of course, you're working with NT)\| is the study of cool. --MegaHAL


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: Would like to build a Linux system
Date: 01 Jun 2000 23:02:01 EDT

On Thu, 1 Jun 2000 22:17:53 -0400, Loren 
<<OKv8AkDz$GA.323@cpmsnbbsa07>> shouted forth into the ether:
>Hello!  I'm very, VERY new to Linux and have only dabbled with it slightly,
>but would like to get to know it better.
>I'd like to build a new system to run it on, and would like to know if I can
>find a hardware compatibility list somewhere?  I've built several Windows
>PC's no problem, but want to make sure I don't get into any devices that
>aren't supported.    Any input would be greatly appreciated.

The compatability lists I've seen are all kind of outdated.  Things move
fast, and the development kernel supports a lot of things the stable
kernel doesn't quite do yet.  The best bet, I think, is to get the
official source for the latest 2.2.X kernel and take a look at
linux/Documentation/ .  Almost every device that the kernel
supports is listed in there in some fashion.  Keep in mind that brand
names aren't listed, though... just chipset designations.  Easy, if you
know that "Ensoniq AudioPCI97" = "ES1371 chipset."

Also, decide on some components first, then see if they're supported via
that method. has info on which video cards are
supported in the latest stable X release--look there.  Finally, the Linux
Hardware Database has a bunch of reader-submitted stuff on various
hardware bits.  HTH, good luck...

Matt G / Dances With Crows              \###| You have me mixed up with more
There is no Darkness in Eternity         \##| creative ways of being stupid?
But only Light too dim for us to see      \#| Beer is a vegetable.  WinNT
(Unless, of course, you're working with NT)\| is the study of cool. --MegaHAL


Reply-To: "Loren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Loren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Would like to build a Linux system
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 23:09:42 -0400


  Thanks for the very helpful reply!  The Linux Hardware Database link you
gave me was especially helpful.  I like the Abit BE6-II motherboard and was
hoping I could use it...checks out ok.

  Thanks again for the help, it's much appreciated.


Dances With Crows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message


From: Geoff Stamper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.mis,alt.os.linux
Subject: Printing trouble: Epson Photo
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 23:34:01 -0400

Hello Gang.

I've got an Epson Stylus Photo 700 that is absolutely going haywire
whenever I try to print something.  I've doubled checked the settings
and I believe everything is all set.  However, even when I try to print
a simple text file containing one word the printer ends up shooting
dozens of sheets through with nothing printed on them!

Could I please see someone's /etc/printcap file for an espon stylus
photo 700?  If you've successfully setup your epson stylus 740 that
would probably do too.




From: _ <>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Abit Hot Rot or Promise UDMA66 with Linux?
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 23:52:09 -0400

They both are reported to work under Linux. I however own an
Abit BE6 motherboard with the HPT366 controller built in and
am not even using it with my UDMA/66 drive. I could go into
details if you want, but I think the consensus would
agree--stay away from the Highpoint controller. I've had
nothing but trouble with it and there have been BIOS updates
after BIOS updates.

Also consider that I have no experience with the Promise
controller, so... I'm biased. You should get opinions from
people who have experience with both.

On Fri, 26 May 2000 12:40:10 +0200, Pieter Langendonck
>I have a QDI Titanium 1B motherboard with a TX chipset and a BIOS which
>does not support more than 8,4 GB drives. (There is no flash update
>I want to buy a 20,4 GB UDMA66 Maxtor harddisk and I'm willing to buy a
>UDMA66 controller like the Promise UDMA66 controller or the Hot Rot =
>of Abit.
>Of both controllers I do not know whether they will work together with
>Nothing can be found on the websites about that.
>What I want, is to have Windows 98, Windows NT and Linux on my system.=20
>Will it work if I buy the Promise or the Abit Hot Rot controller?
>Which want should I buy??=20
>Please sent you remarks also via email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Thanks a lot!,
>Pieter Langendonck


From: jack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Parralel port modem-- how?
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 22:30:47 -0400

Yehuda Raveh wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an external modem using the parralel port. I could not find any
> instruction how to set it in linux (kernel 2.2.14) in any HowTo or other
> documentation.

