
A couple of small corrections. Also have a look at the IGLU faq.

On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Alexander V. Karelin wrote:

> Dear Micha!
> To sort the confusion (and since I've dealt with the same issue before),
> here are a couple of comments:
> 1. The unix/:-1 thing is very simple. unix stands for transport. / has to
> preceed the hostname. If the host is local, than the column follows the
> slash. And the last part is the number of the port, which for unix
> sockets, is -1. So - if You want to use Your font-server's resources -
> first check which transport/port does it serve on. And than add it to the
> fontpath.
> 2. A font directory is quite tricky. It needs to have a fonts.dir file.
> For Type1 & Type2 fonts, run: `mkfontdir > fonts.dir`
> For True-type fonts, run: `mkfontdir > fonts.scale`

I don't think mkfontdir extracts names of TTFs as well. You need to use
some variation of 'ttmkfdir >fonts.scale'

And after that, 'mkfintsdir' to create fonts.dir from fonts.scale.
Actually, you can simply run 'ttmkfdir >fonts.scale'

> The next step is to generate the encoding for the fonts. Well - in short,
> it is a list of all encodings support by each font. To generate it You
> need to know where the encoding control files are locate. Usually it is
> in:
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/encodings
> and
> usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/encodings/large
> Well - it is usual for X11 v4+, but it may be different someplace else.
> You may also want to use alternative and additional encodings (??? Well,
> it may well be - after all, this is linux!). So - to generate the encoding
> listing, run mkfontdir in the following manner:
> `mkfontdir -e [encoding directory 1] -e [encoding directory 2] ...` until
> You run out of encoding dirs.
> After You're through with this, fonts are "loadable" (suposably).

Is this step necesary with XFree out of the tarball? Out of the rpm?

> 3. Font-server configuration is located someplace on the disk. Finding
> this location is quite easy - look in Your xfs startup file. The default
> location may be found through "man xfs".

/etc/X11/fs/config on my system

> Once You have stumbled upon xfs config file, add the paths that You've
> added and made ready (proccess 2) and... Well - first, shut down Your X11
> server. (BTW: if You have it loaded on startup, look for the instructions
> below). 

(not entirely necessary. The imporatant thing is not to run this from X,
in case you write the wrong config and the fonts server crashes. If you'rr
ein X there's a chance that the whole console will lock. If you're no in
X, you can simply kill X.

If the X server is up, and you change anything in the list of availble
fonts, you should run

  xset fp rehash

>         Than restart Your xfs. Start X11 again and run xfontsel - a
> program that allows You to review all Your fonts. If You found the new
> fonts there - fine. If You havn't, that means something went wrong.

You don't have to restart X for that:

  fslsfonts -server unix/:-1 |less

> 4. XF86Config
> The default path for it is /etc/X11/. But, it may be someplace else. The
> true location of the XF86Config file may be learned by different means,
> but if You ran out of all of them, there is a rather simple wayof finding
> that out. Rename /etc/X11/XF86Config (or any other "suspect") to, let's
> say, /etc/X11/FX86Config.hidden and try to start (restart) X11. If the X11
> goes bananas (i.e. refuses to start) - than You've got the right one. 

This is not a good method: if you suspect XF86Config and XF86Config-4 ,
and decide to rename XF86Config-4, X will probably load well (although it
may complain. However, the XF86Config man page will tell you:

  This configuration  file  is  searched for  in the following places

> Well
> - this is a brutal yet efficient way of locating configuration files...
> Unless we're talking about production server or services that are vinal
> for machine's life...:)

A better method:

see what is the X server (the symlink from /etc/X11/X in my system). If it
points to /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86 then you use XFree4, and if XF86Config-4
exists, it will be used.. If the name is something else (e.g:
/usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_SVGA) then you use XFree 3 and XF86Config will be

> 5. You've configured X11 to start upon system startup and it won't
> shutdown. Besides some very brutal ways there is a bit more civilized way
> to stop the loading of X11 upon system startup. In Your inittab
> (/etc/inittab) there is a line that ensures that X11 runs. It usually
> refers to /etc/X11/prefdm but it may refer to another place as well.
> Commenting out this line, saving the file and restarting the machine (btw:
> You have to be root in order to do all that) would do the trick.
> Uncommenting this line and restarting the machine again would undo this
> trick. Whilest configuring font-paths and other tweaks You can always
> manually start an X11 session by running startx. Again - this is not a way
> for a production machine or a server... But if You intend to run X11
> server on a production machine, than, well... I hope You won't, that's
> all.
> 6. xset solutions
> If You do not wish or feel unable to engage in a long and complex journey
> into the land of X11 configuration, You can simply setup an xset sequence
> upon session startup - just for Your private pleasure. If You're using
> GNOME or KDE, Youeven have a very pleasant, GUI accomplished way of doing
> so. Again - the font-directory part has to be done anyways.
> On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Micha Feigin wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > i am running mandrake, I am not sure what version, one of the latest. I
> > tried to set the fontpath under XF86config, but the fonts in the font
> > directories don't load. When I use xset fp+ ... and xset fp rehash the fonts
> > load ok.
> > There is a comment in XF86config saying that mandrake no longer uses the x
> > font server by default and one of the options is unix:-1 or something like
> > that (the unix and -1 are there I don't remember the syntax exactly).
> > How do I make the fonts load automaticaly?

Tzafrir Cohen

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