Linux-Hardware Digest #611, Volume #13           Thu, 21 Sep 00 12:13:08 EDT

  Nvidia Geforce2 GTS & VMware ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  seeking Linux-friendly weatherproof keypad (tstr)
  Dat Drives ("George Crook")
  Re: Keyboard dead at login prompt (Tom Law)
  Re: RH6.2 PCMCIA Network card (Peter Bloomfield)
  Re: RH6.2 PCMCIA Network card (Tim Haynes)
  Asus P5A and SCSI ("Jijio")
  Re: Mandrake 7.1 Installation errors (Felix Miata)
  Re: Keyboard dead at login prompt (Chuck)
  Re: ethernet gaurenteed to work? (David Shultz)
  looking for AMD Athlon BIOS developers guide (Mikael Pettersson)
  Re: Mandrake 7.1 Installation errors (Felix Miata)
  Re: Asus P5A and SCSI (Greg Davis)
  Re: Mandrake 7.1 Installation errors (Josef Oswald)
  Using NEC CDR-1901A in Linux and Win95 (mike)
  Re: LS120 C/H/S values (John in SD)
  iomega zip250 ATAPI drivers and kernel 2.2.17: Problem... ("Stephen Day")
  Re: Card for PCs for gathering data (Mark Carroll)
  Re: Keyboard dead at login prompt (Tom Law)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Clark)
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 11:07:13 GMT

In article <8qbumr$dvh$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>HI guys some friend offered me a jaton cirrus
>logic 56k PCI faxmodem w/voice v90, i need to
>know if this modem will work with linux, do
>someone knows? please if ya know something about
>this modem, reply this message to
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] please, thankx!

The Jaton WinCOMM V.90 based on the Cirrus Logic CL-M5620T chip may work
with a GPLed "Linmodem driver."  The Jaton WinCOMM V.90 SL and WinCOMM II
are based on the Cirrus Logic/Ambient HaM (MD5628) chipset and are
currently not supported at all.

Steer clear unless you like to tinker with modems.

Rob Clark, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  <-- Linux/modem compatibility list


Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 13:27:33 +0200
Subject: Nvidia Geforce2 GTS & VMware


Does anybody have VMware up and running with a Nvidia Geforce2 GTS
graphics card?

If I want to run VMware in the full screen mode I get the following
error message: 
"XFree86 DGA extension for direct-to-frame-buffer-graphics not

I run Suse 6.4, XFree 4.0.1 with Nvidia graphics driver.

I appreciate al hints



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (tstr)
Subject: seeking Linux-friendly weatherproof keypad
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 11:40:50 GMT

I'm looking for recommendations for a keypad for use with a Linux
project.  Requirements:

-low cost: I only need one for now so surplus or used is ok
-can be read easily using some simple script language (hopefully python?)
-probably a serial port connection, but any interface that's easy to connect
        without costly extras and can run 10m to my computer will do;
        prefer if it will work happily with 4 conductor cable.
-actual character set doesn't matter, but some extra chars beyond 0-9 
        would be nice.
-much prefer if it does not require external power connections, but would
        like some illumination
-I'm located in Canada; the nearer the source, the better.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.


From: "George Crook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Dat Drives
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 13:36:02 GMT

Any one got any views or experiences, on which is the best dat drive to use
with Linux(2.2.10)

I am aiming to back up say 4 to 8 gb.


Subject: Re: Keyboard dead at login prompt
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 09:40:54 -0400

    Sure enough, when I boot into single user mode, the keyboard works!
However, being rather newbish, I don't know _where_ to configure the keyboard
settings.  Can you point me to the relevant file(s)?
    Thanks again!

