Omer Zak wrote:
> As a pretty good approximation, "no one" knows about Linux, but "everyone"
> knows about Mac.
> So an effort focused at getting Israeli Web masters to make their Web
> sites accessible to Mac by modifying the Web sites to comply with
> standards is likely to be more successful than efforts having other foci.

Everyone knows about them, but no one uses them. :-( At this point I
expect that there are more linux machines in Israel (but not people who
use exclusively Linux) than MAC's.

The economics simply aren't there. If you are providing a free service
in Hebrew, it's not worth making it work on anything but I.E. If you were
selling it, it might be different, but only if you thought that you could
get enough paying customers on MACs, or Linux, or whatever to cover the

Geoffrey S. Mendelson
MobilEye Vision Technologies Ltd, R.M.P.E House, 10 Hartom St. Har Hotzvim
Jerusalem, 91450 Israel Tel: +972-2-5417-356 Cell: +972-55-667-090
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