On Thu, 4 May 2000, Moshe Zadka wrote:

> I don't know what you classify as "useless" bits, but note that gmc is
> dead -- it's being officially replaced by nautilus, Eazels lead project.

I am not the only one who hates it then :)

> > they SUPPORT it, but not doing any actual KDE 2.0 development AFAIK.
> I guess we have different meaning for the word support. You seem to say it
> in the "Microsoft" sense -- they agree to look helpful on the phone, while
> I use it in the "Free Software" sense -- they actively fund devlopment and
> bug fixing.

in that sense you define "support for GNOME" the same for RedHat and
Helix? these are two levels of "Free Software Support" as you call
them. please clear the semantic puzzle for me lest we start losing track
here :-)

RedHat are keeps people on their payroll to do GNOME development, but
they don't aspire for a full desktop development like Eazel or an office
and groupware like Helix. those last two actually innovate and not just
renovate. in THAT sense, I don't know if there is a company INNOVATING
for KDE, the Koffice is a loose commuinty project (so it seems to
me?) and is moving at a pace to match.

Ira Abramov ; Penguinophile ; www.linux.org.il 
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