Linux-Hardware Digest #537, Volume #13            Wed, 6 Sep 00 12:13:06 EDT

  Re: Linux Driver for NI PCI6035E (Chuck)
  Re: MAudio Delta44 sound card ("Stefo D. Stojanovski")
  Any project or infor about install embedded Linux on Palm V machine? (Hans)
  Re: what's up with Sun? (Fred Nastos)
  Re: what's up with Sun? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Install problem with CompaqPresario ("fuchs.frank")
  i810 and Modem support ("Srikanth N. Rao")
  Driver for Equinox Megaport-8CS ? ("M.Sukopp")
  dat error (Kostis Mentzelos)
  Re: what's up with Sun? (Donal K. Fellows)
  Re: STB Velocity 4400 + Linux ? (Barry Keeney)
  Re: sound ("Ben")
  Re: Install problem with CompaqPresario ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Linux Driver for NI PCI6035E ("Yuhong Ren")
  Re: thoughts?  AMD K7-800, Abit kt7-raid, w2k, linux, RAID-1 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: linux says i only have 15MB RAM (dt)
  ISA Modem Config Problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  ISA Modem Config Problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Biostar M7VKB (Athlon socket A) knocks out NIC after a heavy ftp session. (Adam 
  Biostar M7VKB (Athlon socket A) knocks out NIC after a heavy ftp session. (Adam 
  Re: Promise ATA100 and Linux (Torsten Pinkert)
  linux/sparc and video capture? (Jason Wagner)
  Re: tape drives (Bob Terrell)


Subject: Re: Linux Driver for NI PCI6035E
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2000 08:16:13 -0400

Are you running comedi as root? I used to try running it as a user, but got
too many headaches. It could be that you don't have read/write ability to
/dev/comediX, perhaps even if you appear to.

Check out the Comedi list archive, I think some people were just talking
about the PCI6034 card which must be close to yours. If you post this message
to the comedi list, I'm sure someone will give you an answer...

Yuhong Ren wrote:

> Hi, all,
> I have downloaded two Linus drivers for NI PCI6035E card, one is from the
> NI's website, another is from Comedi. However, I could not setup them well
> after trial and error. I always was informed that the device : /dev/nidaqX
> or /dev/comediX could not be opened, but when I list with : ls -l /dev/ni*
> or ls -l /dev/com*, the device all are there. I was puzzled with this
> problem.
> If you could please point out where I was wrong, I will be greatly
> appreciated.
> Warm regards,
> Yuhong


From: "Stefo D. Stojanovski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MAudio Delta44 sound card
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2000 12:35:23 GMT


I have an MAudio Dio 2448 and it works great with the commercial OSS driver (which was 
$30, but worth it).  I was also looking at using the ALSA driver but I really couldn't 
find anywhere on there
website that my card was supported 100%.  So I ended up going with the OSS commercial 
driver.  But first, I tested the driver with the evaluation version and it seemed to 
work fine and then I bought

Anyways, if you get a chance, I would try the OSS sound drivers to see if they work 
for you.

By the way, what type of things are you going to be doing with sound with linux?  Are 
you going to be using your system as a multitrack recorder or hard disk recorder?, 
Sound Editing?  I would really
like to know because I would like to talk to others who have done this with linux to 
find out what types of setups they have.

At this point, I here's my setup:

Pentium III 550 Mhz
128 MB RAM
10gig hd and 2.5 gig hd
Mandrake Linux 7.0.2
Maudio Dio 2448 PCI soundcard
Finally got BroadCast 2000 to work on my system correctly.  Haven't played around with 
it much but it seems pretty stable..

ronnie wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone been able to make an Maudio(Midiman) Delta44, 66, 1010 card to
> work under RH or Mandrake.  I am using Mandrake 7.1 and Kudzu found and
> configured the card.  It has its own IRQ, when booting the sound module
> loads fine (ICE1712).  The card shows up the alsa section under
> /proc/asound.  It seems that the devices can not see the card.  Also,
> sndconfig says it can not locate the card as well as HardDrake shows nothing
> under soundcard.
> Ronnie


Subject: Any project or infor about install embedded Linux on Palm V machine?
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2000 13:23:43 GMT


I have a Plam V and want to replace the Plam OS into embedded Linux for Palm

Thanks in advance.

