Just to get practical for a second, I'd like to throw in my experience with
NATing an ADSL connection.

When I signed up with Actcom, I had every intention of using my ADSL line to
NAT all the computers in my house.
I called Actcom and *told* them that despite the fact that their end-user
agreement prohibits me from using the ADSL connection 'in a network
environment' I'm going to do exactly that. I had the impression that Actcom
had no problem with that, they just didn't want to know about it (as in 'do
it, but don't tell me about it'). I was quite persistent, though, and I
insisted that they understand that I *am* going to use ADSL to connect my
internal network, and after a long discussion I received formal confirmation
(although not in writing) that it was okay by Actcom, as long as Bezeq don't
mind (according to Actcom, Bezeq is the one that prohibits this).
I then called Bezeq and repeated the process, they said they have no way of
knowing anyway so I can do whatever I want.

Take this anyway you want - the bottom line is that you can do it and nobody
will know, and even if they will, they don't really care. If it's *that*
important to you (i.e. you're afraid of legal problems) send an official
letter to your ISP and to Bezeq and tell them you're NATing your connection.
IMO if you use specific but technical terms they'll have no idea what you
mean and just leave you alone.

- Aviram

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