Linux-Hardware Digest #518, Volume #13            Sat, 2 Sep 00 11:13:04 EDT

  H.P. laserjet 2100M (Gerassimos Toumazatos)
  help me identify my TV card (TomZ)
  Re: linux thinks ive got 15MB of RAM (sideband)
  Advansys 3925 SCSI controller (Alex D.)
  Re: linux thinks ive got 15MB of RAM ("Gene Heskett")
  Re: Mandrake 7.1 with Nvidia GeForce2 MX (Jim Broughton)
  Installing and Using a Microtek E3 Scanner in Linux (mike)
  Re: Installing and Using a Microtek E3 Scanner in Linux (sideband)
  Re: My monitors are getting fried.  Is Xfree86 to blame? (Jim Broughton)
  Re: DGA 2.0 support in XFree86 4.0.1? (Jim Broughton)
  Getting my Soundblaster16 installed in Redhat 6.1 (mike)
  Re: Getting my Soundblaster16 installed in Redhat 6.1 (sideband)
  Re: cloning linux disks easyly (Frank Sweetser)
  Re: Getting my Soundblaster16 installed in Redhat 6.1 (mike)
  Video card TV-out ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Advansys 3925 SCSI controller (paul van duijn)
  Re: Help! setting up multiple PNP Devices (Paul Dailey)


From: Gerassimos Toumazatos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: H.P. laserjet 2100M
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 13:50:58 +0300

Does anyone know if this printer has any problems with linux?
I` m using SuSE 6.3
Also, if someone uses it, can he tell me which driver he uses?
I` m about to buy one and I don`t want any surprises.


Subject: help me identify my TV card
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 11:14:12 GMT

I got a TV card from a friend that lost the driver and doesn't
remember the producer of the card.
There is none mentioned on the card itself.
Here are the things that I found on the card.

P/N: 94513960
Barcode 200061100003259

The silver metal tuner?
PHILIPS hyperband ready
3139 147 1329113#
F11216 Mk2/PH hm
SV23 9901
made in singapore

The chip:
Bt878 KHF
9850 KOREA

On the card itself:
80-CP2000 600-0
BM BM-501
94 V 0

Audio output
Video in
S-Video in



From: sideband <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux thinks ive got 15MB of RAM
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 07:58:27 -0400

did you execute /sbin/lilo after you added the line? If not, do it.

Do you have the memory hole at 15-16M set to on in your BIOS? (That'll
do it too). If so, set it to off/no/disabled

On or about Sat, 02 Sep 2000 09:58:03 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(mike), using the forum comp.os.linux.hardware did say:

:linux claims i have 15 mb of ram. i have 64 on one dim. i've tried the line 
:append="mem=64M" in lilo.conf with no luck


Subject: Advansys 3925 SCSI controller
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 12:24:18 GMT

I am going to buy a SCSI controller for my linux box and the Advansys 3925
card has been offered to me.
I read the advansys.c file distributed with the 2.2.16 kernel and it says
this controller is supported.

I'd like to know if anybody out there has ever installed this card and how
it works.




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Date: 2 Sep 2000 8:6:59 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux thinks ive got 15MB of RAM

Unrot13 this;

Gene Heskett sends Greetings to mike ;

> linux claims i have 15 mb of ram. i have 64 on one dim. i've tried
> the line append="mem=64M" in lilo.conf with no luck

Check your BIOS settings.  I don't recall the exact phraseology, but
most have something about a memory hole at 16 megs someplace in them.
Turn it off so that whatever memory there is, is contiguous.

