A question to the MTU gurus (Muli/Dani?):

I'm pretty sure I have an MTU problem. However, I can't figure out:
A. How to 'debug' it (i.e. I don't know if the problem is really MTU)
B. What the problem is (if it exists).

I think that (A) is especially important, since I'm getting the feeling I'm
chasing ghosts;

The symptoms are as follows:
I'm have an excellent ADSL connection, but connecting to certain servers
using timeout-sensitive protocols I am having problems. For example, when
trying to upload files to my FTP server, either using FTP or SSH + rz, the
connection takes forever and breaks up in the middle quite frequently.
Pinging the server shows that my packet loss is negligible and that the
connection is fast (~35ms, <1% packet loss). Other people can FTP with no
problems. I have no other problems with that server or with my Internet
connection in general (i.e SMTP, HTTP all work quite nicely). The only think
I can think of is some strange MTU problem.

For example, trying to FTP from my linux connection (the one connected to an
ADSL) via FTP fails miserably with timeouts. The connection is done
directly, so it's not a masquerading problem.

Now the facts:
The MTU on the ppp0 interface is: 1452
The MTU on the eth1 interface (the one connected to the ADSL modem) is: 1500

as far as I can tell from the how-to, that should be the right values. Any
idea how I can debug it and/or fix the problem?

Aviram Jenik
Beyond Security Ltd.

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