Dear Amos, 

When I replied privately to you in the message you quote, I did it
for a reason. By replying to the list, you are making tje unforgivable
sin of making private a public correspondence. With every additional
message you send, you take another gigantic leap towards my
killfile. Please halt, turn back, reflect upon your sins, and come
back eventually. Not too soon, though. 

You wrote: 

>>> Because part of supporting open standards is that you don't have to use
>>> specific software in order to enjoy a forum properly. I can't use procmail
>>> because right now I read the list on Outlook (that's what we have at work),
>>> which gives me enough filtering.

And I replied (privately!)

>> You need to go back and read what you've said. Really, do it. 
>> Because *you* use a substandard MUA, the list should accomodate your
>> needs, and annoy some (if not all) of the subscribers? Get a shell
>> account somewhere running on a Unix system, or write your own outlook
>> filter rules or COM plugin, or whateer. I couldn't care less. 

And you had the temerity to reply, on list: 

> Have you seen me ask "why cant people use Outlook" anywere?

And went on to say: 

> From your previous reply it sounded like the list is designed only for
> people who can use Procmail.

s/Procmail/email, and I wholeheartedly agree. You, obviously, are not
a member of that group. 
Muli Ben-Yehuda

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