very good, my friend ! I like your enthusiasm very much. Please stay in
contact and follow the mails !

Folks, look at this person ! Take a bit from his enthusiasm for yourself
and wake up ! Let's do a picnic, it really is the best solution for all.

Schlomo :-)

On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, fusty LePeR wrote:

> Hello there
> Im interesting, i think a picnic is a great idea
>  we can have this picnic in -Kan Saker-.
> im new around here (and with linux ) so i hope this picnic will  be
> friendly.
> I dont know how your last dinner was, im picturing this meeting and im
> thinking of
> linux's gurus with big glasses,  eating their sandwiches and speeking about
> concepts
> and terms that i really dont have a clue about :))
> i hope that i can be useful and contribute to this meeting .
> im volunteer to do what ever you want me to do
> i'll ask my dad if we got BBQ device ( i think we have ).
> also i can bring a box ( 6) of coca-cola or Rc or whatever you guys drink as
> a contribution to this group
> which i found very fun and helping group and hopefully to make new linux's
> friends ....
> ( my grandmother live near  Kan Saker so it shouldn't be a problem to bring
> those drinks)
> if u want me to do anything else please mail me!
> im sure i can be more helpful.
> im KNOW this will be great-educational meeting
> just let me know where and when and i'll be there
> thank u :))
>      bye!
> >Hello fellow ILUG friends,
> >
> >in regard of the last diner beeing held in TA, I really suggest that we
> >convene in our beautiful capital this time.
> >
> >Also another idea popped up: To solve all the problems with kosher/non
> >kosher, veggie and personal preferences, why not do a Linux picnic/BBQ
> >where everybody brings his own favorite drink & food to grill (veggie
> >burger, fish, steaks etc.). I would gladly volunteer to bring the coals
> >and am sure somebody who has a BBQ device will volunteer to bring it. This
> >would also make the whole issue a lot cheaper (I recall paying Pizza Huts
> >hefty prices for tiny pizza) and solve the fighting about restourants or
> >pubs.
> >
> >Jerusalem has many parks to offer where such a picnic would be very nice
> >to hold, while car & bus access is easy.
> >
> >Another point would be the possibility to bring family along and not have
> >a geek-only meeting, but turn the whole event into something bigger.
> >
> >I find it very important to cultivate the Linux community in Israel, but
> >I think that till now we did not leave the borders of a geek club.
> >
> >Special Attention all Jerusalemites: If you are (even remotely) interested
> >in a Linux-initiated meeting (in whatever form) in Jerusalem, please speak
> >up and especially send an email to me to announce your interest.
> >
> >Special Attention to those who are at the HUJI Givat Ram Campus: In
> >addition to the above you are invited to come and meet me at my office in
> >the Computer class in the Harman science library, tel. 65-85812 in order
> >to get to know each other and hammer out details of the meeting.
> >
> >Intended date of the meeting: somwhere in the range of 18-23 August 1999,
> >preferrably Thursday (19.8) or Friday (20.8).
> >
> >Sincerely Yours,
> >Schlomo Schapiro
> >
> >PS: In absence of anybody taking command, I volunteer to do so. If anybody
> >objects (s)he is invited to do so by him/herself instead or together with
> >me, but somebody has to do it and has to keep pushing.
> >
> >
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