Linux-Hardware Digest #463, Volume #14           Sat, 10 Mar 01 09:13:03 EST

  Re: Sound Cards ("Greg")
  Re: sound only for root (Eric Ho)
  Re: Sound Cards (Harold Colvin)
  Re: laser printer for Linux (Jonathan Abbey)
  Re: Upgrade memory problem. (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Netgear FA311 ethernet card Not working ("Clemens Ager")
  Re: Netscape error message(host unknown) (jazbo)
  Re: i815E onboard sound under MDK7.1? ("DN")
  modem question... ("moca")
  All In Wonder, Asus A7Pro ("JBruvold")
  Multiple identical cards in one box? (Genesis)
  LILO + software RAID (Emilio)
  Thinkpad 755C/CS doesn't boot any longer after fdisk (Ekkard Gerlach)
  Re: Question: setup cable modem, Linux and Windows (Rod Smith)


From: "Greg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Sound Cards
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 12:33:06 +0800

If its like my HP the Sound card is a Riptide.
If it is then there was a file somewhere for a patch

Kelvin Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:LZ6q6.1762$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I have installed Caldera Open Linux 2.4 on a HP Vectra VA PC.
> However there is a problem with sound - instead of sound from the speakers
> connected to the soundcard I get sound from the computer's internal
> speakers.
> Any suggestions for a fix?


Crossposted-To: linux.debian.user,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: sound only for root
Date: 10 Mar 2001 04:40:03 GMT

Check the permission for /dev/mixer and /dev/audio

Best Regards,
Eric Ho

In comp.os.linux.hardware Roland Zumkeller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have to apologize. The information I gave was wrong. I used to run
> xmms as root because of some issues with my mounted file systems. So it
> was not xmms, but rather the account I used for logging in.

> To summarize: Sound works only for root. For a normal user everything
> remains silent (even xmms).
> The permessions for /dev/dsp and /dev/sndstat are rw for all users. Do
> you know any other permissions that have to be set?

>> Which output plugin are oyu using for xmms?
> OSS, esound both work (only for root, though).

>> What soundcard are you using?
> Creative Labs Soundblaster with Ensoniq ES1371

> Thank you again,

> - Roland


From: Harold Colvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Sound Cards
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera,comp.os.linux.setup
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 23:49:32 -0500

Kelvin Barnes wrote:

> I have installed Caldera Open Linux 2.4 on a HP Vectra VA PC.
> However there is a problem with sound - instead of sound from the speakers
> connected to the soundcard I get sound from the computer's internal
> speakers.
> Any suggestions for a fix?
I have a HP Pavilion 8650c computer.  In my computer, the sound card is 
part of the software modem.  It would not work under linux.  I replace it 
with a sound blaster 16 pci card and an external USR 56k modem.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonathan Abbey)
Subject: Re: laser printer for Linux
Date: 9 Mar 2001 22:46:36 -0600

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Mark Bratcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| In article <98avvf$9kq$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jon Abbey wrote:
| >The only thing is, the 2100TN doesn't have the physical console that
| >the 4050 has, so you'll need a Windows (or Mac?) box on your local
| >network to run the software needed to assign 2100TN an I.P. address.
| Doesn't the 2100TN have an embedded HTTP page for config?
| It's a new enough printer that it should. Especially for a TCP/IP capable
| printer. If not, shame on HP... :-(

No, it does.  The thing is, you have to give the 2100TN an IP address
before you can access it with a web browser. ;-) The Windows software
does a broadcast or something, looking for the unconfigured printer in
order to assign it an IP address.

It actually has a very fancy HTTP server, with Java management applets
that it serves.  Works fine on Mozilla with Sun's JDK 1.3 plug-in.

