Linux-Hardware Digest #129, Volume #13           Tue, 27 Jun 00 20:13:08 EDT

  Re: SB Live! in Linux Problems!! (Marc)
  Re: Thoughts on this configuration? (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Video card lag (J Bland)
  Re: Slim cases for rack-mounted solution (Tim Haynes)
  Re: Thoughts on this configuration? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How to manually mark hd sectors as bad? ("Folkert Rienstra")
  Re: ATA 66 and eide compatibility (Hal Burgiss)
  Re: ATA 66 and eide compatibility (Hal Burgiss)
  re:booting problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Turtle Beach Montego II and Redhat 6.2 (Henry)
  Modem help please!!! ("Tim Bartek")
  NFS and mounting ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: PENTIJUM MII 300 ( F O N T O ) (driver)
  problem with disk geomtry reporting (Eyal Lebedinsky)
  Re: Slim cases for rack-mounted solution (George White)
  Re: Tape Library/Jukebox Device Driver??? (Ron Reeder)
  Re: Turtle Beach Montego II and Redhat 6.2 (fahlis)
  Re: ATA 66 and eide compatibility ("Martin Klingensmith")
  Re: Tape Library/Jukebox Device Driver??? ("Michael Faurot")
  Re: PENTIJUM MII 300 ( F O N T O ) ("Da Srh")
  Re: How to manually mark hd sectors as bad? ("Folkert Rienstra")


Subject: Re: SB Live! in Linux Problems!!
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 23:15:18 +0200

Daniil Kolpakov wrote:
> So do that chmod! You probably have no read access on device. Enter
> chmod blablabla ;) in console

You're right, even the finest drivers don't work if you don't have
access to them.


Logica: De kunst om het vol overtuiging bij het verkeerde eind te
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Crossposted-To: comp.hardware,,comp.sys.pc.hardware
Subject: Re: Thoughts on this configuration?
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 21:31:47 GMT

Mark Slicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> It looks impressive, except the case and power supply.
> I noticed that you are using a CDROM reader/burner in
> one unit, if you want to make a CD copy, it will be
> a lot of pain,

no it won't.  i've got two drives, a cd-rom and cd-r.  i still rip to
hard disk and then burn image from hard drive.  just have 700 MB of
spare space on some hard drive.  direct cd-cd burns suck -- cd-rom has
*terrible* seek performance and cd-r requires a smooth flow of data.
if i had it to do over again, i'd skip the cd-rom and only get a cd-r.

J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
Don't Fear the Penguin!


Subject: Re: Video card lag
Date: 27 Jun 2000 21:43:36 GMT

>Good luck; I tried this 6 months ago and discovered that I could run
>Quake3 and only Quake3--anything else that tried to use OpenGL caused X to
>die messily.  

With glx on mach64 it's the complete opposite. How about that! ;)



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tim Haynes)
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Slim cases for rack-mounted solution
Date: 27 Jun 2000 22:22:47 +0100
Reply-To: "Tim Haynes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

David Coulson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Tim Haynes wrote:
> > If 'mail' does mail and 'www' does www, what config file had you in
> > mind? ;)
> I don't know, maybe a kernel patch or /usr/local/etc/sshd_config. Not the
> point though.

It was totally my point - you raised the idea of copying things between the
two machines of disparate use ;)

> > But far more entertaining. In practice, the distribution of activities
> > over machines is not always (rarely, IME) 1:1.
> That's true, although sub-domaining with weird names has an advantage
> there
> although, mail1 and mail2 are a bit more obvieous.

