Well, allow me to add some info..

KDE Studio Gold (and probably the free KDE Studio) will have also the following

* Integrated CVS handling. The same way (well, almost, it is still Linux) that
people are used to work with Source Safe.
* Auto-completion - On this issue the chances are about 80% that it will be in
* Class browser - same, again, as Visual Studio.
* Integrated test console. KDE Studio Gold has a dockwidget that contains a
konsole KPart. This is useful in many ways, for example when testing text-mode
apps without leaving KDE Studio Gold. 

A second beta of KDE Studio will be out this monday. During the beta you can buy
the gold version (with tons of docs) for $35

> The first two are KDE based, where KDevelop is really KDE centric (though it
> supports GTK development with wizards and such), and KDE studio is much more
> relaxed. also KDEstudio has nice features like wizards for writing libraries
> and multi-project workspace (with the other IDEs you can only work on one
> project at a time), but is lacking in other areas (its interface could use a
> lot of improvements, and the normal version's class browser is no match for
> KDevelop's). wxStudio is built with the wxWindows tool kit that uses GTK or
> motif under Linux, but I don't know how the IDE itself relates to any
> graphical desktop environment.
> Also there are two or three GTK/Gnome centric IDEs, but none of them deserve
> any notice in comparison with the aforementioned products.

GLADE is nice, but it's buggy as hell. I just tried few days ago to work with it
a bit. Crashed right after I pressed "page down" :(

> For Perl development I don't know of any good open source graphical IDEs (I
> just write it with a simple text editor - or more accurately - a simple
> win32 text editor ;-), but ActiveState has a project called Komodo which
> aims to bring a fully functional IDE with all the bells and whistles for
> development of Perl and Python. the last version I actually played around
> was Beta 1 where the current version is Beta 1.2, but it looked really nice
> even then. you can , of course, download it for free from their site.

For python development for Windows and Linux, you might want to try thekompany's
Black Adder product. URL:
http://www.thekompany.com/products/blackadder/index.php3?dhtml_ok=1 - it looks
damn impressive from the screenshots, and you can download a limited free
version there. The price is pretty cheap - $80 or $50 during the beta period.

> p.s.
> if you don't limit yourself to C++/Perl , you might want to look at the
> nicely progressing Lazarus project. I sincerely believe that they will have
> a working and useful IDE in less then 6 months.
> Oded

Hetz Ben Hamo
Hardware Research dept.
Aduva Inc.

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