Since the applets use SNMP to manage the printer, you could presumably
use Linux native SNMP management software to do the same thing.
Jonathan Abbey                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Applied Research Laboratories                 The University of Texas at Austin
Ganymede, a GPL'ed metadirectory for UNIX


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: Upgrade memory problem.
Date: 10 Mar 2001 05:09:39 GMT

On Fri, 09 Mar 2001 07:42:41 +0100, Nestor Alexandre staggered into the
Black Sun and said:
>I have a bios AMIBIOS 3.7 on an MSI5169 mother board and a AMDK6 2
>350Mhz. The mother board is configurated CPU Clock 100 and
>multiplicater is 3.5 (to have 350MHz).  Initial state: I have 2 x 32M
>SDRAM PC100 installed on my board and everithing works well.
>I try to upgrade the memory by adding a 1 x 64M SDRAM PC100. I put the
>memory in the Bank an I reboot my computer. The BIOS check the memory
>and tolds me that I have 131xxxx M RAM (the correct value 2x32 + 1x64 +
>cache ..), and checksum Error, and press F1 to reconfigure. Until now
Did the checksum error show up during the memory test phase of the POST,
or before that?  If it showed up during the memory test phase, that
means the 64M DIMM has something seriously wrong with it.  If it showed
up at any other time, that probably means that the BIOS flash ROM is
mangled and you should download the latest BIOS update from the
motherboard manufacturer and re-flash the BIOS.

You may also want to try memtest86 on your machine.  Search for "memtest86".

>I press F1 I enter in the bios configuration menus. I do nothing,
>unless Save and Exit. The computer boots and show me only 64M RAM.
>I tried to reconfigure the BIOS whith several otions (SDRAM timing,
>etc) but I see alaways 64M RAM.  I somebody can help me, maybe is a
>BIOS parameter that is wrong .... I dont know.

Most motherboards I've seen want to see the largest DIMM in bank 0, the
next largest in bank 1, the next largest in bank 2...  This may not be
absolutely necessary, but the manuals always recommend it.  If the 64M
DIMM is not in bank 0, put it there and put the 32M ones in banks 1 and
2.  The DIMM slots should have little numbers silkscreened near them
telling you which slot is which.  HTH,

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt     /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
=============================/    I hit a seg fault....


From: "Clemens Ager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Netgear FA311 ethernet card Not working
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 05:31:57 GMT

That also happened at my machine.
The point is as long as there is this fa311.o in the directory make will do
nothing. After renaming fa311.o to (eg.) fa311.old make produced a new
fa311.o which worked fine (except I did the startx-thing....)

Clemens Ager

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:pLcq6.1126$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> After following the instructions for compling driver for my new Netgear
> FA311 Ethernet card... and everything appeared to go smoothly, I went to
> test 'insmod fa311.o' and got this error text
> fa311.o : kernel-module version mismatch
> fa311.o was compiled for...
> while this kernel is version
> 2.2.17-2mdk
> After browsing the website no luck, I gave in and contacted tech support
( 1
> hour on hold ) latter. I'm told that they only have a version for Red Hat
> ...
> "Paul Whippey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:986a1l$ge7$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > > I also got a FA311. There is a new driver at
> > > > (just enter fa311
> > > > that compiles fine (you probably should remove the fa311.o first,
> > > > rename all the filenames to lowercase).
> > > > But I got a strange problem with it. It all works fine in text mode,
> but
> > > > as soon as I do a startx or init 3 it stops working till I reboot
> > > > machine. btw. I'm using SuSE Linux.
> > > > I just wonder has anyone a FA311 that works under Linux?
> > > >
> > > > Clemens
> > >
> >
> > My Linux server (Mandrake 7.2) has an FA311 installed, once I used the
> > driver from Netgear I have had no problems. It works fine in text or X.
> >
> > HTH,
> >
> > Paul.
> >
> >
> >


From: jazbo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netscape error message(host unknown)
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 01:02:03 -0500

Ron Hansen wrote:

> After I connect to the Internet and launch Netscape, I get the following
> error message:
> Warning:  the following hosts are unknown:
> rhansen
> This means that some or all hosts will be unreachable.
> perhaps there is a problem with your name server?
> if your site must use a nine-route name server, you will need to set the $
> socks_nsenvironment variable to point to the appropriate name server.  It
> may(or may not)be necessary to set this variable, or the socks host
> preference, to the IP address of the host in question rather than its name.
> Any suggestions on how to resolve this problem would be greatly appreciated.