My homepage is ''

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Fred Nastos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: what's up with Sun?
Date: 6 Sep 2000 13:24:42 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc Christopher Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when David Steuber would say:
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rasputin) writes:

>     generally leads to things like using enormous but slow IDE drives,
>     and trying to share RAM with the video board.

How much slower are IDE drives really? Are you comparing them to SCSI?


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: what's up with Sun?
Date: 06 Sep 2000 09:50:51 -0400

Fred Nastos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >     generally leads to things like using enormous but slow IDE drives,
> >     and trying to share RAM with the video board.

> How much slower are IDE drives really? 

A lot.  I suspect it has more to do with the design of the drive than
the bus it's on, suggesting that some IDE drives are faster than some
SCSI drives; however, the balance is usually tilted far in the other

For a reference point, I have a 7200rpm IDE drive which is not
perceptibly faster than a 5400rpm IDE drive I also have.  Both are
very obviously slower than a 7200rpm SCSI drive I have.

> Are you comparing them to SCSI?

As opposed to Firewire, USB, or what have you?  I would expect USB
hard drives to be slower.  With modern drives, you'd hit your head on
the bandwidth maximum pretty fast if data comes out of the cache.
Firewire, I've never used.  Parallel port drives?  Yeah, right.  I'll
stay out of _that_ particular mess, thankyouverymuch.



From: "fuchs.frank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Install problem with CompaqPresario
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 15:51:28 +0200

Dear Peter,

I tried SuperProbe (the one which is on RedHat 6.1). It gave me this :
SuperProbe Version 2.20 (17 June 1999)
(c) Copyright 1993,1994 by David Wexelblat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(c) Copyright 1994-1998 by The XFree86 Project, Inc
This work is derived from the '' and
'' documentation packages produced by Finn
Thoegersen, and released with all appropriate permissions
having been obtained.  Additional information obtained from
'Programmer's Guide to the EGA and VGA, 2nd ed', by Richard
Ferraro, and from manufacturer's data books
Bug reports are welcome, and should be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In particular, reports of chipsets that this program fails to
correctly detect are appreciated.
Before submitting a report, please make sure that you have the
latest version of SuperProbe (see

First video: Super-VGA
Chipset: Trident (chipset unknown) (PCI Probed)
Signature data: 85201023 (please report)
Memory:  256 Kbytes
RAMDAC:  Sierra SC1148{2,3,4} 15-bit or SC1148{5,7,9} 15/16-bit HiColor
(with 8-bit wide lookup tables)

I have some remarks : the Chipset is unknown (however it's really a Trident
according to the documentation of the computer). Its memory is 256Ko (in
fact it's 8Mo shared with the RAM). The RAMDAC is not listed in the RAMDACs
proposed by Xconfigurator.

Any suggestion ?
Thanks in advance.



From: "Srikanth N. Rao" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: i810 and Modem support
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2000 10:01:39 -0400

Is the modem provided by i810 chipset usable under Linux RH6.2 (Kernel
How do I set it up?


From: "M.Sukopp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Driver for Equinox Megaport-8CS ?
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2000 16:20:55 +0200

I can't find support for the Equinox Megaport 8CS-Board with 8 serial
Ports on it.

Who can help me?


From: Kostis Mentzelos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: dat error
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2000 17:22:02 +0300

Hi all,

I am getting errors when I try to backup to /dev/st0

tar cvf /dev/st0 /xxx /yyy
tar: error writing /dev/st0

tail /var/log/messages:

kernel: ASC=50 ASCQ=0 
kernel: Raw sence data: 0xf0 0x00 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01
0x12 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x50 0x00 0x00 0x00
kernel: st0 Error on write filemark

I am using SuSE linux 5.53
kernel 2.0.38
2 ncr53c8xx scsi controlers(dat)
1 cpqarray  scsi controler (hd)

Thanks in advance,
Kostis Mentzelos


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donal K. Fellows)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: what's up with Sun?
Date: 6 Sep 2000 14:43:32 GMT

In article <%cet5.551$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Ingemar Lundin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sparc doesnt run more than a few percent of the worlds servers

Ah, but *which* few percent?  Sure, there are loads of PeeCees running
a little server software with low utilisation.  But the heavy-duty big
fsck-off servers (on which lots of crucial parts of the 'net and many
businesses depend) are usually something else, and Sun has a healthy
share of that market.  Not all servers are equal in importance...

