It was HIS words that what interview means:P
he had some good ideas and he had some bad ones.
I also remember some people from gcc getting upset on him
Some gnome people as well. and reading what he said and what people said
in general doesn't leave me with too good impression.
anyhow no one is perfect.

Ely Levy
System group
Hebrew University
Jerusalem Israel

On 18 Dec 2002, Gilad Ben-Yossef wrote:

> On Wed, 2002-12-18 at 12:47, Ely Levy wrote:
> > well I guess it changed a bit from the intreview of his.
> > too bad I didn't keep the link it was long ago.
> > but I remember something about saying that if israel would invite him he
> > would never come here cause we act like SA
> This already happened to me several times, enough that I'll remark on
> it, that certain people (sometime from the media) represent RMS, his
> views and behavior, in very different ways then my own personal first
> hand impressions of him.
> Now, it can only be accepted that some difference of views will exists,
> but this goes beyond this. Also, although I admire many things that RMS
> does or the way he thinks I do not idolize him.
> I guess the best advice is - don't listen to other people impression,
> talk to the man in person (or read his own words) and judge for
> yourselves.
> Having said, my personal opinion is that he is a very very smart person
> which has a very far reaching vision. The problem is that because he
> sees things so clearly he has a hard time explaining to people how he
> gets to his conclusions, which are really very very logical on their
> own, and this makes his views seems absurd at the time.
> However, 5 years after the fact you see exactly what he was thinking of
> and then you say: "Hey?! what do you know? he was right after all...".
> After this happens a couple of times you begin to appreciate him much
> more.
> If you want to have a taste of what I've just written, go look in these
> two links and note the dates in which they we're published/happened:
> Also ask yourself what had been the result of the latter if RMS and like
> minded people haven't been rising up to support our rights.
> For me, it was a eye opener.
> Gilad.
> --
>  Gilad Ben-Yossef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  "When you walk up to the guard on a train and ask if it is the
>   Swansea train, you do not expect the reply `I don't know, I'm
>   about to phone the driver to find out where we are going'.
>       -- Alan Cox, the diary.

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