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040, Linux @ 400mhz 
        email gene underscore heskett at iolinc dot net
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From: Jim Broughton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mandrake 7.1 with Nvidia GeForce2 MX
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 13:00:41 GMT

jfurness wrote:
> Can anyone help?
> I have successfully installed Madrake Linux 7.1 on my new PC and have had
> one major problem relating to the Nvidia GeForce2 MX graphics card.
> The X config file states that it has auto-detected a generic Nvidia Geforce
> 256 card but when I "startx" the whole display just ends up garbled. The
> machine doesn't crash and when I break out of X back to the character prompt
> the display is STILL in a mess, and I have to guess that I've typed "halt"!!
> If anybody knows what the problem is (is this card as yet unsupported??) or
> where I can get the right driver(s) etc. I'd be most grateful,
> Cheers,
> James

 Its just a little bit more serious than that. You need to upgrade to
version 4.0.1 of Xfree86 and you need the drivers from Nvidia's web
site. (if you can't get version 4.0.1 then 4.0 will do) The Nvidia
drivers handle all of the more recent nvidia chips. tnt-geforce 2.

Jim Broughton
(The Amiga OS! Now there was an OS)
If Sense were common everyone would have it!
Following Air and Water the third most abundant
thing on the planet is Human Stupidity.


From: mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Installing and Using a Microtek E3 Scanner in Linux
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 09:03:56 -0400

    I inherited a Microtek E3 scanner with an Adaptec AVA-1502 E
scsi interface card. The big question is, is there any way to
install and use it in Linux and if so, what are the details.




From: sideband <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Installing and Using a Microtek E3 Scanner in Linux
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 09:17:55 -0400

Not sure if the 1502 will work with linux. If it has the 6360 chipset,
the 152X driver will probably work.

That takes care of the SCSI card.. as for the scanner, someone else
will have to help you out with that.

On or about Sat, 02 Sep 2000 09:03:56 -0400, mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
using the forum comp.os.linux.hardware did say:

:    I inherited a Microtek E3 scanner with an Adaptec AVA-1502 E
:scsi interface card. The big question is, is there any way to
:install and use it in Linux and if so, what are the details.
:                                                        Thanks
:                                                                Mike


From: Jim Broughton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: My monitors are getting fried.  Is Xfree86 to blame?
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 13:21:20 GMT

Dean Olson wrote:
> About two months ago my 19" generic brand monitor lost most of its color and
> brightness and turned a dark brown on the screen.  If I turned it off for an
> extended period of time, it would come back somewhat but it was clearly
> ruined.  I am not sure what caused it.  It had worked fine for over a year.
> I replaced the monitor with a Hitachi CM771, which worked just great for a
> month.  Now it is showing the same symptoms.  I am at a loss at to what new
> factor is causing these monitors to lose their brightness.  I have replaced
> the video card I had (Riva TNT AGP) with a Voodoo 5 5500 AGP.  No
> difference.  I am now considering checking the motherboard for some kind of
> faulty AGP port, and the resolution settings to see if I perhaps set the res
> too high (1280x1024) but it is doubtful since the Hitachi was well within
> its limits of resolution and refresh rate.
> I am trying to think about the changes I've made to the system in the last
> two months.  I upgraded the CPU from a 400Mhz PII to a 550Mhz PIII, changed
> the resolution from 1024x768 to 1280x1024.
> Under X, the NVidia TNT has worked just fine using 3.3.6 SVGA server for
> more than a year.  Is it possible that the server somehow miscalculated the
> refresh rates?  I was fairly conservative in the limits I set for the X
> server as far as the monitor's capacity, so I did not think that X could
> have damaged it, although I have heard of monitors getting damaged if the
> server's clock timings weren't set right.  In five years of using X, I have
> never had it cause any problems, but I have to consider this as a
> possibility.    Typically I use Win98 for most of my work stuff, and use
> Linux for most of my code hacking.  Has anyone actually had XFree86 ruin
> their monitor?  I had thought that such a problem was relegated to the
> monitors of the past.
> The other thing I changed was that I started playing a lot of DVDs
> on my system with my Creative Labs DVD player.  Now, with the DVD player, I
> refused to use the passthrough adaptor since it affected the clarity of my
> picture, so instead I opted to play it out to my TV through the DXR II SVHS
> port while leaving the DVD player software in the background of my PC
> desktop.  Without the passthrough to play the DVD through to my screen as
> well as the TV, the DVD picture where my screen is supposed display is a
> bright blue overlay.  I am now wondering if this is yet another factor that
> could affect my monitors.
> I am losing my mind over this.  I have somehow managed to fry $900 worth of
> hardware in a 60 day period.
> Please help if you can.
> Thanks

 You really have to try hard to ruin a modern monitor. Some (like my viewsonic)
will actualy refuse to display a picture and put a message up on screen that
says something like the signal is out of range. If you know the sync range of
your monitor and have those values entered into the XF86Config file then
it is probably NOT xfree that is frying your monitors. Have you tried those
monitors on another computer with a different video card? Check the voltage
comming in from the wall outlet? Dare I say take out the dvd for a while and
see if that affects things. Is your motherboard of modern vintage say made
after 1998? What brand is it and model is it?

