Dear IGLU cabalists and hangers-on:, publisher of Slashdot, freshmeat, and other Web
sites, needs a part-time writer/editor to select news
submissions and cover breaking news stories during hours
most US-ians are asleep but most Israelis are awake.

This is for a new site we're launching that will have a more
global emphasis than Slashdot. Some work on freshmeat may
also be available.

I need a person who is familiar with Linux, *BSD, Open
Source and Free Software, and keeps up on happenings
*worldwide* that relate to these topics. I also expect
professional-level writing skill (in English), and I don't
mean that cool e-mail you wrote to your aunt last week; I
want to see a reasonably large amount of published work from
you, although it doesn't necessarily have to be in
professional online publications.

Another major characteristic I must have is extreme
reliability. The person(s) we select will be working at
hours when other members of our krewe are asleep. It takes
an exceptional level of self-discipline to work from home
without supervision. Some people have it, some don't. If you
respond to this, please be someone who gets up and does what
you have to do on your own without a boss standing over
your shoulder.

Pay will be hourly, in U.S. dollars, and will be in line
with what U.S. magazines pay for similar duties. We have
about 20 hours per week available now. The ability to gather
and report news rapidly and accurately by e-mail and phone
will quickly lead to bylined articles, fame, higher pay,
more hours etc.

I would love to hear from you *if* you meet the
qualifications outlined above.

- Robin 'Roblimo' Miller
Editor - in - Chief

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