hi guys,
You misunderstood this guy. I think you frightend the little fella ;).
Now seriously, he meant that the linux file will be on the fat32 partition.
Check out Phat Linux and other distributions here:

and phat linux here:

* - * - *
Tzahi Fadida
Fax (+1 Outside the US) 240-597-3213
* - * - * - * - * - *

-----Original Message-----
ami bizamcher
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: linux over win9x

At 19:57 28/11/01 +0200, you wrote:

"Does any one know about a small linux distribution that can be run as an
"application on win9x (I don't mean those dists that sits on one of the win
"partitions and requiers reboot to start them) ?
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Ishai hey,

There is Cygwin.
Cygwin is an Unix\Linux environment for using under windows. It can act as 
a shell and with gcc for windows support it can also compile your linux 
tools and programs. I used it once, a long time ago so i  don't remember 
much, but it worked great. I think the only thing that it doesn't run is X, 
but i can be mistaken. (no one is perfect ;)

here is the web site link: http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/

-- Ami Bizamcher.

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