I am assuming "connection" means dialup with a modem - it makes a difference if
you mean something else, so if that assumption is wrong please correct me.
(Also, tell us the name of the tool you're using to connect, please. )

If you are actually dialed in and getting connected, then that error message
would point to a mistake or absence of Domain Name Server addresses for the
resolution of site names into numerical internet addresses.
In the file /etc/resolv.conf you should have your ISP's nameserver addresses.
For example my /etc/resolv.conf looks like this:


The first is the DNS server for my ISP in my local area - the second is the
master DNS server for the ISPs network. (Actually in truth, right now it looks
a little different from the above because I am using another option for
PPPD that causes me to accept whatever DNS address my ISP thinks is convenient
at the time I dial in - never mind that though)

If you put in the nameserver addresses that your ISP gives you (call tech
support 1-800 if you don't know them) in your /etc/resolv.conf, then Netscape
*should* find the addresses for sites you direct it to by name and you won't
see that message. Unless the link to the ISP is not actually up.

First verify that you are in fact dialed in and authenticated by your ISP after
you click "connect". Even if your DNS is screwed up, you should be able to ping
the nameserver addresses supplied by the ISP *by number*. ALso use this
command: ifconfig -a (/sbin/ifconfig -a if you run it as a regular user not
logged in as root)
If you are really dialed in, the ifconfig command should show you a stanza for
the  PPP network interface. It will look like the second paragraph:

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3924  Metric:1
          RX packets:103431 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:103431 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0

ppp0      Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
          inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
          RX packets:1947 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:1627 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:10

If you are, in fact, not on the network there will be nothing for ppp0 at all.
If there is data like this for ppp0 then probably the only thing wrong is that
your nameservers haven't been put into /etc/resolv.conf yet.

If there is no info for ppp0 in the output of /sbin/ifconfig , then you have
some more basic configuration to do and that would be the subject of another
post, probably to comp.os.linux.networking. Watch the file /var/log/messages as
you dial in to get a feel for where the dialup fails .

#tail -f /var/log/messages  to see your dialer's messages enter the logfile
(ctrl-c to quit tailing the file) If you are getting on the network then you
should see your assigned network address as the last message entered by pppd
until it either hangs up or is hung up on by the other end. If you aren't
getting on the network then there may be a message that explains why (eg: no
dialtone, no carrier detected, lack of 8bit clean connection, bit-order
reversed something like that. Also look out for evidence that the other side is
sending a login/password request that your chat script doesn't understand -
repetition of messages like "User Access Verification" would be such a sign)

Another thing that would be of great use to ppl trying to help with an answer -
tell us what distribution of Linux you're using and the name of the internet
connection tools you've been using to try to connect to the Internet. In
general try to provide every little bit of detail you can think of when asking
for help, even to the point of silliness - it just increases the likelihood of
someone being able to identify the problem.  Hope this helps.



Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: Re: i815E onboard sound under MDK7.1?
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 05:46:59 GMT

I'm terribly bad at can you point me to a good resource for how to
"build a new kernel" without destroying my system?


> There is support for the i8xx under 2.4.2 ( CONFIG_SOUND_ICH ) but I'm
> pretty sure it's not in any previous kernel. So -the answer would seem
> to be to get the latest kernel sources and build a new kernel. This
> kernel does work fine with 7.2.
> Pete


From: "moca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: modem question...
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 15:40:51 +0800

Is this modem compatible with Linux?
3COM/U.S. Robotics 56K  Voice INT PnP ISA> >>

chipset : motorola

I can't find dirve for it
anybody can tell me ???


From: "JBruvold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: All In Wonder, Asus A7Pro
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 08:50:27 GMT

I just bought Linux-Mandrake 7.2 and am having trouble setting it up. Just
when I think its going to finish booting up the screen goes on
stand-by(black) and I can't see a thing.
Is there an item in my system that is known to have compatibility issues ?
I know the modem might not work but I use it in windows. I am really wanting
to try Linux out after seeing the sceern shot demos of it at . It looks like it might be a nice change
from Windows and the app. bundle that came with it sound great if I could
only get it working.
 Asus A7Pro
Duron 800 (not o.c.)
24" Full tower c/w 300w P.S.
256mb PC133 Micron Ram set to CLK 3
ATI All In Wonder Pro 128 32 MB(AGP)
SBLive Value
ESS Win Modem56k
Realtec 10/100 ethernet card
LG Burner 8x4x32x
LG DVD 12x40x


Subject: Multiple identical cards in one box?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Genesis)
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 09:32:28 GMT

    I was wondering how well it would work to have two
identical Ethernet (or whatever) cards on one box?