Henry L wrote:

> Boot your linux to single user mode (type "linux single" at boot prompt),
> then try to configure your keyboard settings again.
> HL
> Tom Law wrote:
> >     I have a dual booting pc (Win98/Linux), which started behaving
> > strangely today.
> >     When it gets to the "boot:" prompt, I type in "linux", as usual.
> > But then, when it gets to the "login:" prompt, the keyboard is seemingly
> > dead!  I've tried 2 different keyboards, and I've tried booting from my
> > emergency disk, with the same results.  The keyboard works at the boot
> > prompt, but not when I get to login!
> >     If I boot into Windows, the keyboard works normally.
> >
> >     This may be relevant:  I had been using a Belkin 4-port
> > monitor/keyboard/mouse switcher connected to my 2 pcs.  This morning, I
> > found that the MOUSE on my OTHER PC (with Win 98 only) would no longer
> > work, until I bypassed the switcher.  So now I'm using the switcher just
> > for the monitor, and have keyboards and mice plugged directly into the 2
> > pcs.  But I'm still having the above-mentioned keyboard problem in
> > Linux.
> >
> >     Any suggestions will be GREATLY APPRECIATED!  (I'm going to go see
> > now if I can telnet into the linux pc from the other one...)


From: Peter Bloomfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: RH6.2 PCMCIA Network card
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 08:25:39 -0400


> [snip] I just had a problem with my laptop. Make sure the PCMCIA
> service is
> starting before the Network service. If PCMCIA starts after Network,
> you will get a error 'Delaying eth0 initialization', or something like
> that. I used DHCP and reserved an IP for Linuxbox let the DHCP server
> do its magic. badda boom
> Sent via
> Before you buy.


At boot time, when the Red Hat network subsystem starts up, it may say
``Delaying eth0 initialization'' and ``[FAILED]''. This is actually not a
failure: it means that this network interface will not be initialized
until after the PCMCIA network device is configured.


From: Tim Haynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: RH6.2 PCMCIA Network card
Date: 21 Sep 2000 15:04:54 +0100
Reply-To: Tim Haynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Peter Bloomfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> From
> At boot time, when the Red Hat network subsystem starts up, it may say
> ``Delaying eth0 initialization'' and ``[FAILED]''. This is actually not a
> failure: it means that this network interface will not be initialized
> until after the PCMCIA network device is configured.

It might not be a failure but it's certainly a bug. Why don't they have the
sense to bring up pcmcia before trying to configure eth0, thus saving us
all a bit of grief...

Rushing onwards, tracing the chains,            | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Chasing the days, chasing the days.             |


From: "Jijio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Asus P5A and SCSI
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 15:40:18 +0200

I've got an Asustek P5A (ALI Aladdin V chipset) rev. 1.03, K6-2 400Mhz, ATI
Xpert 98 (3D Rage Pro chip), Advansys 940U, IBM SCSI2 2,2 GB (DFHS-S2x) with
ID 0, Quantum SCSI2 2,1 GB (Fireball) with ID 1, Quantum Fireball EX 6,4 GB
as primary IDE. IBM disk has got 3 primary partitions:
1st partition is /boot   = 10 MByte
2nd partition is swap  = 128 MByte
3rd partition is /          = the remaining free space
partition /usr is on Fireball scsi2 disk.
I installed SUSE 6.4 and I'm not able to start Linux.
I installed LILO on mbr of the first IDE disk (Fireball EX): at the boot
it writes "LI" and computer hangs.
I moved this scsi hardware and IDE in another PC with MSI 6163 motherboard
(Intel BX chipset) with PII 400Mhz and reinstalled SUSE: everything works
I can't realize why Linux can't boot with P5A: is Aladdin V a faulty
Perhaps problems with LBA?
Did someone got the same problem?
Thanks in advance to anyone would help me to understand where's the problem.


From: Felix Miata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Mandrake 7.1 Installation errors
Reply-To: Felix Miata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 10:46:42 -0400

Dan wrote:
> > Nice to know there's hope. And how pray tell does
> > one disable disconnect for installation?
> Well my SCSI card has a built-in BIOS so I just entered that and selected
> 'disable' for the disconnect option on that channel.  Which SCSI card do you
> have?  (Mine's an Iomega Buz (Advansys))  Note that there are other things
> that have been causing people to have problems - having 'PnP-aware OS'
> selected in BIOS is one cause for people having problems known about.

