
On Sun, Jun 02, 2002 at 12:53:18PM +0000, Alon Kadury wrote:
> hi,
> i'm not a sysadmin, but worked a bit on linux during my first degree, so 
> please be kind (and rewind) and try to answer my questions as simple as you 
> can.
> 1. i have a lan with a linux and windows 2000. can i access the windows file 
> system from the linux? if so how?

With smbclient or smbmount.

> 2. can i allow logins (telnet logins) only from know ip's, without 
> installing a firewall?

Edit /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny. Do 'man hosts.allow' for info.

> if you know of a site, or how-to for my questions please send me a link and 
> i'll read and learn myself, the problem is i dont know exacly where to start 
> (subject name to search) and i'm getting a lot of junk.
> thanks
> alon
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