miss Comic Sans on web pages? :)

Summed up from the SVLUG mailing list, credits to Scott Stone, Karsten
Self, Dave Zarzycki and especially D. Dante Lorenso.

These are the simple steps for getting True Type fonts working under X and
especially the GIMP. XFree86 will support this internally in version 4.


1) Download and Install

        a) ftp://rpmfind.net/linux/rhcn/RPMS/i386/xfstt-0.9.10-2.i386.rpm
        b) su
        c) rpm -i xfstt-0.9.10-2.i386.rpm

2) Put True Type Fonts in place and update the database

        a) copy /win98/win98/fonts/*.ttf /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType
           (actually a symlink will do!)
        b) /usr/X11R6/bin/xfstt --sync

3) Start the Font server and connect it to the X server

        a) /usr/X11R6/bin/xfstt &
        b) xset +fp tcp/localhost:7100

4) fonts will appear under the "ttf" foundry in any font selector
        (xfontsel, gfontsel, etc)


xfstt is also available for debian as a .deb package on slink, and the
sources are here:

fonts'n more:

>  - Does this provide font support in applications like Netscape,
>    Applix, and WordPerfect or do various apps still tend to think
>    they serve their own fonts?

Netscape: full support espec. for ugly oversized HTML mails that you
          may receive.

Applix: full support, you need to connect the fonts via FontTastic font-
        server as user root.

WordPerfect and Staroffice come with their own fonts.

for StarOffice you can get more fonts ... look at yahoo etc.

it seems to use the hinting correctly in all font sizes, only it won't
do antialiasing like windows does (well, most of the time) and doesn't
support two-byte charsets in a font (specifically Hebrew couldn't be
displayed here from standard Hebrew windows distribution)

You can also just get the XFree86 RPM packages from

Should work with Redhat or TurboLinux.  They're known to work with both
English and Japanese truetype fonts.

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