Ilya Konstantinov wrote:
> Here's a problem I was able to sort out, even after
> going through the PPP FAQ and HOWTOs.
> I installed a 33k modem from Zoltrix (Rockwell chipset)
> and while it works, it works fairly stable, but each
> time after I restart the machine, or after a long
> delay (many hours of not using the modem
> to dialup), it will fail on the first connection
> attempt:

Try turning on debug and kdebug 1, so you can see what the chat script
is actually doing. You'll also get to see the control packets
sent (in a human-readable form).

Do you have any of the ppp support code compiled as a module?
Check if any modules get loaded after the first time you
try to connect (slhc, compress etc), and try loading
them before you try to connect.

 /---------------------- Omer Efraim -----------------------\
/--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] (remove spam_me) --------\
| I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world      |
| without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world,   |
| because they'd never expect it.                            |
\--  Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts  ----------------------------/

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  • PP... Ilya Konstantinov
    • ... Omer Efraim
    • ... Shaul Karl
    • ... פופוב יבגני
    • ... Yosi

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