On Tue, Dec 31, 2002 at 04:07:52PM +0200, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
> Omer Zak wrote:
> > As a pretty good approximation, "no one" knows about Linux, but "everyone"
> > knows about Mac.
> > 
> > So an effort focused at getting Israeli Web masters to make their Web
> > sites accessible to Mac by modifying the Web sites to comply with
> > standards is likely to be more successful than efforts having other foci.

Go with your complains to the government. "Lishkat Ha'havoda's" webmasters
course is a joke. Generally speaking, not to disrespect anyone, the level of
professional knowledge in Israel webhosting market is lower then the dead sea.

> The economics simply aren't there. If you are providing a free service
> in Hebrew, it's not worth making it work on anything but I.E. If you were
> selling it, it might be different, but only if you thought that you could
> get enough paying customers on MACs, or Linux, or whatever to cover the
> cost.

Surely you are joking? To make a site (as complex as it is) to be compliant
with all browsers (or rfcs) is, roughly estimated, 5% more work to someone
who knows what he's doing (i.e. any second level programmer in India, Europa,
USA (though more expensive), Australia and so on).

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