Linux-Hardware Digest #611, Volume #14           Thu, 12 Apr 01 12:13:09 EDT

  Re: "SiS 6326" with XFree 4.0.3 ("LittleFish")
  Re: G450 TV-Out under Linux (David Balazic)
  Re: G450 TV-Out under Linux (Dirk Traenapp)
  Re: beeps (SammyTheSnake)
  Help wanted. Linux problems using AMD K6-2 (P Ashton)
  Re: Help wanted. Linux problems using AMD K6-2 ("Aalderd Bouwman")
  keyboard locks (Dd)
  Re: Best RAID controller for Linux (Hubba Bubba)
  Re: today's harddrives will surely fail before dialup users manage to fill them up? 
(Peter da Silva)
  Looking for (Chris Johnson)
  Re: today's harddrives will surely fail before dialup users manage to fill them up? 
(Marcelo Rodrigues)
  Re: A Linux emulator for Linux, does this exist? (bill davidsen)
  Re: ** HP Pavilion computers:  modem works? ** (Tim)
  Re: today's harddrives will surely fail before dialup users manage to fill them up? 
  Re: Intellimouse jumps to the upper left corner (SammyTheSnake)
  Re: Distorted sound output, what's wrong? (SammyTheSnake)
  IDE->SCSI for CDR on offboard IDE controller (Marc Ulrich)
  Re: Via + Maxtor + kernel 2.4.3 = crash? (Mark Hahn)


From: "LittleFish" <littlefish_au[SPAM ME AT YOUR OWN RISK]>
Subject: Re: "SiS 6326" with XFree 4.0.3
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 21:44:50 +1000

Yep I can help you there just turn the Accelleration off.
#     No_Accell or something like that just uncomment it and you will never
look back. Don't change anything else otherwise it will make it very hard to
get your system going!
"Raoul Markus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:9asqib$pqa$01$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi everybody,
> I just happened to install XFree 4.0.3 (yeah, on a SuSE 7.0) since there
> where lots of improvements for SiS driver announced at
> well, it's gotten really faster, I admit.... but now I have ugly color
> efects, e.g. the bars of my kde-windows have strange colors, sometimes
> strange rectangles are left halve filled with contents which belong
> elsewhere....
> ..... this seems only to happen with certain fillments or movements of
> bitmaps: e. g. the nice window-bars of kde2... plain color fills are ok.
> and so are movements of these areas.
> does anyone have hints? some fine XF86Config lines to tune the behavior?
> thanks in advance,
> Raoul


From: David Balazic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: G450 TV-Out under Linux
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 14:10:15 +0200

"David E. Fox" wrote:
> David Maslen wrote:
> > I purchased a G450 recently. I was interested in the TV-Out feature,
> > and was hoping to use both my PAL Television set and 17" monitor with
> > Xfree86. I now discover this feature is unsupported.
> I bought a G450 a few weeks ago as well. The card did come with this funny-
> looking cable that has a VGA card connector and two other rca/din-type
> cables coming out of it. I presume that's supposed to go to the TV.
> What do you mean by "unsupported"? Does that mean that "it doesn't work" as
> if the card isn't supposed to do TV Out (for me, that wasn't needed, and I
> didn't really see much hype claiming that as one of the features) or simply
> that it's not officially supported by Matrox on Linux/XFree?

The hardware has the feature of TV-out , but it can not be used in Linux,
due to missing support for it in the current linux drivers. ( which
is due to missing documentation )

David Balazic
"Be excellent to each other." - Bill & Ted
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


From: Dirk Traenapp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: G450 TV-Out under Linux
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 14:28:55 +0200

David Balazic wrote:
> "David E. Fox" wrote:
> > 
> > David Maslen wrote:
> > 
> > > I purchased a G450 recently. I was interested in the TV-Out feature,
> > > and was hoping to use both my PAL Television set and 17" monitor with
> > > Xfree86. I now discover this feature is unsupported.
> > 
> > I bought a G450 a few weeks ago as well. The card did come with this funny-
> > looking cable that has a VGA card connector and two other rca/din-type
> > cables coming out of it. I presume that's supposed to go to the TV.
> > 
> > What do you mean by "unsupported"? Does that mean that "it doesn't work" as
> > if the card isn't supposed to do TV Out (for me, that wasn't needed, and I
> > didn't really see much hype claiming that as one of the features) or simply
> > that it's not officially supported by Matrox on Linux/XFree?
> The hardware has the feature of TV-out , but it can not be used in Linux,
> due to missing support for it in the current linux drivers. ( which
> is due to missing documentation )

Hmmm, what about the driver from MATROX? Works fine for me and supports
TV-out, Dualhead, etc...


