On Wed, 19 Feb 2003 15:18:26 +0200, Eli Segal wrote
> We have at our firm, two novell server which serve as 
> file server, printers managment, and users/passwords manager

Which Novell version? 3.x? 4.x? 5.x? the answer is different for each one of 
> I want to change those servers into linux 
> Is samba is all I need ?

You mean "migrate"...

You'll need to run a Linux server, and connect it somehow to the Novell 
machine (thats why I asked you which version). If it's Novell 3.x, then there 
is a Linux client which can talk to you Novell server and authenticate 
against it. It's not very complicated.

If it's Novell 4.x or 5.x, then you'll need to find a Novell client for 
Linux, authenticate, and move the data. 

You should consider a way to authenticate the Windows users on Linux with 
some LDAP or so...


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