Linux-Hardware Digest #642, Volume #13           Thu, 28 Sep 00 10:13:07 EDT

  Re: Geforce2 MX + RH7 problem (Michael Meding)
  Re: Geforce2 MX + RH7 problem (Bernhard Mogens Ege)
  PCI ADSL modem (Mohd-Hanafiah Abdullah)
  parport supporting zipdrive + printer on 1 parport? (Rob Jacobs)
  scsi tape ("wyy")
  Re: scsi tape ("Tobias Dresbach")
  Change Harddisk without rebooting ("Tobias Dresbach")
  Re: s3 virge accelerated specification (Dale Pontius)
  dell 1700FP monitor (Robert Castelo)
  Re: Diamond MonsterSound/original drivers? (Steve Bradley)
  Re: 2 SCSI cards in one machine (Larry Irons)
  avermedia tv capture (Jacek Lach)
  Re: Realtek 8019(AS) ("Robert A. Smith")
  Re: scsi tape (Tom Assmuth)
  Mustek 1200SP ("Robert Hennig")
  Re: Unresolved Symbols (RH 6.2 on AMD T-bird on Abit KA-7 board) ("MH")
  Re: Change Harddisk without rebooting (Tom Assmuth)
  HELP!! simple driver to map /dev/mem to user space mem (ferdinand.cornelissen)
  ATI Xpert (Rage 128, AGP) - RedHat 7 ("Brian")
  Re: Red Hat 6.2 won't install, freezes on Adaptec 2940 controller. ("Joshua Nekl")
  Re: ATI Xpert (Rage 128, AGP) - RedHat 7 (Mogens Kjaer)


From: Michael Meding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Geforce2 MX + RH7 problem
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 11:37:58 +0200

Hi there,

get the drivers from NVidia and follow the readme. This will bring you
fast 2D and 3D support.




Subject: Re: Geforce2 MX + RH7 problem
From: Bernhard Mogens Ege <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 09:32:00 GMT

Hmm, well, I have installed RH70 and RH70beta on two machines both
having a GeForce 2 GTS. They use the nvidia driver and allmost
everything works just nicely. I did see an OpenGL lockup (can be
repeated), hence the "allmost everything". In general, X/OpenGL is
rock stable (Unreal Tournament works, as well as other OpenGL stuff).

The nv driver may not support G2 but the nvidia driver does not
prevent X/OpenGL being used.

I haven't actually checked the XFree86 log so check for errors. I
figured if X starts, it cannot be all bad. (TNT2 cards can be a
different story, though).


Bernhard Ege

>>>>> "Nicolas" == Nicolas HORCHOWER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> In fact all the nvidia card are recognize except the GeForce 2 (GTS,MX,...)
> wrote that the next release (end of September) will support those
> cards...
> The other solution is to try to download the CVS archive from

> "Ruben Merz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:8quuj4$fnh$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> I've just installed the new RH7 and I can't get my geforce2 MX card
> working.
>> As I'haven't tried to play yet with the nvidia drivers, does anybody know
> if
>> the card may work with the generic nv driver of Xfree 4.0.1. Because for
> me,
>> with out of the box RH7 it does not. When I do startx I get error message
>> from X telling me That My card is recognized as a valid card but that I
> have
>> to send the output of scanpci -v to Xfree86 team.
>> Has anybody experienced the same problem or has been able to make a
> Geforce2
>> MX based card working with linux?
>> Ruben

 Bernhard Mogens Ege, M.Sc.E.E.                E-mail:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Medical Informatics and Image Analysis        Direct call:   +45 96 35 87 82
 Institute of Electronic Systems               Switchboard:   +45 96 35 80 80
 Aalborg University                            Fax:           +45 98 15 40 08
 Frederik Bajersvej 7, D1-203                  Homepage: 
 DK-9220 Aalborg East                
Home: Hadsund Landevej 454, DK-9260 Gistrup, Phone: +45 96365086, +45 22749713


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mohd-Hanafiah Abdullah)
Subject: PCI ADSL modem
Date: 28 Sep 2000 17:45:02 +0800


Which PCI ADSL modem can I use with Linux?  Thanks.



