Oron Peled wrote:
Completely true. That's why I think we should change strategy.
The emphasis should be on:
	- The web team you hired doesn't follow web standards.
	- Many clients (e.g: people with other IE versions)
	  may be affected.
	- You wouldn't know it (it looks ok on your computer).
	- It would reflect badly on your company public image.
You might also want to be armed with tools to show how does
their site look like in different browsers and show them an
easy way to check it.

I recall that I saw a service that showed how you site looks like
in various versions of all kinds of browsers but I can't find it now.

What I found that could be useful here are:

List of tools to check your web site: http://www.craigcecil.com/checkyoursite.htm

including the Lynx viewer: http://www.delorie.com/web/lynxview.html

W3C Markup validator: http://validator.w3.org/


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