On Sun, Oct 27, 2002 at 10:43:24AM -0500, Arie Folger wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to grow the / partition. When I wanted to resize partitions in the past 
> (which did happen a number of times to /usr and /home as I weaned myself from 
> windows and the available tools grew by leaps and bounds), I just copied the 
> content of the partition, using cp -a, to a directory on another partition (I 
> may have used tar zcf if I only had space on a vfat partition), destroyed the 
> partition, recreated it with more sectors (typically the new secttors came 
> from another partition that moved after eating some vfat for breakfast ;-)), 
> and finally copied the contents back to the new partition.
> This is obviously inappropriate for /, because I can't unmount /. I tried to 

You can do that from single-user mode, while it's mounted readonly,
if you have space for the new partition. After you copy, you will
have to update your boot loader (lilo or grub) about the move
(probably in more than one place, if /boot is on / ).
If you need to tar and untar, you will need some rescue floppy/CD.
While you probably can use RH's first CD for that, it's easier to
use a dedicated one (and I personally prefer knoppix, without any
intention to start a flame war or a "my rescue cd is better than
yours" thing).

> use ext2fsadm, but it wants a file created by vgscan. I read the docs, and 
> they require me to create logical volumes with vgcreate. At this point I am 
> slowly getting lost, so does anybody have quick instructions on this one?

This is a "volume manager". There are some projects in this area,
the latest is EVMS. I haven't had the time to play with any of this,
but I intend to, and it seems promising. However, for a small task
like what you need this is too big an overhead, I think.

Good luck,


> I am using a RH8.0 on a amd k2-550, and my drive is (from dmesg):
> hda: FUJITSU MHK2120AT, ATA DISK drive
> hda: 23579136 sectors (12073 MB) w/512KiB Cache, CHS=1467/255/63, UDMA(33)
> Thanks,
> Arie Folger
> -- 
> It is absurd to seek to give an account of the matter to a man 
> who cannot himself give an account of anything; for insofar as
> he is already like this, such a man is no better than a vegetable.
>            -- Book IV of Aristotle's Metaphysics
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