Jim Broughton
(The Amiga OS! Now there was an OS)
If Sense were common everyone would have it!
Following Air and Water the third most abundant
thing on the planet is Human Stupidity.


From: Jim Broughton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DGA 2.0 support in XFree86 4.0.1?
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 13:35:31 GMT

> Is there a fix available for the DGA bug in th OpenGL part of nvidia's
> driver set for XFree86 4.0.1?
> The bug can be best seen in Quake 3, where the mouse moves choppily (I
> can't find a better word for it), stopping at short intervals. This does
> not occur until you run it for a fec seconds (half a minute or so).
> Maybe for people who don't play q3 a lot this does not mater, but for
> people like me, who play competitively, it's unacceptable. I have been
> trying for some time now, to eliminate Windows from my box, but I always
> stop at this point, I have to keep it, ot be able to play Q3.
> My box/Softs:
> Abit-BE6-II (110mhz FSB)
> PIII-660
> 256mb
> TNT2u (Diamond Viper 770)
> Redhat 6.2, kernel 2.2.14
> XFree86 4.0.1
> NVIDIA_kernel 0.94
> Quake3 1.17n
> Regards
> Högni
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

 Just disable DGA support in the XF86Config file located in your /etc/X11 dir.
I run quake 3 and experience NO problems. Xfree 4.0.1 and a GeForce 2 GTS.

Jim Broughton
(The Amiga OS! Now there was an OS)
If Sense were common everyone would have it!
Following Air and Water the third most abundant
thing on the planet is Human Stupidity.


From: mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Getting my Soundblaster16 installed in Redhat 6.1
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 09:35:10 -0400

    I have a Soundblaster 16 or some variation. I had spoken to
a technical person at Redhat when I first bought the distribution.
    The problem was that my card was not recognized automatically
by the system and the technician gave me some lines to type
in in the conf.modules file and also the file called something
like isapnp.conf. The sound card worked perfectly after that.
    The issue now is that I had to reinstall my system because
of a crash and can't find the info that he gave me on
installing the card.
    My card works perfectly in Windows 95 installed as a
Soundblaster 16.
    Help will be much appreciated. I usually save all my
config files on floppys and write down important info,
but I slipped up on that one.




From: sideband <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Getting my Soundblaster16 installed in Redhat 6.1
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 09:48:21 -0400

su to root


set it up, and enjoy.


On or about Sat, 02 Sep 2000 09:35:10 -0400, mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
using the forum comp.os.linux.hardware did say:

:    I have a Soundblaster 16 or some variation. I had spoken to
:a technical person at Redhat when I first bought the distribution.
:    The problem was that my card was not recognized automatically
:by the system and the technician gave me some lines to type
:in in the conf.modules file and also the file called something
:like isapnp.conf. The sound card worked perfectly after that.
:    The issue now is that I had to reinstall my system because
:of a crash and can't find the info that he gave me on
:installing the card.
:    My card works perfectly in Windows 95 installed as a
:Soundblaster 16.
:    Help will be much appreciated. I usually save all my
:config files on floppys and write down important info,
:but I slipped up on that one.
:                                                    Thanks
:                                                        Mike


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank Sweetser)
Subject: Re: cloning linux disks easyly
Date: 2 Sep 2000 13:43:30 GMT

macsoft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have got a template linux disk with some partitions
> I want to be able to clone it as many times I want.
>The problem is that it may be cloned on disks with larger size than the
>original .
>What are the utility available to do this ?