Hmmm. If you want a mail "farm" a-la Freeserve, then something generic (eg
svr[12] makes sense. If you want some nice friendly machines that
sit on your desk, gimme bert & ernie any day :)

> > Actually, something I was thinking of earlier today: where has the
> > concept of 'subdomain' actually *gone*? There's so much egotism in "who
> > can have the shortest email address", [EMAIL PROTECTED], that all usefulness
> > has gone out t'window. Surely a "website" (whatever one of those is)
> > should be one of
> >         <URL:>,
> >         <URL:>,
> > or even <URL:>,
> > for those for whom support stuff is compressible into one directory?
> Well, I'd personally never use '', as its a bit long
> '' and '' are okay. Incidently, if your going to
> have a domain cookie (, you have to use *, so no
> '', as '' ain't part of the '' sub-domain
> (obvieously).

Erm.. default domain entry? "" itself can have an address, although
the above would probably help. 

> I really hate subdomains for e-mail addresses though... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> looks foolish.

As Alistair has said, it makes sense for organizational purposes. I quite
like the idea of being [EMAIL PROTECTED], says exactly where to find me

| Geek Code: GCS dpu s-:+ a-- C++++ UBLUAVHSC++++ P+++ L++ E--- W+++(--) N++ 
| w--- O- M-- V-- PS PGP++ t--- X+(-) b D+ G e++(*) h++(*) r--- y-           
| The sun is melting over the hills,         |
| All our roads are waiting / To be revealed | [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Crossposted-To: comp.hardware,,comp.sys.pc.hardware
Subject: Re: Thoughts on this configuration?
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 22:11:26 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (J Bland) writes:

> >Unless my memory is totally failing me, a 4/8GB Travan (slow) was
> >about $350 (for SCSI).  Considering that 4GB backs up 66% of my
> >smallest hard drive, 13% of my largest, and 9% of the total, that is
> >totally unsatisfactory.  Doing a full backup would require 11 tapes
> >and several days.

> So you have roughly 40GB of drive space which you *don't backup*??

Yep.  It bothers me, too, but there's no way around it.  Frankly,
increased storage/RAM/whatever is a higher priority than data
security.  Ideally, I'll blow the bucks on a RAID5 configuration,
which should help me out a lot.

But I'm looking at a big $1400 hit for the aforementioned RAID5
configuration, more if I want to do it right, so I dunno.  That's a
few months off yet, at least.

> I hope I have the wrong end of the stick here, or that's gotta hurt, even if
> you only rm -rf the wrong directory.

Yeah.  I learned that trick in OS/2.  No matter how annoying the
endless confirmations are, they will eventually save you from a
disaster.  I almost never do rm -rf, and when I do I always check

> Incremental backups also make life easier, so a 'full' backup isn't
> necessary every day, and how much of that 40GB *needs* backing up?

Basically, none of it.  I have dis[ck] copies of all the software on
there except my MP3s.  Which I could probably recover in two or three
days via Napster.

Having to redo my system would be annoying, but I'm sure I could
recover enough to keep it from being a disaster.  Actually, it's
really refreshing to be able to wipe out everything and start anew.
That's the one thing I'd like a tape backup for: thorough cleanups.


"Dude... my hands are huge.  They can touch anything but themselves...
 oh, wait."


From: "Folkert Rienstra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to manually mark hd sectors as bad?
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 00:17:53 +0200

Have you tried the website of the drivemaker?
One thing to try is WIPE:
It will write to every sector and overwrite any data that gives a read error
such as with format. That rids you of speudo bad blocks.

The only program that I know of that can remove bad blocks from 
service is SpinRite. For that money you can buy a new drive though.

Folkert Rienstra 
(don't email me please, reply to the group)
visit Gary Field's SCSI Info Central at

"paket" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
news:SpW55.1806$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
| I have an old IDE hard drive that I am trying to use. The drive works,
| except when it tries to access certain sectors the drive emits a 'ticking'
| sound - I am assuming that the heads are flying around. The problem is that
| these sectors will survive a format. Is there any way to track down which
| sectors they are, and manually mark them as bad?
| thanks
| allen unrau


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hal Burgiss)
Subject: Re: ATA 66 and eide compatibility
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 22:39:49 GMT