From: Rob Jacobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: parport supporting zipdrive + printer on 1 parport?
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 12:54:48 +0200

Is there support for a zipdrive and printer on a single // port?



From: "wyy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: scsi tape
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 19:14:09 +0800

    i have a scsi tape drive in my linux box, but how can
 i find out the name of the device? how can i test it?
    it is on: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 06 Lun: 00



From: "Tobias Dresbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: scsi tape
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 13:53:06 +0200


>    i have a scsi tape drive in my linux box, but how can
> i find out the name of the device? how can i test it?
try mt status



From: "Tobias Dresbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Change Harddisk without rebooting
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 13:55:16 +0200

Hi all,
is it a good idea to change a harddisk under linux without rebooting the
system? I have setup a backupserver an want to change once a week the device
/dev/hdd. i have 4 identical ibm 30gb harddisks.
the backupserver has no monitor ... so i want to write a script, to umount
the disk and mount the new.

thanks for your help


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dale Pontius)
Subject: Re: s3 virge accelerated specification
Date: 28 Sep 2000 12:16:26 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> On Wed, 20 Sep 2000 10:18:19 +0300, "Ian Dichkovsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>>Hi !
>>(Sorry for bad English)
>>I want to write an accelerated video driver for Linux
>>(or maybe later for other systems ....).
>>Where I could download specification(documentation) on
>>S3 Virge DX/GX(375/385)?(html, pdf, TeX, dvi, ... )
>>Samples of using accelerated
>>capabilities ?
> The S3 virge is a very old graphics card.  are you sure that a driver
> has not already been made?
This was already done as part of the Utah-GLX project. Generally,
the 3D acceleration of the ViRGE is just about worthless. The guy
who actually made it work for OpenGL got some derision for even
trying, but quite a bit of respect for making it work.

It worked as well as it could. I ran it briefly, before getting a
Matrox G400.

Dale Pontius


From: Robert Castelo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: dell 1700FP monitor
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 14:29:57 +0200

dear people,

i'm running linux (redhat 6.2) on a dell optiplex gx110 with a dell
in concrete the model 1700FP.

although this monitor is on the database of the linux installation, and
the frequencies are exactly those that are specified in the technical
X window shows a quite anoying flickering.

the horizontal range is 30khz to 80 khz
the vertical range is 56hz to 76hz

when i invoke the menu of the screen through the 'menu' button, it says
it is working at 78.8kHz and 74Hz, which matches those ranges.

according to these ranges and a resolution of 1280x1024, the following
is selected:

# 1280x1024 @ 74 Hz, 78.85 kHz hsync
Modeline "1280x1024"  135    1280 1312 1456 1712  1024 1027 1030 1064

which i figured out from the output of /var/gdm/:0.log  :

(--) SVGA: GART: allocated 4096K system ram
(--) SVGA: chipset:  i810e
(--) SVGA: videoram: 4096k
(**) SVGA: Option "dac_8_bit"
(**) SVGA: Using 16 bpp, Depth 16, Color weight: 565
(--) SVGA: Maximum allowed dot-clock: 163.000 MHz
(**) SVGA: Mode "1280x1024": mode clock = 135.000
(--) SVGA: Virtual resolution set to 1280x1024
(--) SVGA: SpeedUp code selection modified because virtualX != 1024
(--) SVGA: Intel i810e
(--) SVGA: i810e: MMIO registers at 0xFF000000
(--) SVGA: i810e: Linear framebuffer at 0xF4000000
(--) SVGA: i810e: Using hardware cursor
(--) SVGA: Setting dot clock to 135.0 MHz [ 0x2b 0x6 0x20 ] [ 45 8 2 ]

since everything seems to be set up according to the technical
of the monitor, i do not see a way of improving the quality of the
image, which
it's a shame for such nice screen (on windows looks fine).

i hope someone could give me some tip about this.