Plain 'ol copy with the correct options to preserver attribs will work just
fine - linux doesn't play the same wierd games with hard file locations that
windows tends to.  Just mke2fs the new drive, copy the file over, lilo the
drive and you're good to go.

Frank Sweetser rasmusin at, fs at  | $ x 5
Full-time WPI Network Tech, Part time Linux/Perl guy |
I know it's weird, but it does make it easier to write poetry in perl.    :-)
             -- Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Getting my Soundblaster16 installed in Redhat 6.1
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 09:52:34 -0400

sideband wrote:

> su to root
> /usr/sbin/sndconfig

    my issue is that sndconfig does not set up the configuration
files properly. I had tried that along time ago. That was why
I called Redhat for support on the problem. I had found
out that only when the appropriate parameters were
manually put in to the proper config files, would my
soundblaster work.
                                            Thanks for the suggestion in
any case



Subject: Video card TV-out
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 07:52:33 -0600 (MDT)

What video cards are compatible with Linux, that have a fucntioning
TV-Out. I know none of the video cards TV-Out work with BeOS,


From: paul van duijn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Advansys 3925 SCSI controller
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 16:24:12 +0200

"Alex D." wrote:
> I am going to buy a SCSI controller for my linux box and the Advansys 3925
> card has been offered to me.
> I read the advansys.c file distributed with the 2.2.16 kernel and it says
> this controller is supported.
> I'd like to know if anybody out there has ever installed this card and how
> it works.
> Thanks.
> --
>  Alex
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (to reply, cut NOSPAM out)
> Http://
> My system is powered by Linux
> Support the Free Software! (
> ---------------------------------------------------------

I bought the IOI-3925 SCSI(PCI) controller and put it in an old Dell
Optiplex GLX5133
and it works! (with an Umax Astra 2100S scanner (with sane))
Mine distro is SUSE 6.4 (kernel 2.2.14 i believe)
(insmod advansys, insmod sg and it works)

| Met Groet       |
| Paul van Duijn  |


From: Paul Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help! setting up multiple PNP Devices
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 15:07:07 GMT

OH! I didn't realize I was configuring the software driver.  I was
thinking purely in hardware terms.  Thank you!

One more question:
In your reply you recommended using the script:
setserial /dev/ttyS2 port 0x02f8 irq 3 autoconfig

isapnp will not let me set my pnp modem to port 0x02f8 citing a conflict
with ttyS1 already using it.  Does this matter?  Can I set my pnp card
to use any available port and then run the above script? Am I still
missing the point?  (I realize I could "try" this but I guess I'm
looking for more of an academic discussion...)

thanks in advance,

James Richard Tyrer wrote:

>> I have a PNP modem and I would like to set it up the "right" way.
>> But I'm confused, because when I used to set up modems with
>> jumpers, at boot up the modem was considered a serial port
>> and worked fine.  (Assuming I understand correctly)
>> On boot up, linux detects the following serial ports:
>> ttyS00 at 0x03f8 irq 4    and
>> ttyS01 at 0x02f8 irq 3
>> So to get my modem to work I have to do the following:
>> I use isapnp to configure my modem with the following parameters:
>> I/O: 0x02e8  irq: 3
>> I then use setserial as follows (from my script):
>> setserial /dev/modem autoconfig
>> setserial /dev/modem port 0x02e8
>> setserial /dev/modem autoconfig
>> and then my modem works fine.  (But X locks randomly when I'm dialed
>> in)
>> Here's the Q:
>> Why can't I set the modem to
>> io 0x02f8 irq 3
>> and then use setserial to point the modem to ttyS01?
>> I seems that this should work... but it doesn't.  It also seems that
>> this is the "right" way but I must be understanding something
>> incorrectly...
>> thanks in advance
>> paul
> Don't use "/dev/modem" in your script.  It isn't an actual device.  It
> is only a symbolic link.
> You have 2 serial ports and an internal modem?  Right?
> Therefore you need only to configure the modem in your script:
> setserial /dev/ttyS2 port 0x02f8 irq 3 autoconfig
> Remember that setserial configures the software driver, not the
> hardware.



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