"[He] would have needed to sell not only his own soul, but have somehow gotten
 in on the ground floor of an Amway-like pryamid scheme delivering the souls
 of kindergarten students to Satan by the truckload like so many boxes of Girl
 Scout Cookies."                    -- John S. Novak, III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: Barry Keeney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,redhat.config
Subject: Re: STB Velocity 4400 + Linux ?
Date: 6 Sep 2000 14:20:45 GMT

In comp.os.linux.hardware Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Hi,

: I am thinking to upgrade my current set-up with a better video card. I found
: a STB Velocity 4400 16Mb PCI on the web but I'd like to make sure it is
: supported for Linux before making a move.

: Anyone out there have this card along with a working X server ?

   I have this card in my dual boot system at home, works great under linux.
email me if you want my XF86config file.

Barry Keeney
Chaos Consulting

"Rap is Square Dancing gone terribly, terribly Wrong...."


Subject: Re: sound
Date: 6 Sep 2000 14:47:01 GMT

I know AzTech  PCI 64-Q3D has driver to work,
but I don't know what your soundcard chiptype is,
so I can't tell you it have(or not) any driver to work.
or you may view the website,
it may help u.

Liu Ben

Boris Brinza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> whoops, sorry.... once more......
> so i am very new in linux and i have problem with my sound card
> it's old isa aztech sound galaxy nova 16 extra II-3d (wow, cool name:-))
> does somebody know how to make this miracle to work?
> thanx a lot
> btw: redhat 6.2, kernel 2.2.16


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Install problem with CompaqPresario
Date: 6 Sep 2000 14:34:57 GMT

fuchs.frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I tried SuperProbe (the one which is on RedHat 6.1). It gave me this :

Well, your SuperProbe is too old. The card is newer than it. Get a new
distro and/or a newer SuperProbe. But the point is that your card is
newer than the distribution of X that you have, so they can't have
included a driver for it! Get some new stuff in.

: SuperProbe Version 2.20 (17 June 1999)
: (c) Copyright 1993,1994 by David Wexelblat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

: First video: Super-VGA
: Chipset: Trident (chipset unknown) (PCI Probed)
: Signature data: 85201023 (please report)
: Memory:  256 Kbytes
: RAMDAC:  Sierra SC1148{2,3,4} 15-bit or SC1148{5,7,9} 15/16-bit HiColor
: (with 8-bit wide lookup tables)



Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 22:42:41 +0800 
Reply-To: "Yuhong Ren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Yuhong Ren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Driver for NI PCI6035E

Thanks a lot. Yes, I am running Comedi as root.  You are right that I don't
have read/write ability to the /dec/comediX. But the "depmod" has passed. I
am now very anxious about this. Any way, thank you again for your hints.


Chuck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Are you running comedi as root? I used to try running it as a user, but
> too many headaches. It could be that you don't have read/write ability to
> /dev/comediX, perhaps even if you appear to.
> Check out the Comedi list archive, I think some people were just talking
> about the PCI6034 card which must be close to yours. If you post this
> to the comedi list, I'm sure someone will give you an answer...
> Yuhong Ren wrote:
> > Hi, all,
> >
> > I have downloaded two Linus drivers for NI PCI6035E card, one is from
> > NI's website, another is from Comedi. However, I could not setup them
> > after trial and error. I always was informed that the device :
> > or /dev/comediX could not be opened, but when I list with : ls -l
> > or ls -l /dev/com*, the device all are there. I was puzzled with this
> > problem.
> >
> > If you could please point out where I was wrong, I will be greatly
> > appreciated.
> >
> > Warm regards,
> >
> > Yuhong


Crossposted-To: alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.abit
Subject: Re: thoughts?  AMD K7-800, Abit kt7-raid, w2k, linux, RAID-1
Date: 06 Sep 2000 11:02:27 -0400

Hello.  I am considering doing the same thing with almost exactly
the same setup.  I would like to dual boot linux and w2k on the raid
array.  I haven't done it yet so I don't have any advice for you, but
I would more than appreciate any tips, advice, or thoughts you have
while setting up your system.


