On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Eli Marmor wrote:

> * Migration from the current ASCII "CONF" format to binary format or
> database-based format. There are zillion GUI's for Apache (just as an
> example), and none is good, because it's impossible to develop a GOOD
> GUI for an ASCII-based configuration file. I guess that everybody is
> going to laugh at the "REGISTRY" and other MS stuff, but handling
> ASCII CONFfiles, with VI/emacs, when you are a dummy, is impossible.
> (I know that many people don't agree with this point, but I don't
> want to start a new argument, although I have a lot of experience and
> knowledge in this field; The last line remains thesame:

Why, yes of course, if you move to binary configuration files for your
applications and make their format a trade secret and release obfuscated
source files for the modules, which deal with the configuration files,
then you in effect erect a tollgate and make it difficult for developers
to develop competing configuration tools for your applications, and then
you can make some money from configuration tools, time spent at
installation, consulting fees, ad nauseaum...

                                             --- Omer
I am sick of binary configuration files!
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