
PF1/REL imported them last time I checked (by phone). I saw it also once
in a shop in JM (an old version, of course).

And, they actually do have an excellend Evaluation CD (nobody else has
s.th. like this !): It boots a live filesystem from CD with all bells and
whistles installed. Including proper setup and it saves all the data +
your home dir on the local disk (vfat partition needed).

I think this is a very good solution for the evaluation problem and people
who want to suck from this a normal installation can just boot it and copy
it over to their hard disk (and do normal RPM installs afterwards).


PS: Download it from ftp://schapiro.org

 On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

> On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Schlomo Schapiro wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I also tried to talk to them (and I speak German !) to no avail. I told
> > them that their local importers are doing them a dis-service. But they
> > told me that they have long-running contracts and that's it.
> Who is their local importer?
> Last time I looked at their site, there was a link to an Israeli reseller.
> The site of the Israeli reseller had no mention of SuSE (only of
> Mandrake, if you bothered digging deep enough into the site).
> Do you see any SuSE in any store? Do you see any Redhat or Mandrake?
> >
> > I don't think that the problem is political, though. I see two major
> > problems:
> > 1) Israel is very RedHat centric (we are soooo American !), therefore
> > there are not so many (almost NIL) people who would buy SuSE
> SuSE sells pretty well in the US. Mandrake (originally french) is also
> doing well. Maybe some people here have problems with German products (no
> flames please, I'm only stating a fact), however I don't think that this
> is reflected in the sales of FolksWagen.
> > 2) SuSE doesn't bother to have importers in many countries. They are just
> > open for importers to make business with them. I imagine that the
> > Situation in Cyprus or Poland is not much better than here. It's just our
> > bad luck that we got an "Israeli" SuSE importer.
> Hmm...
> >
> > Also, note that $130 seems pretty close to the SuSE price if you would
> > order from them directly (from Germany).
> >
> > I once ordered a package directly from them for my work and it
> > was all very well, except the 60 DM shipping cost.
> 130$?
> If they don't start handing out evaluation CDs, (almost) no-one in Israel
> will bother with that.

Schlomo Schapiro
Senior System Administrator
MobilEye Vision Technologies Ltd.

24 Mishol Hadkalim St., Jerusalem, Israel
Telephone:  + 972-2-586-6989 Ext. 131
Mobile:     + 972-55-767898
Fax:        + 972-2-586-7720

WWW:   http://www.mobileye.com

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