Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
>No. The unicode specification specify exactly how a compliant
>implementation should display bidi (convert logical->visual). All
>implementations should be strictly compliant. If two separate
>implementations display the same sentence in a different way, then at
>least one of them is buggy.

I have no intention to start a bout of Microsoft bashing, but you should 
know that there is a serious departure from the Unicode algorithm in 
Windows implementations starting with NT4 (depending on updates), all 
Win2k and all WinXP versions.  The problem is as follows:
Given the string "abc 123HEBREW" where upper case letters represent 
Hebrew, the Unicode algorithm says that it should be displayed as "abc 
123WERBEH".  However, Windows will display it as "abc WERBEH123" (try this 
in Notepad for instance).

Note that MS Internet Explorer displays correctly according to the Unicode 
algorithm.  Also, the bug will not appear if there is a space between 
"123" and "HEBREW".

This is relevant because you may receive in your Linux machine mail items 
sent from Outlook or another Windows-based mail program, and it may not be 
displayed for you the same way as the author saw it when creating the 

Shalom (Regards),  Mati
           Bidi Architect
           Globalization Center Of Competency - Bidirectional Scripts
           IBM Israel
           Phone: +972 2 5870999  ext. 1202    Fax: +972 2 5870333 Mobile: 
+972 52 554160

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