I hunted the web and found what I thought I needed at
HBA is Symbios SYM8751SP that came with 4.11 BIOS and now has 4.17.
Disconnect is not one of the setup options. I tried both

        lilo: linux ncr53c8xx=tags:0,disc:n &
        lilo: linux ncr53c8xx=tags:0,disc:n.

Both methods god rid of all the package selection errors except one,
"missing basesystem package". Shifting to console 3 the message is:

        unknown package 'basesystem'
        warning: missing basesystem package at /usr/bin/perl-install/ 
line 278

In console 4 the screen ends with three pair of duplicated CD-ROM I/O
errors, sectors 68372, 19756, & 20036. I retried with version 7.0 instead
and get basically the same problem, but the sectors aren't all paired and
there are more of them, 49348, 48944, 48756, 48792, 48940, and the
script error reads "missing some base packages . . . at line 147". My 7.0
CD is a shrink-wrapped GPL purchase, the second, as I had the same
trouble with the first, which got lost in the mail on return to vendor. My
7.1 my brother made by copying from a shrink-wrapped GPL purchase.
> You could try just copying the entire Mandrake CD to a Winbloze partition
> and installing from there.  I've never done it myself but I do know it is
> possible.

Don't know enough about windoze stupid file system to try that, even if I
had one big enough to have that much freespace. Oops, found one. Copied
the whole thing there. But, all the filenames are 8.3. 

Shouldn't need windoze to install Linux. Any other ideas anyone?
A man of knowledge uses words with restraint . . . .
                Proverbs 17:27 NKJV

Felix Miata  ***


Subject: Re: Keyboard dead at login prompt
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 10:47:51 -0400

If you're booting straight to X, (which you probably are as a newbie who
just installed some widely used distribution,) I can help you. If you're not,
I'm not sure where you would configure your keyboard...

I think the command 'xf86config' will let you configure your keyboard.
Alternatively, you could go into the file  '/etc/X11/XF86Config', and set
everything manually if you know *everything* about your keyboard.


Tom Law wrote:

>     Thanks!
>     Sure enough, when I boot into single user mode, the keyboard works!
> However, being rather newbish, I don't know _where_ to configure the keyboard
> settings.  Can you point me to the relevant file(s)?
>     Thanks again!


From: David Shultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: ethernet gaurenteed to work?
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 14:48:57 GMT

While 3Com and Intel cards are certainly good, and should be detected by
Red Hat, you may notice that they are kind of pricey. ($50-$100). Their
main advantage is in high-volume networks, where they generally perform
better than other brands.

However, if your network doesn't fall into the 'high-volume,
high-pressure' category, then just about any $15-$30 10/100 NIC will be
MORE than you need.

Netgear makes good networking hardware, and their FA 310TX 10/100 NIC
usually retails for around $25. I have this card, and I'm using RH 6.2,
and it auto-detects fine. However, you must get the 310 model (not 311
or 312, as these don't work with the standard 'tulip' module that comes
with Linux). I used to recommend Linksys NIC's (which fall into the same
price range) but their newer cards have the same problem with the
standard tulip module (and Linksys doesn't label their cards with model

Peter Bismuti wrote:

> Hi, are there any reccomendations for a moderately priced ethernet
> card that is gauranteed to be detected by RH6.? and not require any
> configuration, loading of kernel modules, etc. etc?
> Thanks


Subject: looking for AMD Athlon BIOS developers guide
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mikael Pettersson)
Date: 21 Sep 2000 16:49:25 +0100

Order# 21656. Full title might be something like "AMD Athlon BIOS, Software,
and Debug Tools Developers Guide". I've searched for it at AMD's web site
but I've only found references to it, not the actual document.

