Quoth shlomo solomon:

> I'm afraid this is going to start a **war** and that's not my
> intention, but I really feel I've got to get this off my chest.

War is good - drives the economy ;-). See if we shan't have one soon.

> My problem is that LINUX (as much as it's progressed over the years)
> is still much too hard to install, set up, and use. As things stand
> now, it's not really a viable alternative for John Q. User. As opposed
> to other OSs (that will remain nameless), there's still too much
> tweaking required. And for a non-technical user, it's just impossible.

Good. That is the idea. Fuck JQU, (s)he is not worth the effort, anyway.
The sooner we get back to the old priesthood computing model, the better.

> all required too much effort.  As someone wrote to the list recently
> (sorry, don't remember who - and this is not an exact quote): I want the
> computer to do useful work - tweaking is only a means to that end and not
> the purpose of having the computer. 

You want to _USE_ the computer. You are not part of the priesthood - get
out of my terminal room post-haste. Computers are not the means - they are
the ends. Serve the computer, friend citizen, the computer is your friend.

> get to watch TV? Basically, all this keeps LINUX as an OS for
> **experts**.

Yes. Experts. Us. All seventeen of us, give or take.

> As  I said, I don't intend to start a war - I am a committed LINUX user -
> but it really shouldn't be so hard.

It should not be so hard. It should be MILES harder.

Go away - you're a troll.

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