guy keren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> the fact that in this specific code you didn't have a problem, does not
> prove it is correct. the debugger can only be used to show when you _do_
> have a race condition - it cannot be used to prove there is _no_ race
> condition.

No argument here. I did say Nadav was right, I only pointed out that
it was not the cause of the problem - I tried his suggestion.

>  > Besides, return from main(), as well as any exit(), should
> > terminate the process (including any threads), freeing the memory by
> > independent means, not execute the rest of the code, buggy as it may
> > be.
> not true at all. the main thread is just a thread. when it calls exit(),
> the other threads may still be executing, and theoretically, there could
> be a context switch in the middle of the exit() function, and this might
> cause a race.

Theoretically. Actually, I was quoting Stevens, whom I thought to be a
reliable source, but now I am not so sure (see below)...
> when you handle multi-threading, you are not allowed to say "it won't
> happen" 

This is not specific to multithreading.

> as for the bug itself - you are not allowed to pass a NULL pointer as the
> first parameter of pthread_create()

To tell you the truth, I was counting on you, choo, specifically, when
posting the message ;-). This solved the problem indeed. I did not invent
passing a NULL pointer to pthread_create() - I lifted it from UNP as
well. Apparently the thread library became less permissive since then.

Thanks to everybody: choo, Nadav, Omer.

Oleg Goldshmidt | [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
"If it ain't broken, it has not got enough features yet."

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