Let's see how many approaches are there to answering the question:
1. Dedicated command (dirname)
2. expr (known also as the S&M method)
3. pipe rev pipe pipe rev (known also as the differential SCSI cable
4. PTP (Perl/Tcl/Python)
5. Custom COBOL-85 program
6.,7.,8.,... any more bright ideas?

On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Official Flamer/Cabal NON-Leader wrote:

> Quoth Nadav Har'El:
> > I figured that since I came out the total idiot (giving the 4th identical
> > answer in 5 minutes), I'll expand your knowledge by showing *how* this
> > can be done with expr(1) and using shell builtin features.
> Nadav, nadav, nadav - this is over-obtuse. Let's try the other way :-)
> ---cuttez---
> marc@hyena:marc/$ which gcc
> /usr/bin/gcc
> marc@hyena:marc/$ which gcc | rev | cut -f 2- -d"/" | rev
> /usr/bin
> ---cuttez---
> ch, basicly, says - take the returned string, if any, turn it over, chop
> off its head, turn it over, return it...
> But, I must admit, the expr games are quite... errr... esoteric ;-)...
> Marc

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