I need it for info on model-specific registers and the local APIC.
Mikael Pettersson ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Computing Science Department, Uppsala University


From: Felix Miata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Mandrake 7.1 Installation errors
Reply-To: Felix Miata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 10:52:45 -0400

Felix Miata wrote:
>         lilo: linux ncr53c8xx=tags:0,disc:n &
>         lilo: linux ncr53c8xx=tags:0,disc:n.

Oops! Second line should have read:

        lilo: linux ncr53c8xx=safe:y
A man of knowledge uses words with restraint . . . .            Proverbs 17:27

Felix Miata  ***


From: Greg Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Asus P5A and SCSI
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 11:08:21 -0700

I have the P5A and it loads LILO fine.  I remember seeing a problem like
yours in newsgroups a long time ago.  It was explained as a cylinder
restriction I think.  You cannot load any OS past the 1024 cylinder
mark.  Since you have /boot setup in the first 10 Mb, I doubt I remember
the situation correctly.  Make sure LILO is written in the MBR and not
in a partition.

Good luck,


From: Josef Oswald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Mandrake 7.1 Installation errors
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 15:08:06 GMT

Hi :-)

As I tried to install Mandrake 7.1 today myself via ftp I had some problem, searching 
to solve
mine I found the solution to _yours_.:-) Ok if you have plenty of space; copy the CD 
onto your
WinXX. then get a image called hd.img,  you need to transfer it to to a floppy. 
(rawwritewin. exec
works in Windows  you can get it at Mandrake or maybe its on the CD/ROM it might be 
that you have
all you need there... ) with this floppy  you could install from one Partition to the 
other  ( at
least that's what the readme tells me...)

hth :-)

Felix Miata schrieb:

> Dan wrote:
> > > Nice to know there's hope. And how pray tell does
> > > one disable disconnect for installation?
> > Well my SCSI card has a built-in BIOS so I just entered that and selected
> > 'disable' for the disconnect option on that channel.  Which SCSI card do you
> > have?  (Mine's an Iomega Buz (Advansys))  Note that there are other things
> > that have been causing people to have problems - having 'PnP-aware OS'
> > selected in BIOS is one cause for people having problems known about.
> I hunted the web and found what I thought I needed at
> HBA is Symbios SYM8751SP that came with 4.11 BIOS and now has 4.17.
> Disconnect is not one of the setup options. I tried both
>         lilo: linux ncr53c8xx=tags:0,disc:n &
>         lilo: linux ncr53c8xx=tags:0,disc:n.
> Both methods god rid of all the package selection errors except one,
> "missing basesystem package". Shifting to console 3 the message is:
>         unknown package 'basesystem'
>         warning: missing basesystem package at /usr/bin/perl-install/ 
>line 278
> In console 4 the screen ends with three pair of duplicated CD-ROM I/O
> errors, sectors 68372, 19756, & 20036. I retried with version 7.0 instead
> and get basically the same problem, but the sectors aren't all paired and
> there are more of them, 49348, 48944, 48756, 48792, 48940, and the
> script error reads "missing some base packages . . . at line 147". My 7.0
> CD is a shrink-wrapped GPL purchase, the second, as I had the same
> trouble with the first, which got lost in the mail on return to vendor. My
> 7.1 my brother made by copying from a shrink-wrapped GPL purchase.
> > You could try just copying the entire Mandrake CD to a Winbloze partition
> > and installing from there.  I've never done it myself but I do know it is
> > possible.
> Don't know enough about windoze stupid file system to try that, even if I
> had one big enough to have that much freespace. Oops, found one. Copied
> the whole thing there. But, all the filenames are 8.3.
> Shouldn't need windoze to install Linux. Any other ideas anyone?
> --
> A man of knowledge uses words with restraint . . . .
>                 Proverbs 17:27 NKJV
> Felix Miata  ***

-Strange it works but we don't know why: it's Windows it does not have bugs only 
the lie of the 20th. century..... will it continue in the third Millennium?


