Isaac Aaron escribió:

> May I add that English is anyway a language all of us must use
> in order to use our computers in everyday life.
> Every meaningful reference, our most common applications,
> the configuration files, almost everything we use is written in English.
> Even when discussing computer related topics in Hebrew, we still use
> English often.

That does not mean that true localization of all computer terminology into Hebrew
should not be attempted, and even seen as goal for which to strive.  Ivrit was only
Lashon HaKodesh for two milinia, but in less than 100 years it can be used to write
such things as Calculas books.   There is a need for the concepts of computer science
to find expression in each contries native tounge, and there is especially this need
in Hebrew.  The fact that such expresion to date  is awkward is only a sign that more
work needs to be done in this area, not a sign that we should forget it.  A seperate
Hebrew only list would be  step in that direction.

> English understanding has become a requirement for computer
> understanding since the very beginning and often gives a substantial
> advantage for a person who works with computers.

The concepts of computers are not tied to a particular language.  The language that is
most often used to express these concepts is English, but the very concepts and ideas
themselves are tied to no language.

> Our English is plain, simple and technical. We don't generally use any
> language the common Israeli couldn't understand. The people who
> address this mailing list would also have difficulties in using Linux (or
> any other OS) while all the menus, FAQs, READMEs, man pages and
> documentation is written in English.
> Does the mailing list's language cause a problem?
>     I think not.

No, but that does not mean there is not a need for a Hebrew LUG list.  Yes there may
be difficulties with Hebrew on Linux, but what a better reason to have list whose
primary language is Hebrew, where these sort of issues can be discussed.  Also, many
of these problems will never be fixed if people do not make an effort to use Hebrew in
Linux find the problems and either fix them or complain about them to the proper
people until they are fixed.


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