I've never heard of a parallel port modem. Are you sure it's not a
serial one, just using a big (db25) connector instead of the smaller
(db9) one? My external modem also has a bigger and a smaller connector,
but this doesn't make it parallel port :)



From: jack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: BT 829?
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 22:36:31 -0400


Someone just donated to me a Packard Bell computer :) Yes, I know
they're mostly crap, but I think every piece of hardware deserves a

While examining the motherboard, I noticed it has a BT 829 chip close to
the integrated S3-Virge video chip, and also a pair of video in and out
connectors in the back - so I think it has some video capture
capabilities. Anyway, I didn't find any mention of the BT 829 in the
Hardware-HOWTO, and a web search only showed that this chipset is used
in the ATI tv capture boards. I didn't find any mention of drivers for

If you're aware of a way I could get it going, please let me know. TIA,



From: Chic Wack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Question About Embedded Linux
Date: 2 Jun 2000 04:47:27 GMT

  Hi, I'm trying to port embedded linux to Matsushita(Panasonic)

    AM33(MN10300). Does anyone know if there is any solution ready

    or any information about it? Thank you.

Joseph Chiu from Taiwan


From: Haral Tsitsivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: nVidia TNT2 M64, Voodoo 3 3500 or Creative Annihilator Pro?
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 05:11:33 GMT

I am configuring a new PC (to run RH Linux 6.2) and I have a choice
of these three video cards:

 16MB nVidia TNT2 M64 Pro graphics Card 
 3dfx Voodoo 3 3500 16MB with TV Out Only
 Creative Annihilator Pro with 32MB - DDR RAM

Which works the best (drivers available, reliable, fast) on Linux?


--Haral Tsitsivas,  UniSolutions Associates (
  System Accounting & Chargeback


From: Haral Tsitsivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: nVidia TNT2 M64, Voodoo 3 3500 or Creative Annihilator Pro?
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 05:16:44 GMT

I also have a choice of: 32MB nVidia GeForce2 GTS with DDR...

Haral Tsitsivas wrote:
> I am configuring a new PC (to run RH Linux 6.2) and I have a choice
> of these three video cards:
>  16MB nVidia TNT2 M64 Pro graphics Card
>  3dfx Voodoo 3 3500 16MB with TV Out Only
>  Creative Annihilator Pro with 32MB - DDR RAM
> Which works the best (drivers available, reliable, fast) on Linux?


--Haral Tsitsivas,  UniSolutions Associates (
  System Accounting & Chargeback


Crossposted-To: dk.edb.system.unix.hardware
From: Dan Bhanderi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Promise FastTrak66 Linux Drivers 
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 05:41:54 GMT


You can find the drivers for the FastTrak66 IDE RAID Controller from
Promise at this website:

Dan Bhanderi.
Aalborg University


From: Harold Oga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: VIA82CXXX (onboard sound for Athlon boards)
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 23:39:37 -0600

On Wed, 31 May 2000 23:27:19 -0700, root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I am compiling the alsa module now and don't see the VIA82CXXX in the
>list of "boards".  Any advice would be appreciated.  TIA.
   The ALSA module you are looking for is snd-card-via686a.  I usually pass
the following to configure:

./configure --with-debug=full --with-oss=yes --with-cards=via686a

"Life sucks, deal with it!"


Subject: Re: Dell PercRaid controller??
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 00:43:33 GMT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hello Aaron,

        Thanks for getting back to me! I am trying to INSTALL Redhat 6.2 on a
brand spankin new Dell PowerEdge 2400. It has a PercRaid 2/si BIOS revision
2.1-3. I go through the graphical install get to the kind of installation
section (ie server/workstation) part and it then gives me the error that no
valid devices were found to install software on. Can you help me out?