Say I have two Linksys LNE100-TX (tulip) in my box, will it work
to have this in the /etc/modules.conf (/etc/conf.modules)
alias eth0 tulip
alias eth1 tulip
options tulip options=0 debug=1 
Then there is that pesky options line, how would that work?



From: Emilio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: LILO + software RAID
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 12:46:10 GMT

Hi everybody I'm facing the following problem: my PC has two HDs that
work in software-RAID under linux (patched 2.2.16 kernel), on the other
partition (actually there are two other partitions because in order to
use RAID under linux I had two make two partitions for each HD) I've
installed Windows 98 but I'd like to upgrade to Windows 2000 as soon as
possible; but I'm prevented from doing this because the boot manager I'm
currently using (LOADLIN) can't work with Win2k.
LILO could be the solution but I wasn't able to install it because it
keeps complaining that the HDs have too many cyliners; this is the
'fdisk' output for the two HD (My system language is Italian I hope you
understand it anyways):

Disco /dev/hda: 16 testine, 63 settori, 19906 cilindri
Unit=E0 =3D cilindri di 1008 * 512 byte

Dispositivo Avvio    Inizio    Fine   Blocchi   Id  Sistema
/dev/hda1             1      9953   5016280+  fd  Autorilevamento raid
di Linux
/dev/hda2          9954     10214    131544   83  Linux
/dev/hda3   *     10215     19906   4884768    c  Win95 FAT32 (LBA)

Disco /dev/hdc: 16 testine, 63 settori, 19906 cilindri
Unit=E0 =3D cilindri di 1008 * 512 byte

Dispositivo Avvio    Inizio    Fine   Blocchi   Id  Sistema
/dev/hdc1             1      9953   5016280+  fd  Autorilevamento raid
di Linux
/dev/hdc2          9954     19906   5016312    c  Win95 FAT32 (LBA)
Thanks in advance for your help!
--  =

Emilio Federici


From: Ekkard Gerlach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Thinkpad 755C/CS doesn't boot any longer after fdisk
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 14:09:13 +0100


did I destroy hardware with linux fdisk ? My thinkpad 
doesn't want to boot any longer after repartitioning 
with linux fdisk. I bootet Suse linux rescue system 
with diskettes (because Suse linux installation failed
with /sbin/modprobe -error) an started a repartitioning. 

Now, after rebooting the screen shows 


only! (=20 MB RAM) .The rest of display is blanc. 
In BIOS I tested all hardware: completely okay. 
My setting are booting from floppy first. I tried 
booting from harddisk first, too. No success!

Can anybody help? 



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Question: setup cable modem, Linux and Windows
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 14:07:06 -0000

In article <o2%p6.16582$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> John Dubchak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> I've purchased a Linksys Router/Hub with the capacity to act as a hardware
>> firewall, along with necessary ethernet cards for the Windows and Linux
>> machine as well.
> a cleaner and cheaper way would be just to put 2 ethernet cards on ur linux
> machine... one for ur cable modem and one for the windows machine.

This is also much less secure. A mistake in the Linux firewall
configuration or a bug in Linux lets others into the system. Given that
this is an existing Linux system we're talking about, chances are it's
being used for something, so it'll have lots of stuff on it that an
intruder would find useful. A dedicated hardware router, by contrast, is
easier to configure and therefore more difficult to MIS-configure, and
it has little or nothing on it that can be used by an intruder to do
more damage. Further, the dedicated hardware router can easily be left
on at all times; using a Linux box as a router requires that it be up
whenever the Windows system should access the Internet, which might not
be convenient.

Author of books on Linux & multi-OS configuration



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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