From: Steve Bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Diamond MonsterSound/original drivers?
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 12:47:21 GMT

Don Johnson wrote:

> careful there--i think Steve mistyped something---the MX300 has the
> Aureal Vortex chipset, with the good drivers. Everything else(including
> what I have), is not from Aureal necessarily, and won't work. So, if i'm
> not terribly mistaken, the MX300 works.

        Not sure what you mean - "with the good drivers"?  My soundcard definately 
didn't come with Linux drivers from aureal, and I was unable to get them 
from aureal (their site was down every time I tried - possible related to 
their going out of business).
        The MX300 is not supported by the kernel, and the only other drivers I 
have found are the VERY beta ones from Opensound (they sound like sh*t) and 
the aureal project on sourceforge (they sound GREAT but, as I noted, they 
have some problems with system lockups using certain videocards and 
        If you could elaborate a little bit....I'd love to get my MX300 working, 
but I worked the problem for almost 2 months w/out success.
Steve Bradley

Registered Linux User#187404
(register at


From: Larry Irons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: 2 SCSI cards in one machine
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 12:57:49 GMT

Michael Meissner wrote:

> Larry Irons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Larry Irons wrote:
> >
> > > I have a Linux computer running Caldera OpenLinux 2.3. It has been
> > > running fine for over a year with one Adaptec 2940 SCSI card with 5 SCSI
> > > hard drives attached. We have added a 2nd Adaptec 2930 SCSI card with a
> > > SCSI 8mm tape drive. At boot the BIOS for both drives is recognized as
> > > well as all of the devices. One Hard drive SCSI card is on irq 11 and
> > > the tape SCSI card is on irq 5. There are no device conflicts for irqs.
> > > There are no device conflicts for i/o ports.
> > >
> > > Linux does not see the 2nd SCSI controller, but it sees the first one. I
> > > do a "dmesg" and there is no mention of the second controller.
> > >
> > > There are no additional LILO boot parms for the Adaptec aic78xx driver
> > > regarding irqs and i/o ports. Currently the SCSI driver for the
> > > controller is being loaded as a module. Is there anything that I can do
> > > to get the 2nd controller to be recognized by the kernel?
> > >
> > > Larry
> > >
> > > --
> > > Larry Irons
> > > Senior Geophysicist
> > > Tricon Geophysics Inc.
> >
> > To everyone:
> >
> > Thanks for your replies. I sent an email to Caldera's support line and I got
> > this back -
> >
> > Summary:  Getting Linux to recognize 2nd SCSI card
> > At 09/22/2000 08:23 AM we wrote - Unfortunately the Adaptec 2930 is
> > not listed as supported hardware by OpenLinux 2.3
> > (
> > The current modules written for other adaptec cards (the aic7xx) may
> > not work with the 2930 SCSI controller.  You may want to try
> > removing the first controller and leaving the 2930 in to see if the
> > aic7xx module will load and work for it.  If it fails at boot up try
> > loading it from the commandline with the modprobe command (if you
> > can get into your system without the other controller):
> I don't know about earlier 2930 scsi controllers, but the normal adaptec driver
> supports 2930U scsi controllers used in conjunction with other scsi controllers
> (in my case, a builtin 7896 controller).  I suspect what is happening is your
> 2930 is sharing an IRQ with something incompatible.  If this is the case, you
> might try rotating the card through your PCI slots.  Another thought is to
> rebuild the kernel, making the adaptec controller builtin into the kernel,
> rather than a module.  You might also try adding "aic7xxx=verbose" to the boot
> line to get more information.
> --
> Michael Meissner, Red Hat, Inc.
> PMB 198, 174 Littleton Road #3, Westford, Massachusetts 01886, USA
> Work:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]           phone: +1 978-486-9304
> Non-work: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   fax:   +1 978-692-4482

Thanks for that info. I upgraded the kernel to 2.2.17 and built the aic7xxx support
into the kernel. I did not use any boot parameters. Both SCSI cards and all
attached SCSI hardware are recognized at boot.