From: mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Using NEC CDR-1901A in Linux and Win95
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 11:32:28 -0400

    I have been having a hard time trying to get the cdrom
to be useable in Linux and Win95. I origionally
setup the cdrom as the secondary master on an old
Pentium 100 system. Neither Linux nor Win95 recognized it.
I recently changed the drive hardware location from
secondary master to primary slave. My Redhat 6.1 Linux
now recognizes the drive. I would like to know why
it was not recognized as secondary master. I changed the
ribbon cable to the secandary drive ide port and it didn't
make any difference.
  I want to use this drive in my dual boot system for
various distributions of Linux and Win95. Win95 doesn't
recognize the drive even when connected as primary slave
and Linux does. Any suggestions about getting it going
with Win95 is important to me. Otherwise I will
have to install an older cdrom drive that is much slower
so that I can use both systems and therefore my Linux
systems will have slower access.



From: John in SD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LS120 C/H/S values
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 15:36:37 GMT

1.44Mb floppy CHS= 80/2/18

On Mon, 18 Sep 2000 22:02:17 -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>>> Does anyone have C/H/S values for an LS120?
>>> The old BIOS in the PC on which I'm trying to use the LS120 doesn't
>>> autodetect it, so I will need to manually enter the values.
>>> (I believe that it has 1736 tracks when used with a 120MB disk?)
>>> I'm hoping that by making the LS120 the IDE bus master, and setting the
>>> boot seqence to C: then A:, that I'll be able to boot from a 1.44 Mb
>>> floppy.
>> You shouldn't have to use the BIOS to use the LS120. Just create a
>> directory-mount e.g. /mnt/ls120 and add a line to /etc/fstab :
>> /dev/hdx     /mnt/ls120    msdos    noauto,owner,rw    0 0
>> (where x is the IDE-port, a,b,c or d)
>> This should work. Then you can directly mount it by 'mount /dev/hdx'
>> and accessing it by 'cd /mnt/ls120'  or something like that.
>Maybe so. But first I have to be running Linux, which means I have to
>boot Linux, which means I have to boot from a 1.44Mb floppy (my
>'cold-start' floppy) in the LS120, because there's nothing on the HD
>(it's a new one) and there's nothing else to boot from (I'm away from
>So I really do need those values for the number of LS120

LILO version 21.5 (18-Jul-2000) source at
ftp:   dir: /pub/linux/lilo


From: "Stephen Day" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: iomega zip250 ATAPI drivers and kernel 2.2.17: Problem...
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 16:36:59 +0100

I've just downloaded the linux drivers for my internal zip250 drive from the
iomega web site.  Unfortunately they are written for kernel version 2.2.14
and won't load on my machine which is running 2.2.17.  Does anyone know of a
workaround for this (apart from reverting to 2.2.14 ;-))?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Carroll)
Crossposted-To: sci.comp-aided
Subject: Re: Card for PCs for gathering data
Date: 21 Sep 2000 15:43:34 GMT

Thanks very much! The Bitscope thing seems ideal. (-:

-- Mark


Subject: Re: Keyboard dead at login prompt
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 12:00:21 -0400

No, I'm just booting into text mode.  The keyboard works when I boot into
single-user mode, but not when I boot into multi-user mode.

Chuck wrote:

> If you're booting straight to X, (which you probably are as a newbie who
> just installed some widely used distribution,) I can help you. If you're not,
> I'm not sure where you would configure your keyboard...
> I think the command 'xf86config' will let you configure your keyboard.
> Alternatively, you could go into the file  '/etc/X11/XF86Config', and set
> everything manually if you know *everything* about your keyboard.
> -Chuck
> Tom Law wrote:
> >     Thanks!
> >     Sure enough, when I boot into single user mode, the keyboard works!
> > However, being rather newbish, I don't know _where_ to configure the keyboard
> > settings.  Can you point me to the relevant file(s)?
> >     Thanks again!

Tom Law
WP Law, Inc
Lexington, SC, USA



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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