   Dirk Traenapp
N  N W   W  OO   Dirk Traenapp,
NN N W   W O  O  NWO, Zum Oelhafen 207, 26384 Wilhelmshaven, Germany
N  N  W W   OO   Phone:  +49(0)4421 62-364     Fax:+49(0)4421 62-381


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (SammyTheSnake)
Subject: Re: beeps
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 13:13:58 +0100

In article <9ahj5j$59cjj$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Vlad wrote:
>Hello all!
>Where on earth do i switch off these irritating system beeps, like when i
>backspace too far, or do something similar. These speaker beeps drive me

try the visual bell mini howto, on my debian machine it's in
but you can get it from the linux documentation project at

personally, I use screen(1) as a matter of routine for other reasons (look
it up, it's a groovy program ;) which uses a visual bell anyway

Cheers & God bless
Sam.Penny @                  | Looking for a computer related
Linux, Hardware & Juggling specialist :-) | job, if you can help, e-mail me :)
Wheels: bike, 'ickle bike, and unicycle.  | /o \/ 
Boxen: K6-266@300, dual Celery500 & Nx486 | \__/\


Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 22:36:18 +1000
From: P Ashton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help wanted. Linux problems using AMD K6-2

I am have having numerous problems using linux (Redhat 7.0) on my k6-2
based machine. Are there any known problems with K6-2s and what are the

All the problems appeared when I took out a pentium 233 MMX and put in
the k6-2. 



From: "Aalderd Bouwman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help wanted. Linux problems using AMD K6-2
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 14:44:07 +0200

I think when you put the 233 MMX back into your mobo it works.

Maybe you should build your kernel for that processor.


P Ashton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I am have having numerous problems using linux (Redhat 7.0) on my k6-2
> based machine. Are there any known problems with K6-2s and what are the
> fixes?
> All the problems appeared when I took out a pentium 233 MMX and put in
> the k6-2.
> thanks


Subject: keyboard locks
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 12:44:29 GMT


I have installed RH 7.0 (2.2.16-22) on a portable computer.
Everything works fine, after some configuration.
But sometimes the keyboard locks ? What could be the problem?
Is there a way to restart the keyboard without a reboot?

kind regards,


From: Hubba Bubba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Best RAID controller for Linux
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 13:15:54 GMT

        There is a *significant* difference in having hardware XOR
onboard vs. not having it at all. Raid logic is software based, but
there are several hardware components involved in "skinning" the cat
so to say. It is generally considered that if you do not have hardware
XOR onboard, that you are not utilizing what what would be considered
a good hardware solution.
        Given that these little lunchboxes only do Raid 0 and 1, you
get what you pay for.

On Mon, 09 Apr 2001 22:47:18 GMT,

>On Mon, 09 Apr 2001 21:30:48 GMT, Hubba Bubba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>      Both of the below referenced external raid boxes have
>>*software* raid logic built in, not hardware (no XOR onboard). 
>So?  *ALL* raid controllers do it via software.  If the CPU isn't burdened w/
>handling the raid software then it can be considered a hardware solution.
>>On 1 Mar 2001 14:03:14 GMT, Joshua Baker-LePain
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Anyone know of a hardware IDE raid solution that *works*?
>>>Look at the products from Zero-D and Syneraid -- external IDE RAID
>>>enclosures that talk SCSI to the host.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter da Silva)
Subject: Re: today's harddrives will surely fail before dialup users manage to fill 
them up?
Date: 12 Apr 2001 12:46:28 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Christian Garms  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyway: Who use his/her personal computer longer then four years?

People who don't run Windows?

I have a PDP-11/23, a couple of Macintosh SE/30s, an AT&T 3b1, and a small
stack of Sparcstation 1&2 boxes.

 `-_-'   In hoc signo hack, Peter da Silva.
  'U`    "A well-rounded geek should be able to geek about anything."
                                                       -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         Disclaimer: WWFD?


