Hi, Schlomo!

On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 12:35:05PM +0200, you wrote the following:

> I am having trouble to setup squid to use my ISPs proxy. I seem to set it
> up correctly as
> cache_peer wwwproxy.huji.ac.il parent 8080 3130 default no-query no-digest
> but it just doesn't work. It seems like my squid can't talk to the parent
> squid, it just waits a lot and then returns a connection timed out.

Are you sure that the HUJI proxy has ICP enabled? The inter-proxy
communications aren't done through the regular 8080 port, but through
a special protocol which has to be enabled. Read the Squid docs.

Alex Shnitman                            | http://www.debian.org
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concludes that it will also make better soup.
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