Larry Irons
A Direct Descendant of William the Conqueror, Charlemagne, Clovis, Edward III,
Edward I Longshanks, King John, and Tonantius Ferreolus


From: Jacek Lach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: avermedia tv capture
Date: 28 Sep 2000 14:59:32 +0200

how to make my avermedia produce sound for both channels? i know that the
problem is with the stereo setting since under windows it generates sound on
one channel(right) if the program is mono and the tuner is set to stereo,
setting it mono makes sounds in both channels, how to make it under linux?
xawtv seems to ignore the setting, besides settings stereo, lang 1 and 2 are
disabled, is it the problem with bttv? or something else? any idea?



From: "Robert A. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Realtek 8019(AS)
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 13:46:32 +0100

Using the "net2k" driver in linuxconf worked for my 8029 RTek card in RH 6.2
and 7.0. I'm no expert, so i don't know if this is any help for your model,
but it might be worth a bash.

Rob Smith

"Holy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Realtek 8019(AS) chipset LAN card, how to set up it in linux?
> I use Redhat 6.2, but it can't detect it.
> Do I need to set the LAN card in jumperless mode or PnP mode?
> Anyone can kindly help me?
> Thx a lot!
> -Holy


From: Tom Assmuth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: scsi tape
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 14:59:45 +0200

Tobias Dresbach wrote:
> Hi,
> >    i have a scsi tape drive in my linux box, but how can
> > i find out the name of the device? how can i test it?
> try mt status
> tobi

if it's the only tape it's called 
/dev/st0    -   rewind after operation
/dev/nst0   -   does not rewind (you can add further archives)

the mt command (e.g. to change hardwarecompression to on):

mtst -f /dev/nst0 compression 1

___________  __  ____          ___    _____________________________
 / _   __   /_/ ( (   /|/| / / /  /_/                         __o  
/ (_) ///  / / __)_) /   |/_/ /  / /                        _`\<,_  
_________ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ______________(_)/ (_)


From: "Robert Hennig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mustek 1200SP
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 15:00:57 +0200

anybody know wether this model is running without problems under linux?
What firmware-version it has to have?

    robert hennig


Subject: Re: Unresolved Symbols (RH 6.2 on AMD T-bird on Abit KA-7 board)
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 06:21:02 -0700

I have the same problem with an ASUS A7V and an AMD TB.  Since the system
can't be booted after installation, how the hell did you manage to recompile
your kernel?