On Tue, 27 Jun 2000 18:32:22 GMT, Martin Klingensmith
>Is the hard drive 7200 RPM? if not check out
> for a comparison on UDMA/33
>versus UDMA/66 using a 5400 RPM drive. I have a Quantum fireball and it's
>been going fine 24/7 for about 6 months now. Most major-name drives will be
>fine for home situations. I would recommend:
>Western Digital
>IBM <- manufactured by several entities, AFAIK
>However do NOT buy a Maxtor, they may get good reviews, but it's too
>bad no one stress tests them because I myself have had several fail,
>along with friends of mine who draw the same conclusion, they may be $5
>cheaper, but ask yourself how much your data is worth before you buy a

YMMV. This may be true of the cheaper Maxtor line, but you get what you
pay for sometimes. FWIW, 2 of the last 3 WDs I bought have died
very prematurely. Maxtor makes some IBM drives, to IBM specs with IBM
warranty, etc. I don't think IBM would do this without some inside
knowledge here. But again, these are not the bottom rung Maxtors.

Hal B


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hal Burgiss)
Subject: Re: ATA 66 and eide compatibility
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 22:42:29 GMT

PS -- According to, the mfgs that are actively supporting
Linux are IBM, Quantam, and Maxtor. 

Hal B


Subject: re:booting problem
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 22:36:21 GMT

My redhat6.2 system boots fine but it stops at "Starting linuxconf".I
can telnet to the system but unable to get login prompt at the system
itself.Any idea what might be wrong.

Thanks in advance......

Dale Khehra

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Turtle Beach Montego II and Redhat 6.2
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 22:36:32 GMT

I just installed Redhat 6.2 on a Dell machine that came with a TurtleBeach
Montego II A3D PCI soundcard.I can't get this soundcard to work in
Linux.After searching around, I found that the driver I needed to use was I downloaded that driver and tried installing it.Here's
the message I get attempting to run make install20 (or the othermake install
variations):-------make install AUCHIP=AU8820make[1]: Entering directory
`/root/au88xx-1.0.5'mv -f /etc/conf.modules /etc/conf.modules.oldgawk -f
mod_conf /etc/conf.modules.old > /etc/conf.modulesecho "alias sound au8820"
>> /etc/conf.modulesecho "alias midi au8820" >> /etc/conf.modulesmkdir -p
/lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/misccp -f au8820.o
/lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/misc/sbin/depmod -a/sbin/modprobe
au8820/lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/misc/au8820.o: init_module: Device or resource
failed/lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/misc/au8820.o: insmod au8820 failedmake[1]:
[install] Error 255 (ignored)make[1]: Leaving directory
`/root/au88xx-1.0.5'---------------------The README said that these 'Device
busy' errors may be fixed by turningoff Plug N Play in the BIOS; but PnP is
off in my BIOS and I still getthe error.I've read a few places where people
are successfully using this cardwith RedHat 6.1.Does anyone have it working
with Redhat 6.2?Thanks in advance for any help.-henry

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Tim Bartek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Modem help please!!!
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 22:56:44 GMT

My modem used to work on LM 6 but now on LM 7 nothing I do seems to work.
I've tried the setserial command, and also setting the irq to autoconfig but
can't get anything out of it.  On windows my modem is com3 irq 5.  It is not
a "winmodem".  Does anyone have any ideas please?


Subject: NFS and mounting
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 22:49:23 GMT

I have a CD-ROM drive that is part of my Linux box. I want to install
software on my SGI machine using the CD-ROM that is a part of the Linux
box. So I thought I could edit the /etc/exports file and the hosts.allow
file on the Linux box and then edit the fstab file on the SGI. Well, I
that and I got this error when I tried to mount:

# mount -a
mount: server not responding: Program not
NFS version 3 mount failed, trying NFS version 2

And it never worked. So I thought I needed to start the daemons. So on
Linux box I typed:

# rpc.nfsd
# rpc.mountd

So now when I tried to mount I got this:

# mount -a
mount: on /cdrom: Unknown error
mount: giving up on:

Anyone know what might be wrong? I really need this to work since I must
install the software ASAP.

