On Wed, Mar 08, 2000 at 01:24:22PM +0200, Orit Vardi" wrote:
> I would like to change or upgrade the Red Hat 5.2 Linux distribution of my private 
>workstation+College laboratories.
> How is RH 6.1? How is Suse 6.3? or maybe Caldera?
> I, personally, would like a more sophisticated distribution, meaning: I'm not 
>looking for the friendliest one.
> Any sugestions ?

You've just described Debian. Sophisticated, not friendly. Also: Most
technically advanced, the most organized / consistent, and the most
complete. You can also buy CDs from many vendors, and maybe someone on
the list could burn you some.

> Orit Vardi
> www.hadassah-col.ac.il
> Hadassah College Computation Center
> Tel: 972-2-6291988  Fax: 972-2-6250619

        - Adi Stav

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