"Michael Hohensee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm having problems properly compiling a kernel + modules for my RH 6.2
> system, running on an AMD T-bird with an Abit KA-7 motherboard.  Before
> booting up for the first time, I had to recompile the kernel to prevent
> it from attempting to turn off the nonexistant PIII identifier number
> (which always resulted in a kernel panic).  The only thing I changed in
> the default kernel configuration was the Processor Type & Features menu
> via 'make xconfig'.  The machine now boots successfully, but is unable
> to insmod any of the modules in /lib/modules.  It first runs into a huge
> sequence of depmod errors:
> <Snip>
> Sep 11 12:03:20 G22-71 rc.sysinit: Remounting root filesystem in
> read-write mode succeeded
> Sep 11 12:03:24 G22-71 depmod: depmod:
> Sep 11 12:03:24 G22-71 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
> /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/fs/autofs.o
> Sep 11 12:03:24 G22-71 depmod: depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
> /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/fs/coda.o
> Sep 11 12:03:24 G22-71 depmod: depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
> /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/fs/fat.o
> Sep 11 12:03:24 G22-71 depmod: depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
> /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/fs/hfs.o
> Sep 11 12:03:24 G22-71 depmod: depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
> /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/fs/hpfs.o
> Sep 11 12:03:24 G22-71 depmod: depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
> /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/fs/lockd.o
> Sep 11 12:03:24 G22-71 depmod: depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
> /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/fs/minix.o
> Sep 11 12:03:24 G22-71 depmod: depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
> /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/fs/ncpfs.o
> Sep 11 12:03:24 G22-71 depmod: depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
> /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/fs/nfs.o
> Sep 11 12:03:24 G22-71 depmod: depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
> /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/fs/nfsd.o
> Sep 11 12:03:24 G22-71 depmod: depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
> /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/fs/romfs.o
> ...
> <Etc>
> It does this for every module in /lib/modules.  So naturally:
> <Snip>
> Sep 11 12:03:43 G22-71 autofs: autofs startup succeeded
> Sep 11 12:03:43 G22-71 automount[382]: starting automounter version
> 3.1.4, path = /misc, maptype = file, mapname = /etc/auto.misc
> Sep 11 12:03:43 G22-71 random: Initializing random number generator
> succeeded
> Sep 11 12:03:43 G22-71 insmod: /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/fs/autofs.o:
> insmod autofs failed
> Sep 11 12:03:43 G22-71 automount[382]: /misc: mount failed!
> ...
> <Etc>
> Interestingly enough, the system works fairly well, although anything
> which requires the loading of a module (autofs, lockd, or sound) doesn't
> work.  Recompiling the modules doesn't appear to change anything, except
> perhaps to generate more unusable modules.
> Has anyone ever run into this problem before, or been able to
> successfully install and test Linux on a system like mine? (AMD T-Bird
> 700MHz KA-7 board)  If so, how was it corrected, or which distribution
> did you use?
> Thanks very much,
> --
> Michael Hohensee


From: Tom Assmuth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Change Harddisk without rebooting
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 15:01:02 +0200

Tobias Dresbach wrote:
> Hi all,
> is it a good idea to change a harddisk under linux without rebooting the
> system? I have setup a backupserver an want to change once a week the device
> /dev/hdd. i have 4 identical ibm 30gb harddisks.
> the backupserver has no monitor ... so i want to write a script, to umount
> the disk and mount the new.
> thanks for your help
> tobi

assuming the device has id 05:

echo "scsi remove-single-device 0 0 05 0">/proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi    add-single-device 0 0 05 0">/proc/scsi/scsi

___________  __  ____          ___    _____________________________
 / _   __   /_/ ( (   /|/| / / /  /_/                         __o  
/ (_) ///  / / __)_) /   |/_/ /  / /                        _`\<,_  
_________ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ______________(_)/ (_)


Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 15:17:42 +0200
From: ferdinand.cornelissen
Subject: HELP!! simple driver to map /dev/mem to user space mem

Hi all,

I am working with a PCI board which has onboard memory. The card does
not have a device driver, so the only way I can access the card's
memory is by openening /dev/mem en mmaping the right memory block into
user space memory. However, this is only possible when running as
root. I want to be able to access the boards memory as an ordinary
user by writing a simple kernel-space device driver which maps the
correct memory from /dev/mem to memory in user space.

Can anyone help me out by giving me pointers to usefull example code,
documents or whatever useful information?

Thanks in advance.



From: "Brian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ATI Xpert (Rage 128, AGP) - RedHat 7
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 13:44:03 GMT

I just installed RedHat 7...  Much to my surprise my ATI Xpert (Rage 128,
AGP) would not work properly.  RedHat detected the card, but when I went to
test it, it failed every time, under every resolution.  Is this a problem
with XFree86 4.01, which is used by RedHat 7?  If so, is there any way to
fix this?  By the way, also RedHat could not start up it's graphical
installer on my system, so it defulted to the old menu based one...

Any ideas?

Thanks for any help!  =)

- Brian -

(P.S. please send copies of responses to my email as well as the newsgroup.
Thanks.    [EMAIL PROTECTED] )


From: "Joshua Nekl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Red Hat 6.2 won't install, freezes on Adaptec 2940 controller.
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 13:55:26 GMT

I guess I spoke too soon, as I have found my problem.