Thanks in advance,


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: driver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PENTIJUM MII 300 ( F O N T O )
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 00:46:58 +0200

Edward Lee wrote:

> I don't understand this language either, but this look like for sale ads
> posted to the wrong newsgroups, wrong country and wrong *.

   provalio si :))))))))

> John Gluck wrote:
> > SLAVISA wrote:
> >
> > > Prodajem racunar pentijum koji sam dobio na igri FONTO
> > >
> > > PM9100C PC100 + SVGA + SB, CPU M II 300, 14' HYUNDAI Color, 4.3 GB, 32 MB
> hardware descriptions?
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > CENA 800 DEM
> price?
> >
> > >
> > > 011/3193139 i 064 1236035
> >
> phone/contact?
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > I've noticed that you have done quite a few posts that aren't getting
> > replies.
> >
> > This could be for one of 2 reasons.
> >
> > 1- No one understands them.
> > 2nd- you are useing all capital letters. That is considered to be yelling
> > loudly. No one likes to be yelled at.
> >
> > May I suggest you get someone to help you translate your posts to english.
> >
> > --
> > John Gluck  (Passport Kernel Design Group)
> >
> > (613) 765-8392  ESN 395-8392
> >
> > Unless otherwise stated, any opinions expressed here are strictly my own
> > and do not reflect any official position of Nortel Networks.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eyal Lebedinsky)
Subject: problem with disk geomtry reporting
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 22:54:46 GMT

This is an Abit BP6. I have two IBM 30GB disks as slaves on
IDE0 and IDE1. The BIOS does not give both the same geometry.

However, looking at the disks in Linux I see that the two disks
are recognised correctly, with the correct (identical) geometry,
but then the effective geometry is different. In other words,
Linux has access to the drive's reported geomtry but it prefers
to use the bios bad one.

Can I force Linux to use the one the disk reports?

Eyal Lebedinsky         ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: George White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Slim cases for rack-mounted solution
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 20:10:03 -0300

On Tue, 20 Jun 2000, Simon Brooke wrote:
> I'm pretty sure there's a market for someone to produce a UK spec 1U
> box at a reasonable (say, sub UKP1,000) price.

It should be much easer to do this with a low-power CPU.  Do these
servers need hardware f.p.? has some small, low power
servers but I don't know if they do rackmount versions -- wouldn't
hurt to ask.

George White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Halifax, Nova Scotia


From: Ron Reeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tape Library/Jukebox Device Driver???
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 17:14:45 -0600

Saxon Holbrook wrote:
> Does anyone know of a simple device driver for a SCSI Tape Library/jukebox.
> We're simply looknig for command like control of a library using the
> standard SCSI Robotic command set.

I'd be interested in the answer as well.  

There is a SCSI howto and a SCSI Programming  howto.

These both point to the use of the Generic SCSI device driver. 

As I understand it (without writing a line of code, mind you) 

Using the driver associated with the SCSI ID for the Library 
(Always SCSI Id = 1?  or is it ID = 0 with LUN = 1?) 

You should then be able open the device (being the library) and
pass SCSI II medium changer commands to it. 

The SCSI II medium changer command set appears to be widely implemented by
manufacturers of library hardware.  So, I would have thought that someone
would have already done this?   Details would be nice.


From: fahlis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Turtle Beach Montego II and Redhat 6.2
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 01:29:13 +0200


There is a tweaked driver,it works for my Turtle Beach Montego 1 in 
Mandrake 7.1.Maybe for you also,try it,make sure you read the 
instructions thoroughly!


