Title: RE: PPP only succedes the 2nd time

    Here's a problem I was able to sort out, even after
    going through the PPP FAQ and HOWTOs.

    I installed a 33k modem from Zoltrix (Rockwell chipset)
    and while it works, it works fairly stable, but each
    time after I restart the machine, or after a long
    delay (many hours of not using the modem
    to dialup), it will fail on the first connection

      Here is an answer from RH   Support FAQ:
     6.6 Problems with PPP "double dialing" your ISP


    Several combinations of modems and ISP services would cause the PPP connection to dial once to the
    ISP, hangup, and then redial the number.


    This problem is due to a race condition in some code for filtering out signals from sub-processes.

    You should get the updated PPP package from
    http://www.redhat.com/support/errata/RHEA1999051-01.html or from our updates FTP site.

    For detailed instructions on how to install a package, please see our FAQ. 

    I though that i am the only person eating this shit.

    Best Regards

= Evgeny Popov ===================== [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
=               Water Management SCADA Centers Developer               =
=                   ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL SERVICES                 =
=                 SUBSIDIARY OF MEKOROT WATER CO.LTD              =


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