On Mon, 24 Dec 2001, Ely Levy wrote:

> I agree with most of the e-mail but I don't think it should be so
> aggressive. I had a long talk with Nadav harel last night,
> about the purpose of iglu and the ways to accomplish that.
> the diffrance is between what guy think the purpose is to what Omer
> and me think it is.
> community?locale?hebrew?pushing linux?supporting newbies?meeting place for
> expert?those things need to be defined in order for people to participate.
> I strongly suggest in making a doc describing it having it vote on and be
> put on as the "official" thing.

Why, Ely, how right you are!
I realize it was stupid of me to rant about the IGLU Web site without a
definition how it is supposed to serve the community.

My proposal for IGLU charter:
1. Meeting place for experts.
2. Channel of support for newbies.
3. Opportunity for new people to demonstrate their skills so that in the
   future they may find a job (e.g. by organizing booths, contributing to
   a Free Software project, helping administering the Web site).
4. (Hebrew support does not belong here!  It belongs to the Ivrix project,
   and besides we should not commit to things which we are too lazy to
5. Source of information about Linux related news and activities in
                                             --- Omer
There is no IGLU Cabal.  People don't even know what is the IGLU Cabal
supposed to accomplish!
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