What do you think of the following.

Remote server. Machine has uptime of 159(!!!).
ssh responds as if the machine is totally idle.
ps hangs, cannot complete (not ^C).
same goes for top and for killall.

I cannot kill some processes.
I cannot seem to reboot the machine.

This looks like some process is in uniterruptable sleep, but without PS, I cannot find out who.

ls /proc doesn't list too long.

There is one process that, if I try to "ls -la" in it's proc dir, hangs the ls process. Other processes are ok.

Ideas, anyone? I don't even know how to find out which process it was (i have a general idea, due to the fact that I tried to kill services, and some of them hung).


Shachar Shemesh
Open Source integration consultant
Home page & resume - http://www.shemesh.biz/

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