
first i wise to apologise for sending this mail to this list but as no
other source helped (well... IBM help line gave me a "cookbook" but after
following accurately every instruction and getting nothing "baked" I
called them again and the response was "can we do it on sunday, we havent
managed to operate it here...." :))

I need to esatblish a PPP connection between a PC with windows NT using
RAS to RS/6000  station running AIX 4.2.1 with PPP package (bos.dte.ppp i
think) installed. i am using US Robotics 33600 external sportster modems.
the PC always initiate the call, the unix always receive. (no need to
manage connections the other way around)

I managed to install the modem as a tty and communicate with it using cu.
and created a ppp user on the AIX. lssrc shows that the  ppp
daemon (subsystem) is running.

when I use the NT to call asking for terminal after dialup i get a blank
screen with no request for user/password which leads me to beleive the
problem is with the AIX somewhere. does anybody have a clue?

                             Ciao , Cheers and C'ya
                           Nezer Zaidenberg AKA scipio

    "work is the curse of the drinking class"
                                              -Oscar Wilde

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