On Tue, 20 Nov 2001, Shlomi Fish wrote:

> > Have you checked for unnecessary servers? What were the main CPU and
> > memory consumers?
> I don't know.

as a rule, when you have slagishness problems - don't just go installing
something else. instead, run the few tools you have on linux to diagnose
the problem (usually 2 minutes of looking could reveal simple problems):

top - to see how much free memory you have, and how much is in use, and if
      there are pig processes with regards to CPU usage or memory usage.
tail -f /var/log/messages - to see if you have odd system messages.

vmstat 3 - to see I/O operations (disk access, page in/out,
           interrupts/second, context switches/second, etc). ignore
           the 1st line of output (it is garbage) and look at the rest.
           the '3' means 'show a line every 3 seconds'.

> We did not use KDE. We used Vanilla IceWM. No KDE, no GNOME, no batikh -
> just IceWM.

you answered a different question then what tzafrir asked (or you
might have meant to say you didn't run konqueror at all? note, konqueror,
not KDE)

> > Still, a good C++ compiler may be relevant to your friend. I believe that
> > recent linux distros have a better c++ compiler. Other than that, it is
> > indeed not that important.

regarding this, the c++ compiler that comes with redhat 6.2 (egcs 2.91.66)
has bad bugs that causes crashes when allocating various STL constructs
(mostly std::string) on the stack - these problems don't seem to exist in
gcc 2.95.3 (latest stable kernel, if we're not counting gcc 3).


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