> Greetings,
> I'm contemplating a dual-boot Win2k/Linux system build and I'd like to
> get some feedback or any red flag indications.  
> I understand that only one Linux distro.  currently supports the
> hardware RAID controller on this Abit board, but I'd like to ensure
> that the rest of the hardware is all capable of running Linux in the
> future.  
> Since Linux is so much more efficient with respect to hardware, I put
> my newest box into needed Windoze service, and then roll the replaced
> box into service in Linux.  In that way, I expect this machine to
> become a dedicate *nix box in 2 or 3 years.  
> Or, alternatively, could I put a Linux HD on one of the IDE
> controllers, and let Win2K have full run of the 2-disk RAID-1 array in
> a dual-boot arrangement? 
> TIA for any indications of troublesome hardware for linux support
> today!
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> CM654S256-133 168SD MEMORY PC133 32X64 256MB SDRAM CORSAIR BRAND
>      MEMORY
>        (1)ISA(1)4XAGP RAID SUPPOR
> IBM307030  IBM           HDRIVE 30GB ULTRA ATA 7200RPM  quantity: 2
> -- 
> Todd H.

Anthony Fox
Boxerjam Inc.
804 951-3848


Subject: Re: linux says i only have 15MB RAM
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2000 18:10:59 +0300

mike wrote:
> linux says i only have 15MB RAM but i've got 64MB in one DIMM.
> Tried to fix in lilo.conf with append="mem=64M" didn't seem to work.
> I thought linux autodetected any amount of ram under 64MB anyway.
> but theres nothing wrong with my ram coz windows seems to work ok
> any ideas anybody ???
> cheers
> mike

This is probably dumb, and I apologize in advance, but did you run lilo
from the terminal after editing lilo.conf?
[Aug 25 06:50:45 UTC] Summary: 124 RC5 packets (420*2^28 keys)
                      0.09:48:41.79 - [3.19 Mkeys/s]


Subject: ISA Modem Config Problem
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2000 15:00:41 GMT


I have recently been experiencing a problem with my USR ISA modem.  The
modem was
working fine until last night.

Things that changed:
    - Removed broken 3com ISA NIC (the victim of an electrical storm
this weekend  :(  )
    - Installed Linksys PCI NIC
    - Installed netdriver-2.0 package for updated Tulip driver

I got the new NIC configured and running properly, but then started
experiencing problems
with the ISA modem.  I was initially able to get online but about 10
minutes after
connecting I
heard a sound comming from the modem as if it had hung up.  My ppp
software didn't
a disconnect and when I manually disconnected it and tried to connect
again I received a
'Modem is Busy' error.

/bin/setserial /dev/ttyS1 returned the following:
    port 0x02f8  irq 3  uart Unknown

Figuring there was a problem with isapnp I ran the program again and
received the
following error:

    Fatal:  Error occurred executing request ISOLATE PRESERVE

Thinking that maybe ripping out the old 3com ISA NIC was part of the
problem I
out the old entries for the card in isapnp.conf and reran isapnp
receiving the same error

I then proceeded to run pnpdump to get info about the ISA Modem (the
only ISA card I have
this time).  pnpdump reported that there were no cards to be found.

Is it possible that the netdriver package I installed introduced an
incompatibility with the
code?  Could the electrical storm which took out the NIC have damaged
other ISA
hardware?  How could I tell?

Any help would be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: ISA Modem Config Problem
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2000 15:00:51 GMT


I have recently been experiencing a problem with my USR ISA modem.  The
modem was
working fine until last night.

Things that changed:
    - Removed broken 3com ISA NIC (the victim of an electrical storm
this weekend  :(  )
    - Installed Linksys PCI NIC
    - Installed netdriver-2.0 package for updated Tulip driver

I got the new NIC configured and running properly, but then started
experiencing problems
with the ISA modem.  I was initially able to get online but about 10
minutes after
connecting I
heard a sound comming from the modem as if it had hung up.  My ppp
software didn't
a disconnect and when I manually disconnected it and tried to connect
again I received a
'Modem is Busy' error.

/bin/setserial /dev/ttyS1 returned the following:
    port 0x02f8  irq 3  uart Unknown

Figuring there was a problem with isapnp I ran the program again and
received the
following error:

    Fatal:  Error occurred executing request ISOLATE PRESERVE

Thinking that maybe ripping out the old 3com ISA NIC was part of the
problem I
out the old entries for the card in isapnp.conf and reran isapnp
receiving the same error

I then proceeded to run pnpdump to get info about the ISA Modem (the
only ISA card I have
this time).  pnpdump reported that there were no cards to be found.

