On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

> On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, Omer Zak wrote:
> > If you can spare a partition in your hard disk (or, better, if your hard
> > disk/s are in removable drawers), then you can make a fresh
> > minimal Debian installation in the spare partition.Once the fresh
> > installation is working, copy the XF86Config-4 created there to your
> > regular installation.
> What program creates XF86Config-4 during the installation?

Look at man xf86config and man xf86cfg

> Can't it be run manually?

AFAIK, yes.
However:  if Amir Tal's original problem was not only in his XF86Config-4
file but also in another place, then a quick way to solve the problem
would have been to have a clean and working installation.  Amir could
then compare all of his config files with the corresponding ones in the
clean installation, and even temporarily substitute them - until he finds
which was botched up without backup.

(For now, this is just an academic discussion, as Amir Tal solved his
                                             --- Omer
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