From: Chris Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.comp.hardware
Subject: Looking for
Date: 12 Apr 2001 13:30:10 GMT


     We've inheritted an EXB480 tape library.  That's the good news.
The bad news is we have no operations manual for it and don't know
how to work the console keypad.  We're using software called mover
to move tapes around.  It works fine on other libraries but on the
EXB480 it tries to do an inventory search each time we ask for a move.
Obviously we'de like to turn this behavior off.

     Where to find an operations manual or a PDF or an ASCII version
or just plain HELP from someone who has one would really be


Chris Johnson               |Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems Administrator       |Web:
NMR Center                  |Voice:    617.724.2369
Mass. General Hospital      |FAX:      617.726.7422
149 (2301) 13th Street      |Survival, all by it self, isn't worth it.
Charlestown, MA., 02129 USA |                 Me


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED](Marcelo Rodrigues)
Subject: Re: today's harddrives will surely fail before dialup users manage to fill 
them up?
Date: 12 Apr 2001 13:53:45 GMT
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED](Marcelo Rodrigues)

In <9b4834$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Peter da Silva wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Christian Garms  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Anyway: Who use his/her personal computer longer then four years?
> People who don't run Windows?
> I have a PDP-11/23, a couple of Macintosh SE/30s, an AT&T 3b1, and a small
> stack of Sparcstation 1&2 boxes.

What are you running on the PDP-11  ?  I have a couple that I have
carried with me  for sentimental reasons the many times I moved
in the last twenty years. Unless I can find a use for them I'll probably
ditch them next time I move. Already got rid of the DECwriter  last time.

"NeXTMail"  OK at this address only.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (bill davidsen)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: A Linux emulator for Linux, does this exist?
Date: 12 Apr 2001 15:03:12 GMT

In article <9at3ri$gc3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Hermann Samso  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|       I am searching for a Linux emulator for Linux. Does such
|       a beast exist? I think this could be useful for System
|       developement, without needing to have more than 1 powerful
|       computer for programming and testing.

You obviously didn't do a search for this information. Look in
comp.os.linux.announce or freshmeat, one of them announced a new
revision of this software very recently.

  bill davidsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  CTO, TMR Associates, Inc
At LinuxExpo Sun was showing Linux applications running on Solaris.
They don't get it, the arrow points the other way. There's a reason why
there's no SolarisExpo, Solaris is a tool; Linux is a philosophy, a
religion, a way of life, and only incidentally an operating system.


Subject: Re: ** HP Pavilion computers:  modem works? **
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 11:08:06 -0400

Hi Carlos,

Carlos wrote:
> I am thinking of buying an HP Pavilion XE783 computer (dirt cheap:  for
> $400: Cel 700MHz, 64MB, CDRW, modem, sound, integrated video).
> Does anyone know if the included Modem works with Linux?
> Carlos
> please respond in the newsgroup or at [EMAIL PROTECTED], not the address
> above!

I tried to help a friend install RH7 on a Pavilion, without success. In
order to have a functional computer, it would have been necessary to add
a new video card to replace the unsupported onboard video, a new sound
card to replace the unsupported onboard sound chip and a hardware modem
to replace the `Winmodem' supplied with the machine.

Not such a great deal.


Timothy J. Schutte
"I yam what I yam and that's all what I yam!" --Popeye the Sailor-Man


From: "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: today's harddrives will surely fail before dialup users manage to fill 
them up?
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 15:16:20 GMT

Nope, a heavily laden cache will eventually make the browser to slow to use.
Still got to get rid of the dead weight.
Dan Jacobson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> It seems that at least for a home dialup user, today's PC hard disks
> would surely fail before he could manage to fill it all up via say,
> browsing, even with caching proxies, etc.  Therefore it seems deleting
> unneeded files might become a routine of the past?  Hmm, 30 GB /(20
> MB/day)=4 years
> --
> Tel886-4-25854780 e-mail:restore .com.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (SammyTheSnake)
Subject: Re: Intellimouse jumps to the upper left corner
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 15:59:02 +0100

In article <9as7se$m8d$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jan Peterson wrote:
>I know this is a common problem (I found an article in the SUSE database,
>but without an working solution) :
>I use a MS-PS2-Intellimouse under SUSE 7.1.
>gpm works well, but when I start to configure XFree with SaX or
>xconfigure and xfree switches to graphicmode the mouse is in the middle of
>the screen. When I move the mouse the cursor jumps to the upper right and
>stays there.
>The same hardware configuration worked under SUse 7.0 a few monts ago
>without errors.
>Has anyone a solution for this problem.

try using the redirect option of gpm. I'm not familiar with suse, so you'll
have to do a bit of research yourself or ask somebody else to help you, but
basically you need to find the script that starts gpm (it's /etc/init.d/gpm
on my debian system) or a configuration file for gpm (maybe /etc/gpm.conf ?)
and edit it to use a command line like

gpm allyournormaloptionshere -R ms

where ms is a mouse type for the device /dev/gpmdata to emulate.

read the gpm(8) manpage.

