Alan Cox wrote:
The other IT821x change is a bit ugly, we slightly abuse the cable type
hook to fiddle with the identify data for the devices. We could add a new
hook for this but as we have only one offender and no more seeming likely
it seems better to keep libata-core clean.

Please let this sit in -mm briefly, just in case the relaxed checking
breaks some other emulated interface.

Signed-off-by: Alan Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Two questions:

1) should I queue for 2.6.24-rc?

Can we leave it once cycle in -mm and aim for 2.6.25-rc. There is a tiny
possibility we will find someone who finds slave returning 0 produces a
ghost drive or decode problem. Probably paranoia.

into #for-testing it goes

2) why is ->dev_config() insufficient?

It is called (I think correctly) after we have performed identify
dependant actions including HPA sizing.

hmmmm. It certainly seems like we should have a hook that permits touching up dev->id[] before we go through all the actions based on IDENTIFY DEVICE results.

It sounds like such a hook would be more appropriate here... can you think of any other situation or driver that could make use of a pre-dev-config hook?


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