Aaron Smith wrote:

>     Well.  First off, which Dell Percraid controller do you have?
> What kind of Box is it in?  Dell Poweredge? Do you have  PERC2 or a PERC3?
> I'm guessing it's a PERC3 since a PERC2 will be recognized automagically
> by
> the RedHat Setup program.  Are you trying to INSTALL linux on a
> system with a Percraid or have you put a percraid unit into your
> box?  If you've put one in an existing box, dollars to donuts it's
> a PERC2 as the PERC3 are onboard beasties.  If that's so, you're
> in luck as it is controlled by the megaraid.o module in the standard
> kernel distribution.
> Brian Gilman wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> >     I have read all the faqs downloaded all the drivers and still can't
> > get my Dell PercRaid raid controller recognized under Redhat
> > 6.0/6.1/6.2!!!! Can someone help me out?? Do I need to set anything
> > special in the Bios?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Brian Gilman
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Aaron Smith                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> IT Manager, Change Technology                   616.381.9889 ext 17
> EoExchange, Inc.                     
> 3506 Lovers Lane, Second Floor                  Kalamazoo, MI 49001
> PGP Key:

Brian Gilman
Scientific Programmer
WhiteHead Institute

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Hello Aaron,
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Thanks for getting back to
me!&nbsp;I&nbsp;am trying to INSTALL Redhat 6.2 on a brand spankin new
Dell PowerEdge 2400. It has a PercRaid 2/si BIOS&nbsp;revision 2.1-3. I&nbsp;go
through the graphical install get to the kind of installation section (ie
server/workstation) part and it then gives me the error that no valid devices
were found to install software on. Can you help me out?
<br>Aaron Smith wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Well.&nbsp; First off, which Dell
Percraid controller do you have?
<br>What kind of Box is it in?&nbsp; Dell Poweredge? Do you have&nbsp;
PERC2 or a PERC3?
<p>I'm guessing it's a PERC3 since a PERC2 will be recognized automagically
<br>the RedHat Setup program.&nbsp; Are you trying to INSTALL linux on
<br>system with a Percraid or have you put a percraid unit into your
<br>box?&nbsp; If you've put one in an existing box, dollars to donuts
<br>a PERC2 as the PERC3 are onboard beasties.&nbsp; If that's so, you're
<br>in luck as it is controlled by the megaraid.o module in the standard
<br>kernel distribution.
<p>Brian Gilman wrote:
<p>> Hello everyone,
<br>>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I have read all the faqs downloaded all the
drivers and still can't
<br>> get my Dell PercRaid raid controller recognized under Redhat
<br>> 6.0/6.1/6.2!!!! Can someone help me out?? Do I need to set anything
<br>> special in the Bios?
<br>> Thanks!
<br>> Brian Gilman
<br>IT Manager, Change 
616.381.9889 ext 17

<a href=""></a>
<br>3506 Lovers Lane, Second 
Kalamazoo, MI 49001
<p>PGP Key: <a 

Brian Gilman&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Scientific Programmer
WhiteHead Institute&nbsp;



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.redhat
Subject: Re: Still having probs with 2nd eth card
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 00:52:21 GMT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Try this first:

1)    modprobe 3c59x

    Hopefully you don't see any output on stdout.

    Next, try:

2)    ifup eth1

3)    then do an *ifconfig*

4)    look for eth1

    if this doesn't work try

    ifconfig eth1 <some_ip_address>
    then *ifconfig* again.

If these options work try the stuff below to fix your boot problems.

I think this is due to something going wrong in your /etc/conf.modules
    Look for  something like:

                    alias 3c59x

   Also check /lib/<kernel_you_are_running>/net/ to see what modules you
have compiled for networking. If you don't see the module for your card you
will be doing all that linuxconf crap till your blue in the face.


bernie wrote:

> If you have noticed I am really having problems setting up my second
> ethernet card on my server box (this is about my 3rd post on the subject
> , Im still rather new).  I am running RedHat 6.1 (2.2.12) on an older
> computer (P100, 32 meg ram) and am trying to set up another ethernet
> card on it so I can eventually set up IPmasquerading.  My first ethernet
> card works fine(D-Link, uses via-rhine mod), named eth0.  I am trying to
> set up a 3com 3c900b - tpo as eth1.  On install RedHat sees it, ask me
> if I want to migrate network settings from my other card, I say no.  I
> then tell it the proper networking stuff for an internal network.  But
> it doesn't work.  If I reboot it says something like:
> Bringing up eth0
> interface:                                                 [OK]
> Bringing up eth1 interface, delaying eth1 interface:         [FAILED]
> linuxconf doesn't seem to be the answer.  I tried configuring everything
> through linuxconf, but get the same results.  the ifconfig command only
> sees eth0 (and "lo" , local loopback).
> So, I need to somehow manually setup eth1, without linuxconfig if
> possible. How do I go about doing so?
> Thanks for any help!!
> bernie

Brian Gilman
Scientific Programmer
WhiteHead Institute

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Try this first:
<p>1)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; modprobe 3c59x
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Hopefully you don't see any output on stdout.
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Next, try:
<p>2)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ifup eth1
<p>3)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; then do an *ifconfig*
<p>4)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; look for eth1
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; if this doesn't work try
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ifconfig eth1 &lt;some_ip_address>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; then *ifconfig*&nbsp;again.
<p>If these options work try the stuff below to fix your boot problems.
<p>I think this is due to something going wrong in your /etc/conf.modules
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Look for&nbsp; something like:
alias 3c59x
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Also check /lib/&lt;kernel_you_are_running>/net/ to see
what modules you have compiled for networking. If you don't see the module
for your card you will be doing all that linuxconf crap till your blue
in the face.
<p>bernie wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>If you have noticed I am really having problems setting
up my second
<br>ethernet card on my server box (this is about my 3rd post on the subject
<br>, Im still rather new).&nbsp; I am running RedHat 6.1 (2.2.12) on an
<br>computer (P100, 32 meg ram) and am trying to set up another ethernet
<br>card on it so I can eventually set up IPmasquerading.&nbsp; My first
<br>card works fine(D-Link, uses via-rhine mod), named eth0.&nbsp; I am
trying to
<br>set up a 3com 3c900b - tpo as eth1.&nbsp; On install RedHat sees it,
ask me
<br>if I want to migrate network settings from my other card, I say no.&nbsp;
<br>then tell it the proper networking stuff for an internal network.&nbsp;
<br>it doesn't work.&nbsp; If I reboot it says something like:
<p>Bringing up eth0
<br>Bringing up eth1 interface, delaying eth1 
<p>linuxconf doesn't seem to be the answer.&nbsp; I tried configuring everything
<br>through linuxconf, but get the same results.&nbsp; the ifconfig command
<br>sees eth0 (and "lo" , local loopback).
<p>So, I need to somehow manually setup eth1, without linuxconfig if
<br>possible. How do I go about doing so?
<p>Thanks for any help!!

Brian Gilman&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Scientific Programmer
WhiteHead Institute&nbsp;



From: "Jim Zubb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DELL / PERC2
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 22:53:34 -0800

In article <39353959$1$9376$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Aaron Smith
>    I've worked with Dell Poweredge Servers that run
> both PERC2's and PERC3's under Redhat Linux.  The Perc2's are just AMI
> Megaraid cards and are supported by the megaraid.o module in the
> standard Kernel distribution.  I would assume, then, that it will work
> on any Linux Distro you care to use.
>     The PERC3's, however, are indeed Adaptec and Adaptec will
> not release any source code for their driver.  Consequently, the only
> available driver is a binary RPM distribution.  The kicker is that the
> driver will only work with very specific kernel versions such as
> 2.2.13-0.13,, etc.  The modules (percraid.o) do indeed
> work, but you have to make sure you have the correct kernel
> version...and even then there is a bit of chicken bone waving involved
> to get it to work.

Yeah I figured it was something like that, don't have the system anymore
to investigate.  Kind of makes it hard to install Linux on the system when
it requires a specific kernel version.

Incidentally, the machine I was working on stated PERC 2/si during the
bootup, it was definately the adaptec card (I checked the chips on the
board).  It was not a megaraid card, it was onboard.  There must be a lot
of different version of these cards floating around.

Jim Zubb   



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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