Cheers & God bless
Sam.Penny @                  | Looking for a computer related
Linux, Hardware & Juggling specialist :-) | job, if you can help, e-mail me :)
Wheels: bike, 'ickle bike, and unicycle.  | /o \/ 
Boxen: K6-266@300, dual Celery500 & Nx486 | \__/\


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (SammyTheSnake)
Subject: Re: Distorted sound output, what's wrong?
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 15:52:55 +0100

In article <9aflm0$81g$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Electrode wrote:
>Hey all. I recently got Mandrake 7.2 up and running, with only one problem:
>The sound is distorted and has a lot of background noise. I really have no
>idea what the cause could be, as I am such a newbie.
>The only thing I could think of is to mute all the unused inputs and adjust
>the volume, but that didn't change anything. Any suggestions at all would be

what soundcard are you using?
what kind of noise is it? just white noise (hissing)? is it constant or does
it only appear when you play a sample / whatever?

Cheers & God bless
Sam.Penny @                  | Looking for a computer related
Linux, Hardware & Juggling specialist :-) | job, if you can help, e-mail me :)
Wheels: bike, 'ickle bike, and unicycle.  | /o \/ 
Boxen: K6-266@300, dual Celery500 & Nx486 | \__/\


From: Marc Ulrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IDE->SCSI for CDR on offboard IDE controller
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 11:10:42 -0400

I have a HP 7200 CDRW on a Promise Ultra 100 PCI IDE controller and am
using kernel version 2.4.2. I have been following the CD-Writing HOWTO
to set up my kernel and system to use the CD writer. The HP CDRW is
found to be hdf when the system boots up. I have the necessary modules
compiled for the kernel. Then I've taken the "Testing for drivers"
script from the HOWTO & the result is given below. Apparently there must
be some funny twist due to the off board controller that is not allowing
the CD writer to be found as SCSI. I need to help to get past this
problem. The second issue is apparent below: How do I ensure that
modules are automatically loaded?

"Testing for drivers" script output:
Ensure the module scsi_mod is loaded automatically next time.
Using /lib/modules/2.4.2/kernel/drivers/scsi/scsi_mod.o
Ensure the module sg is loaded automatically next time.
Using /lib/modules/2.4.2/kernel/drivers/scsi/sg.o
Ensure the module sr_mod is loaded automatically next time.
Using /lib/modules/2.4.2/kernel/drivers/scsi/sr_mod.o
Ensure the module loop is loaded automatically next time.
Using /lib/modules/2.4.2/kernel/drivers/block/loop.o
The following is only needed for IDE/ATAPI CD-writers.
Ensure the module ide-scsi is loaded automatically next time.
Using /lib/modules/2.4.2/kernel/drivers/scsi/ide-scsi.o
Cdrecord 1.9 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg Schilling
Linux sg driver version: 3.1.17
Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
 0,0,0   0) 'IOMEGA  ' 'ZIP 250         ' '51.G' Removable Disk
 0,1,0   1) *
 0,2,0   2) *
 0,3,0   3) *
 0,4,0   4) *
 0,5,0   5) *
 0,6,0   6) *
 0,7,0   7) *

Thanks in advance,


From: Mark Hahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Via + Maxtor + kernel 2.4.3 = crash?
Date: 12 Apr 2001 15:48:24 GMT

> I tend to think your configuration may have trouble doing IDE DMA at its
> maximum specced speed.  This wouldn't be the first time VIA chipsets have had

it has nothing at all to do with speed.  some bioses misconfigure the 
via hostbridge, and this corrupts most busmastering IO (including IDE,
but also reported on some NICs.)

> this problem.  I'd suggest first trying it with DMA disabled (this will
> severely hurt performance btw).  If this works, then you might try looking

gross.  flash an updated bios or turn off "optimum" settings in bios.



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