In article <8jba9e$38j$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
> I just installed Redhat 6.2 on a Dell machine that came with a TurtleBeach
> Montego II A3D PCI soundcard.I can't get this soundcard to work in
> Linux.After searching around, I found that the driver I needed to use was
> I downloaded that driver and tried installing it.Here's
> the message I get attempting to run make install20 (or the othermake install
> variations):-------make install AUCHIP=AU8820make[1]: Entering directory
> `/root/au88xx-1.0.5'mv -f /etc/conf.modules /etc/conf.modules.oldgawk -f
> mod_conf /etc/conf.modules.old > /etc/conf.modulesecho "alias sound au8820"
> >> /etc/conf.modulesecho "alias midi au8820" >> /etc/conf.modulesmkdir -p
> /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/misccp -f au8820.o
> /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/misc/sbin/depmod -a/sbin/modprobe
> au8820/lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/misc/au8820.o: init_module: Device or resource
> busy/lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/misc/au8820.o:
> insmod/lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/misc/au8820.o
> failed/lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/misc/au8820.o: insmod au8820 failedmake[1]:
> [install] Error 255 (ignored)make[1]: Leaving directory
> `/root/au88xx-1.0.5'---------------------The README said that these 'Device
> busy' errors may be fixed by turningoff Plug N Play in the BIOS; but PnP is
> off in my BIOS and I still getthe error.I've read a few places where people
> are successfully using this cardwith RedHat 6.1.Does anyone have it working
> with Redhat 6.2?Thanks in advance for any help.-henry
> Sent via
> Before you buy.


From: "Martin Klingensmith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ATA 66 and eide compatibility
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 23:52:04 GMT

Well, it should be noted I've also had an IBM fail =)

"Hal Burgiss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >
> YMMV. This may be true of the cheaper Maxtor line, but you get what you
> pay for sometimes. FWIW, 2 of the last 3 WDs I bought have died
> very prematurely. Maxtor makes some IBM drives, to IBM specs with IBM
> warranty, etc. I don't think IBM would do this without some inside
> knowledge here. But again, these are not the bottom rung Maxtors.
> --
> Hal B
> --


From: "Michael Faurot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tape Library/Jukebox Device Driver???
Date: 27 Jun 2000 23:56:28 GMT

Saxon Holbrook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Does anyone know of a simple device driver for a SCSI Tape Library/jukebox.
: We're simply looknig for command like control of a library using the
: standard SCSI Robotic command set.

 Faurot  | | all THE DAYS OF OUR LIVES.


From: "Da Srh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PENTIJUM MII 300 ( F O N T O )
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 00:58:13 +0200

SLAVISA wrote in message <8j0n9e$844$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
:Prodajem racunar pentijum koji sam dobio na igri FONTO
:PM9100C PC100 + SVGA + SB, CPU M II 300, 14' HYUNDAI Color, 4.3 GB, 32 MB

Toliko dugo sam cekao da vidim kakva je to
FONTO konfiguracija i konacno... Sva moja
ocekivanja su ispunjena. Uvala, brate, uvala.
Ali, uzeo bih je i ja da mi je daju za dz.


From: "Folkert Rienstra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to manually mark hd sectors as bad?
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 00:52:11 +0200

"jiva" <jiva*> wrote in message 
| On Tue, 27 Jun 2000 04:52:02 GMT, "paket" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| >I have an old IDE hard drive that I am trying to use. The drive works,
| >except when it tries to access certain sectors the drive emits a 'ticking'
| >sound - I am assuming that the heads are flying around. The problem is that
| >these sectors will survive a format. Is there any way to track down which
| >sectors they are, and manually mark them as bad?
| >
| it might be they are already marked bad ... your drive has substituted "spare"
| sectors elsewhere on the drive and is having to move the head to use them.

That is a possibility, although I would expect the spare to in the vicinity of 
the original sector. Another is that there is a magnetic defect and the drives servo 
action is violent. 
Some of my IBMs even clicked quite loud when encountering such a sector. 
There was no problem anymore AFTER those sectors were reassigned.

| Or is finding them marginal and moving them as u access them.  Not what you
| wanted to know but thought it might apply.
| -jim



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