On Tue, 20 Nov 2001, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

> On Tue, 20 Nov 2001, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> >
> > Hi all.
> >
> > I installed Mandrake 8.1 on my friend's computer which is a Pentium 200
> > MHz with 256 MB of RAM. I used Kernel 2.4.x, XFree86 4.1.0 and the rest of
> > the default MDK configuration. We used Vanilla IceWM as the desktop.
> >
> > >From some reason, it ran very sluggishly. After we downgraded to RedHat
> > 6.1, it ran perfectly fine, even with GNOME or KDE.
> >
> > So the question is: what caused the fact that the newer configuration ran
> > more slowly than the older one, despite the fact that it used a much more
> > lightweight desktop environment. Was it the new XFree86? The newer Kernel
> > (2.4.x vs. 2.2.x)? Or what?
> If you suspect XFree: What display adapter?
> Generally XFree 4 is not more slugish.

He has an ATI Mach64-based video card.

> Have you checked for unnecessary servers? What were the main CPU and
> memory consumers?

I don't know.

> Did you check KDE programs? Keep in mind that a kde program (like
> konqueror) brings up all of the KDE "daemon processes" with it.

We did not use KDE. We used Vanilla IceWM. No KDE, no GNOME, no batikh -
just IceWM.

> Have you tried an icewm there that only uses solid backgrounds (and not
> gradients and bitmaps)? I'm not sure how much this has an effect with a
> P200.

We used a solid background.

> One thing that may make mandrake appear slugish sometimes is anacron:
> anacron runs the last cron.hourly, cron.daily, cron.weekly and
> cron.monthly cron jobs that were missed (because the system was not
> running, or not running linux) at a later time. "a later time" is sometime
> after the next time the computer boots.
> So the first time you run Mandrake in a day it may run some "heavy" cron
> jobs such as locate's updatedb (goes over the whole directory tree).

I don't think anacron was running. But who knows.

> Have you tried diposing of kdm and using a non-graphical login?
> I believe that this is a non-issue, but I keep seeing a "kdeapm" (or
> something similar) process taking ~80% CPU with priority 20 on a friend's
> machine with Mandrake 8.0, that loggs into icewm.

We started X from the command line using startx.

> >
> > Since the machine is not connected to the Internet, and my friend only
> > uses it for a university course, which does not require all the software
> > to be the most up-to-date, it is not critical that he will run the older
> > distro. But, still I'd hate to think that Linux is becoming as bloated as
> > Windows does.
> Still, a good C++ compiler may be relevant to your friend. I believe that
> recent linux distros have a better c++ compiler. Other than that, it is
> indeed not that important.
> BTW: Keep in mind that cygwin also includes gcc.
> --
> Tzafrir Cohen
> http://www.technion.ac.il/~tzafrir

Shlomi Fish        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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