Is it possible that the netdriver package I installed introduced an
incompatibility with the
code?  Could the electrical storm which took out the NIC have damaged
other ISA
hardware?  How could I tell?

Any help would be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Adam Nealis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Biostar M7VKB (Athlon socket A) knocks out NIC after a heavy ftp session.
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2000 16:17:30 +0100

Distro: RedHat 6.2
kernel: 2.2.14-5.0
CPU: AMD Athlon 700MHz
M'board: Biostar M7VKB + VIA KT133/686A
NIC: 3C905C
NIC driver: v0.99, then the 3COM 1.0.0i version.

[BTW, I solved the x86_serial_nr=1 problem as an aside ;)]

What happened: In a batch of four PCs, two with RedHat installed,
two with NT 4, all underwent apparent network failure within a short
space of time.

The Redhat boxes were having a large file ftp'd to them at the time
over the company LAN. The connection was seen to drop. The
linux servers affected still thought the interfaces were good, (ifconfig
but took an age for netstat -nr to return the default gateway. Prior to
this, the machines had happily lived on the LAN. So I am inclined to
blame the heavy NIC usage.

Reboots made no difference, except that no attempt was made to
access the network, claiming the network is unreachable.

The NT boxes were fixed by upgrading the NIC driver. The linux
machines still fail to see the LAN.

What is most surprising is the fact that whatever has happened, a
reboot doesn't fix things, if only until heavy NIC use is made.

If it's any consolation, I can't get FreeBSD 4 to see the LAN either.

Has anyone else come across this?

Could respondents please send to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
and I'll summarise to the group.

Adam Nealis.


From: Adam Nealis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Biostar M7VKB (Athlon socket A) knocks out NIC after a heavy ftp session.
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2000 16:17:49 +0100

Distro: RedHat 6.2
kernel: 2.2.14-5.0
CPU: AMD Athlon 700MHz
M'board: Biostar M7VKB + VIA KT133/686A
NIC: 3C905C
NIC driver: v0.99, then the 3COM 1.0.0i version.

[BTW, I solved the x86_serial_nr=1 problem as an aside ;)]

What happened: In a batch of four PCs, two with RedHat installed,
two with NT 4, all underwent apparent network failure within a short
space of time.

The Redhat boxes were having a large file ftp'd to them at the time
over the company LAN. The connection was seen to drop. The
linux servers affected still thought the interfaces were good, (ifconfig
but took an age for netstat -nr to return the default gateway. Prior to
this, the machines had happily lived on the LAN. So I am inclined to
blame the heavy NIC usage.

Reboots made no difference, except that no attempt was made to
access the network, claiming the network is unreachable.

The NT boxes were fixed by upgrading the NIC driver. The linux
machines still fail to see the LAN.

What is most surprising is the fact that whatever has happened, a
reboot doesn't fix things, if only until heavy NIC use is made.

If it's any consolation, I can't get FreeBSD 4 to see the LAN either.

Has anyone else come across this?

Could respondents please send to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
and I'll summarise to the group.

Adam Nealis.


From: Torsten Pinkert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Promise ATA100 and Linux
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 17:42:11 +0200

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 

> yep, I have the same problem with hdparm. no dma. which leaves me with a
> fantastic 4.7 M/sec throughput. hurrah for ATA100 ?

As always with linux - patch your kernel and install tools ;-)


From: Jason Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: linux/sparc and video capture?
Date: 6 Sep 2000 15:56:09 GMT

Does anyone know if linux for UltraSPARC supports the SBUS sunvideo
capture boards?



From: Bob Terrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: tape drives
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2000 12:08:16 -0400

"David C." wrote:
> Randy Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > I agree that a SCSI drive is the way to go if you are looking for a
> > high performance drive. If you will be using a lot of tapes, then a
> DLT drives are popular, fast, reliable, and expensive.

Is anyone using a DLT IV drive with linux? If so did it require any
special configuration? What software do you use, if not tar?

I have a DLT IV now on an old sun server, and might replace the server 
with a linux box if I can use the same tape drive. 




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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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