While browsing Quantum's website, I saw that the disconnect/reconnect
feature is not used with my harddrive. I disabled it in my adapter card's
bios and now everything works okay, both booting to kernel 2.2.17 and
installing RH 7.0.

Funny thing is my roomate uses the same card, same drive (slightly
different), and he has the disconnect feature enabled, and it works....

- Josh

"Joshua Nekl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:KyAA5.32229$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I'm having a very similar problem.
> I too am using the 2940u2w. However, I was able to install RH 6.2 just
> It's RH 7.0 that's doing the same things your seeing, hanging while trying
> to load the AIC7xxx driver. It accesses the hard drive, cdrom, then
> every 4 seconds or so.
> Also, I've been running RH6.2 for a few months with kernel 2.2.16 and have
> had no problems. Recently, I tried the switch to kernel 2.2.17 ..... this
> where the trouble starts.
> When kernel 2.2.17 tries to boot, it detects the adaptor, but then times
> trying to get the harddrive info.
> (scsi0:0:0:0) Synchronous at 80.0 Mbytes/sec, offset 31.
> SCSI host 0 channel 0 reset (pid0) timed out - trying harder
> SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0.
> This message repeats every five seconds indefinately.
> The hard drive that is causing the problem that lies on id0 is a
> 18GB Quantum Atlas 10K Ultra2-LVD
> Funny thing is, my roomate also has a 2940u2w with a Quantum Atlas 10k,
> except his is only 9 GB and lacks the ultra 160 interface. He was able to
> install RH7.0 just fine.
> There is also a cdrom and a burner on this card, but it does the same
> when they are removed.
> I initially thought this was a kernel 2.2.17 issue with it getting
> with the ultra 160 interface, but RH 7.0 uses kernel version 2.2.16 (who
> knows with what patches though).
> What type of hard drives are on your system???
> What firmware version is your Adaptec card using???  I'm using v2.20.0.
> - Josh
> "Walter Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I have had Red Hat on my systems for almost two years, starting with 5.2
> > and now with 6.2ish.
> >
> > My dad is a big computer-tinkering guy, and is trying to install Red Hat
> > 6.2 on an Athelon 700 with three or four SCSI disks, an IDE drive or
> > two, not sure what graphics card, mobo, etc..  but he's using an adaptec
> > 2940 u2w controller, and every time I go through the install process it
> > freezes loading the AIC7xxx driver.
> >
> > If I boot into expert mode, I see that it stops when it's trying to scan
> > the bus.  So I suspect that is the problem.
> >
> > I downloaded the latest 6.2 install diskette, but it didn't seem to help
> > any.  He will be installing it on a SCSI drive, so I'm not sure what to
> > do.
> >
> > Any suggestions?
> >
> > --
> > Walter Francis
> >                  Powered by Red Hat Linux 6.x


From: Mogens Kjaer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ATI Xpert (Rage 128, AGP) - RedHat 7
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 16:05:13 +0200

Brian wrote:
> I just installed RedHat 7...  Much to my surprise my ATI Xpert (Rage 128,
> AGP) would not work properly.  RedHat detected the card, but when I went to
> test it, it failed every time, under every resolution.  Is this a problem
> with XFree86 4.01, which is used by RedHat 7?  If so, is there any way to
> fix this?  By the way, also RedHat could not start up it's graphical
> installer on my system, so it defulted to the old menu based one...
> Any ideas?

Are you sure that you actually run XFree 4.0.1?

After my installation on my Matrox G400 machine, it uses the old
3.3.6 server, until you change a symbolic link.

Mogens Kjaer, Carlsberg Laboratory, Dept. of Chemistry
Gamle Carlsberg Vej 10, DK-2500 Valby, Denmark
Phone: +45 33 27 53 25, Fax: +45 33 27 47 08
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage:



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