"Nadav Har'El" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What is this last return statement?? Returning from main? That's not
> something you're supposed to do in a multithreaded program. It
> might, for example, free the entire malloc pool, including arg which
> is later freed in the second thread, causing a segmentation fault.

You are right that there should not be a return statement, but it is
not what is happening: free() is OK, according to the
debugger. Besides, return from main(), as well as any exit(), should
terminate the process (including any threads), freeing the memory by
independent means, not execute the rest of the code, buggy as it may

> Try replacing "return EXIT_SUCCESS" by "pause()" (for example) and see
> if it now works.

Tried it, with pause() or without - did not help.

Oleg Goldshmidt | [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
If it aint't broken it hasn't got enough features yet.

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